Creating A New Recruit For Single-Player Game - OTB
Here's what you'll need to do:
(I'm assuming that you have unpacked your BOS files for this.)
- Create an ENT file for the recruit using the Entity editors that came w/the v1.27 patch. Save it in the "recruits" folder under "entities".
- Open the characters.txt located at:
C:\Program Files\14 Degrees East\Fallout Tactics\core\locale\game
Here you will want to add two lines:
name_[whateverYourCharacter'sDisplayNameIs] = {Character'sName}
desc_[whateverYourCharacter'sDisplayNameIs] = {Character'sBio/Story}
- Place that entity in Mission 01 (Brahmin Wood) using the level editor. Set the "Player Index" to "1" for your recruit.*
- Open the campaign.txt file located in:
C:\Program Files\14 Degrees East\Fallout Tactics\core\tables
Here you will have to add a line under "RECRUIT POOL DEFINITIONS". It will have to have the following format:
If you want to have your recruits show up later, just change the numeric portion of the "mission00" entry to the number of the mission you want them to be available after. *
- Now, using the campaign editor, open the file, and go to the Tools tab and click on "Import Recruits". Save the changes to the CAM file.
Don't worry about backing any of the file you're modifying up. If you dork something up, you can always go and re-extract that file.
Voila! You are now ready to rock and roll w/your new recruit to serve at your side.
Incidentally, I will say that Brahmin Wood isn't much of a challenge w/more than 3 characters.