Modders Going On Strike?


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"

So it seems that various mods on the skyrim nexus are being taken down due to protest over the election. Maybe more of you have source over this and can explain how big or small this is. I will just say this.



How can you support Occupy Wall Street when you support someone who legit balled out wallstreet and wants more deregulation over it.

Anyways, Rip to all those who wanted their mods, it was shit anyways i bet.

Anyone who wants to take a look at it.
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Do these people seriously think people are going to go "omg I can't download "big fat orc cocks for skyrim: realistic ball jiggle edition" #ImWithHer now"?
Interjecting your politics into your mods so hard as to stop people from downloading them is just... baffling.
Yup that'd be Apollodown(syndrome). He was always a pretty cringy and immature twat. Maybe he should focus more on that "epic" Mannimarco mod that was supposed to release like a year ago instead of having a meltdown over politics on a fucking Skyrim mod site.
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I love it. 2016 has been amazing.

Big celebrities dropping like flies.
A reality tv-star runs for presidency.
Who's opposition is a known criminal who gets away with anything.
A cartoon frog is co-opted by the alt right, kind of, and is now considered an official hate symbol.
Clowns are running wild in the US.
England leaves the EU on a margin and the leaders are like "the fuck we do now!!?"
Refugee crisis goes to show just how batshit the left has turned.
Dicks out for Harambe.

And now modders are going on strike cause of social politics, yo.

It kinda sucks, but it's also amazing.
He takes them down frequently, perhaps that is why he is called apollo "down". Anyway, this is the guy that is behind the ever so c00l creation kids, who have literally done nothing of value.
Not really worth any attention imo, you're not missing out on much.
Oh for fuck sakes! Politics should stay out of mods. Gaming is one of the few things in this world that brings people from all walks of life together. The people who are doing this seem to be a bunch of self-important ego manics who think people actually give a rats ass about their political beliefs and take them seriously on such matters. Kinda like Hollywood celebrities! Thankfully, the modders I do like and respect haven't done this mainly because those modders mod for fun and not for some self-important celebrity status.
I am pretty left (at least I thought I was for a long time), but this is incredibly stupid and modders forcing their social or political views onto others is not really helping promote their creations (or themselves).
As RangerBoo said, these topics have no place on a modding site, start a blog or an online video channel were you talk about your thoughts and opinions, but don't post it on places that are no political.