MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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I've noticed there's a lot more dialogue about the whole Buckner/Dunton/Sajag rivalry thing. Does anything actually come of this? Do the Dunton's do ANYTHING any more? And is it possible to get tha key to Trapper Town if you told Sajag where Toxic Caves were, the dog doesn't have a key anymore....?
Help would help.
@forddieselguy: this mod included patch, you dont need it.

@jack_of_shades: You need download Mr.Fixit mod and install it to Fallout2. (important: replace Obj_dude.int (10KB) with Obj_dude.int(32KB) in Scripts folder).

I've got a small problem in my game,I CANT SAVE,:(
Whenever i wanna save the game crashes and i cant do anything,it happened in 2 comps that i installed,any help would be apreciated.Thank You
heodien said:
I've got a small problem in my game,I CANT SAVE,:(
Whenever i wanna save the game crashes and i cant do anything,it happened in 2 comps that i installed,any help would be apreciated.Thank You

Try this: Uninstall the game. Delete all remnants of the previous game folder. Then reinstall and add the Megamod. That should do it. You might have a file still there, like that worldmap file, that is preventing the saves. However, I know these instructions will work.
Got fallout 2 yesterday and did 3 installs.
On 1 of them I'm running this mod and it works as expected, nice work:)
Hi. I've recently downloaded the Megamod and have a query about editting it in the mapper. Why are there so many Reserved Items towards the end of the items lists? Should these be anything? I've currently only installed the Megamod without any updates. Any help would be appreciated.
Chris Parks said:
Hi. I've recently downloaded the Megamod and have a query about editting it in the mapper. Why are there so many Reserved Items towards the end of the items lists? Should these be anything? I've currently only installed the Megamod without any updates. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Chris,
First thing...download and install both updates.
There is no point in working on out-of-date code/source, the updates include fixes aswell as new additions to items/scenery and critters.

Second. The reserved items were just that...reserved slots as part of the 'A New Vision' mod by Teamx.

Bear in mind that Megamod is not a mod in itself (personally i think it's better than that) it's the incorporation of many popular mods into one working stable mod

Three, Enjoy...if you find any problems (or fix any) remember to report/pass them to MIB88
I see the Kaga encounters with "error". The game doesn't crush and the encounter itself goes fine. But the encounter name is "Error".
MIB88, have a nice vacation and thanks for the Megamod.
1: Clean install FO2 (uninstall, delete fallout dir, install)
2*: Extract the megamod & the megamod updates to three separate folders.
3: Move all the folders from the second megamod update into the data folder of the megamod.
4: Move the fallout2.exe from the update to the megamod folder.
5*:Move all the folders from the third megamod update into the data folder of the megamod.
6: go into the sound\music folder of the megamod and delete all the music files (*.acm) except 25sewer.acm (all the others are already in FO2)
7: In the megamod proto folder set all the files to read-only.
8: The megamod folder should contain fallout2.exe and a data folder.
9: In the fallout2 folder, delete or rename the patch000.dat file (if it exists).
10: Final part, To install just copy the fallout2.exe and the data folder to where you installed the game. (if you don't get asked about overwriting the exe and the data folder then you've done something wrong)

ONE QUESTION,we install the first and the second update then the megamod?

Problems:klint is called villager when he gets attacked,there is no dynamite in vics place
I cant find the kid that should be stealing the man crop,even in midnight and waiting 20 minutes,thanks
heodien said:
ONE QUESTION,we install the first and the second update then the megamod?

Problems:klint is called villager when he gets attacked,there is no dynamite in vics place
I cant find the kid that should be stealing the man crop,even in midnight and waiting 20 minutes,thanks

Install the Megamod first. Then install the files from update 2. Then install the files for update 3. Some of the files might be appear to be duplicated. It is possible that they are. But it is more likely that there was a problem with the file and needed some minor change.

Thanks for the error list. I will check them out.

@wolfsrain: Thanks. But my vacation won't be starting for another month (gotta get home first!).

I should have another minor update soon. Flynt7111 brought it to my attention that I missed a number of files from the lootable armor mod. I have made the changes to a number of scripts and should be all finished with those by tomorrow night.

Also, for everyone, I am in need of a few items to incorporate into the Megamod...just for a few ideas of my own. First, there is an inventory item for Tandi, for when you rescued her from the Khans in Fallout 1. Could someone please make a similar inventory item for a regular guy? Also, if someone has the time or has been dabbling with this already, I am looking for a talking head. But not of a person...but for a brainbot/Skynet. I have no skill whatsoever in the realm of pictures for this game. Anybody up to the challenge?

* Install MegaMod - just a basic install
0- install pure fallout2 (no Patch, no any mod). ex: c:\Fallout2
1- we extract MegaMod and it's Update into three folder. ex. c:\temp\mega1 (orginary MegaMod), c:\temp\mega2 (Patch 2), c:\temp\mega3 (Patch 3)
2- copy the data from mega2 folder to mega1. *note: make sure copy data to right location
3- copy the data from mega3 folder to mega1. *note: make sure copy data to right location
4- copy the data from mega1 folder to Fallout2 folder. *note: make sure copy data to right location

* Answer:
- yeah, i have same. When he attacked he run away and shout like a villager in encounter.
- Dynamite on the ground in Vis's place. Try to find on the ground.
- About stealing kid, here's the tip: wait near the field to night (i sleep to 00:00 AM), you will see a kid sneak into the field, then chase that kid. After the kid ran away, wait until morning and talk with field's owner. Then you go to Down Town of Klamat and find that kid. ^_^ *sorry* from here you need to find out yourself, that's the fun when playing Game.
Thank you flynt,but when you gave the tip i already had found out,but thanks anyway,one more question,how do we save the guy in the Shack?
Does this means that I don't need the files from the first update?
I have installed all the three updates...
In the Den, Becky is asking for the book again. I know that has something to do with killap's patch and he corrected that with a mini patch....
heodien said:
Thank you flynt,but when you gave the tip i already had found out,but thanks anyway,one more question,how do we save the guy in the Shack?
The trigger is pretty small. You must move towards the back of the shack, keep it to the left wall. At some moment you will get a message from the guy inside and he'll give you the key. Inside is a dog that you must calm down somehow(meat jerkys maybe?!) or kill. No matter how you solve it you will get 30 karma and can go bcak in the village. The date that you must reach the village is 4 august, not 4 april as I've seen in some other post. You must wait a bit after talking with Hakunin, talk again and do the initiation thingie. And no, you can't be both shaman and warrior as you start the quest for shaman, the quest with the gecko skins for warrior will disappear. And viceversa.
"A new vision" mod was made actually by Team X, and that was their choice. The mod is by now pretty much dead. No updates since the last year.More about the mod is on www.teamx.ru.It would've been nice to do the both paths though. Don't forget the fact that the megamod is a collection of mods and MIB88 only brought them nicely together.He didn't create them. Only made the mods that he liked to work together, without the need of multiple mod installs.And for that I thank him.
wolfsrain said:
Does this means that I don't need the files from the first update?
I have installed all the three updates...
In the Den, Becky is asking for the book again. I know that has something to do with killap's patch and he corrected that with a mini patch....

Yes you've got to have the files,all of the 3.
In my game i just found it once,and the quest was crossed over,dunno mayble you didnt installed properly,or me,dunno
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