Michael Jackson: Dead

Cheers Leon - gone on my bad taste jokes list. 8-)

maximaz wrote:
Remember J.M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan? He was also suppsedly a kid at heart and hung out with kids and was accused of being a pedo, but nobody ever brings it up.

You just did.

Also Lewis Carroll.

As long as people write about MJ the pedo allegations will be part of HIStory.
And what about Roman Polanski ?
This guy has a huuuuuge career despite being an alleged rapist.
I bet that most people don't even know it.
I don't think Micheal Jackson is a rapist anyway, all the evidence points against it. His maid who "saw" him in the shower with a little kid was actually lying to get money.

But to be honest the dude was still totally fucked in the head.
Kilus said:
Roman Polanski is not a alleged rapist. He is a rapist.

Not really. He pleaded guilty to sex with a minor, aka statutory rape, but the charges of rape by use of drugs, sodomy etc were dropped in that guilty plea. So he's a convicted pedophile, not a convicted rapist.

Which is why he can't go into the US anymore, there's a warrant for his arrest there, but he fled rather than serve jailtime.

Roman Polanski is a low-level scumbag, and I think everyone knows that, but it's a funny comparison, since he also has a lot of apologists.
:( :salute: Farewell Michael. I truly hope you will be remembered for your amazing contributions to music and not all of the general weird stuff.
Brother None said:
Kilus said:
Roman Polanski is not a alleged rapist. He is a rapist.

Not really. He pleaded guilty to sex with a minor, aka statutory rape, but the charges of rape by use of drugs, sodomy etc were dropped in that guilty plea. So he's a convicted pedophile, not a convicted rapist.

I'm pretty sure there was coercion on the part of Roman Polanski. Sex + coercion = Rape. Committing rape makes you rapist. The fact she was 13 may make other terms apply to him but doesn't invalid the fact he is a rapist.
Kilus said:
I'm pretty sure there was coercion on the part of Roman Polanski. Sex + coercion = Rape. Committing rape makes you rapist. The fact she was 13 may make other terms apply to him but doesn't invalid the fact he is a rapist.

Yes, I know he's a rapist. He's just an alleged rapist because he was never convicted of rape, instead pleading guilty to statutory rape. So what MrBumble said was correct, and what you said is incorrect.

PS: coercion? He gave the girl alcohol, drugged her and then raped her. Why the fuck they didn't just chop his balls off right there is beyond me.
Radwaster said:
You just did.

Also Lewis Carroll.

As long as people write about MJ the pedo allegations will be part of HIStory.

Aren't we a smartass.

Of course pedo allegations will not be forgotten, that's not what's being discussed here.

The point is that he will not be remembered for them but rather for his contributions as an artist. Just like with J.M. Barrie, those allegations won't be brought up as anything more than rumors and people trying to get paid. That's what people are talking about here.
The conundrum with Jackson is that if you go around saying he was a pedophile and you're wrong, you're committing a horrible injustice, while if you go around insisting he wasn't a pedophile and you're wrong, you're committing another kind of injustice. There really isn't any middle ground.

I tend to think he wasn't a pedophile. The legal case against him was full of holes, and has a plausible explanation outside MJ raping the accuser. Also there seem to be a lot of people who knew him personally and who have credibility as human beings (at least in my opinion) who are willing to say he was innocent. When I look at his music and his career, I don't detect the kind of repressed guilt I would expect to see from a child rapist - the kind of repressed guilt you see in an OJ Simpson, for example. Lastly, being a pedophile seems almost too mundane for Jackson, as peculiar as he was. It's much more strange to be an asexual adult child who has friendships with children than it is to be a pedophile. It's much easier for people to understand pedophelia than asexuality.
Yeah man, wolf just summed it up in a nutshell. Anyone could tell that the Jackson case against him was full of holes. Plus that kid McCaully Caulkin said Jackson was innocent twice.
After the thriller video with him as a zombie I cannot take his death seriously. Besides before him there was Dire Straits on MTV. So jump-starting the current MTV scene is a good thing because . . . ?

He was a weird individual who changed music history, according to me for the worst. And if child rape cases are so often staged, how come there's so few of them? Surely there must've been something. I feel sympathy for his family, but he was getting creepier fast. At least at this moment many people can remember him for the good things he did and he cannot tarnish his image.
What most of you don't get is that in fact Michael Jackson isn't dead.

Let's consider-

(1) Michael Jackson has no private life. None. He's got hundreds of millions of dollars, but little opportunity to escape the prison he lives.

(2) He has millions in debt. Supposedly he's been in the hole for about $500 million and his property faces liquidation

(3) He's being sued. Recently he was sued by some rich oil family for the rights to do a biography or something. But there were other suits.

(4) The anticipated concert series he was planning faced uncertain prospects.

(5) He knew he'd never escape the allegations of pedophilia. His only chance was to disappear.

(6) that said he was very close to his children, whose identity he generally kept private (for their own protection).

(7) His estate is a mess. They can't even find his will and debts will no doubt complicate matters.

So if you were Michael- what would you do?


My theory- he staged his own death, perhaps using some variety of drugs to induce a coma or coma like condition then paid his way out. At the same time, his estate has made millions over the past week since his passing- which will help offset debts. Meanwhile Jackson managed to squirrel away a substantial fortune in banks in the middle east (which have very good secrecy laws), and from which he can draw money.

And Michael? A bit of plastic surgery to hide his features and he disappears.

I mean folks, haven't you seen Bubba Hotep?
I mean folks, haven't you seen Bubba Hotep?

Yes. Great movie too. This would be more like the 2 Pac theory though. Or I'd say so. Now we are going to see two new albums from Michael now.... ya know... "Previously unreleased rare studio recordings"
:oops: You see I'm dead, Im dead, I'm really, really dead, you see I'm dead,. I'm dead, you know it, uhu huh,.
Brother None said:
welsh said:
And Michael? A bit of plastic surgery to hide his features and he disappears.

Yeah, I think I've spotted the flaw in your theory.

Brother, you know we had to start the "Michael Jackson didn't really die, its all a conspiracy" rumors somewhere. Might as well be here.
welsh said:
Brother None said:
welsh said:
And Michael? A bit of plastic surgery to hide his features and he disappears.

Yeah, I think I've spotted the flaw in your theory.

Brother, you know we had to start the "Michael Jackson didn't really die, its all a conspiracy" rumors somewhere. Might as well be here.
Here's the hole in your hole in welsh's theory: all the plastic surgery over the years was fake. All he has to do now that he's "dead" is peel off the mask and he'll look like he used to look. He can walk around earth with his own face, and no one will recognize him. It's a perfect plan.
Well he did die in Thriller but that turned out to be a dream which leads me to the conclusion he is running around as a Werecat.