Michael Jackson: Dead

So if Catholic priests could sing and dance could we so easily compartmentalize their transgressions?

The guy is a freak, but he's also got an enduring charm, it's irrepressible really. I don't want to like him, then I hear Thriller and Beat It and shit and it just takes me back.
Brother None said:
Heh, seriously, now that he's dead we're going to get all apologetic for him?
You misunderstand something, but that's because you're still young and full of hope!
Listen, son! Kids are overrated and annoying.
Good music is priceless and needed in present times, where 3 guys can get together, get a guitar and drums and start a band, "write" a song about a guy who gets dumped by a gurl and what's even worse- achieve success.
Even if the stuff about MJ being a pedo was true we should have happily sacrificed spoiled brats to his sick sexual pleasures so he could make more good music.
As expected, people are either to one extreme or the other. I am not going to touch anything. The only I have to say is that I enjoyed his music, Rest In Peace Michael Jackson.
Black said:
Even if the stuff about MJ being a pedo was true we should have happily sacrificed spoiled brats to his sick sexual pleasures so he could make more good music.
Yeah well, you used to be one too remember. So I guess what you're saying is that you happily would have let him play with you as long as you got to hear his music. :roll:
Anyway, I wasn't joking before. Tastes differ. Not denying he had talent, but I never could stomach that crappy POP, and his voice makes me nauseous.
Brother None said:
Heh, seriously, now that he's dead we're going to get all apologetic for him?

Personally, I never believed any of that crap for a second. I always said that it was a bunch of BS that he didn't deserve. He may have hugged or even kissed the kids but I bet he never meant it in the way it was presented. He was a weirdo but an innocent one.

In US, if you as much as brush against somebody they'll make you a rapist, if they want to. If one guy has his arm around another guy (like brothers or close friends do), he's immediately gay. Well, not everyone thinks that way and I believe MJ was doing whatever he did out of "clean" love, like another kid or an older brother would.

People just can't see anything without applying those measurements anymore. When he said he slept with children, media was all over it, when he obviously didn't mean it THAT way. I'm 100% sure any of that crap about him touching their genitals was just added for effect. Once one little bastard sued him for money, a whole army of others popped up.
He made some very great music that for sure. And thats what I am missing.

Him as person? Well I dont know, I guess not so much. I have not even known him. And you can only judge one if you meet him in real.
Petition to rename this thread "You see the remains of: Michael Jackson. He looks: Dead"
Seconded.:clap: :clap: :clap:

[spoiler:bb10d0a5fd]Also, i haven't given a fuck about michael jackson in the last 18 years, i'm not going to do so now that he's not even annoying anymore. and i'm posting this only because i dont want to make a +1 post.[/spoiler:bb10d0a5fd]
I didn't read all posts here, just saying I respect Micheal Jackson. He is a hero and innovator. Singer, dancer, and composer. He is really something.

Can we really say he was gay and liked little boys? I think he was lost in his youth, he wasn't doing any pedophiia with boys he went to bed with, he was trying to be a good man, and give them a good idea about who a father could be. I think that is why he made some "Bad decisions" and slept with little boys in his bed. This was probably why he was aquitted.

I will not forgive how he tricked London into selling out 50 shows. His lawyer, in 2005 I think, claimed Michael was to sick to travel and face a jury about some lawsuit he was involved in there. Next he is selling out 50 shows at O2?

My God! I cannot believe that the British, of all people, untrusting, suspicious people that Americans come from! would fall for this bullshit that Micheal Jackson is going to play 50 shows at O2 after almost 20 years!

Well, I knew that was impossible but I didn't think the motherfucker would up and DIE!

I hope you fans all think you got your moneys worth. 50 x ? makes those tickets a collectible!

Edit = Anybody know who owns the Beatles now?
US Government is prolly really pist that Twitter is being all about Micheal Jackson and not the $400 million USA has spent to overthrow the government of Iran.

How many people were arrested and detained in a pre-emptive move by FBI against people in USA who were planning to protest the Republican National Convention, BEFORE the election! People had their doors kicked down by Federal agents! All cell phones, cameras, computers, confiscated as evidence for the possibility that American citizens might not be responding to their bullshit and follwing along like they need to.

Come on! I double dog dare you to come after me! Cheap worthless piece. I'll show you Clockwork Orange!

Who cares except the propaganda machine that Twitter must stay online.

My God are you so stupid?

So who cares if you know anything about how we manipulated Iran in 1953. How can you possibly believe this shit of Obama bin Laden saying "Iran should not attack these protests" Let freedom ring! In Iran? When we have no same freedom in USA?

OR will you say I do have the right to say what I want to say, but I would be in jail in the good old USA, Bastion of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY, if I speak these things I am speaking
Morticia said:
Zenimax is prolly really pist that Twitter is being all about Micheal Jackson and not the $400 million Bethesda has spent to overthrow the government of Iran.

As long as we're doing conspiracy theories anyway.