Modern space flight/combat sim


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
I was in the mood for a good space flight sim, but realised that I really had no clue what's considered decent nowadays. The last I bought was an arcade-y Darkstar One, but that wasn't very good. The last spacesim that I really remember fondly was Tachyon: The Fringe, but I'd like something a bit more sophisticated than that...

I came across X3: Terran Conflict, but I really have no clue if it's worth buying it or not.

Help would be appreciated. :)

(decent controls using mouse+keyboard only is a must since i no longer have a decent joystick)
X3 is a confusing mess as far as I'm concerned, but it shore is purdy, hyuck. If there's a decent and recent space sim with an interface that doesn't require a map and a decoder ring, I'd also like to hear about it.
I am not sure if I can recommend X3: Terran Conflict to you SuAside as there is a lot of back story of the previous games that comes back in this.

What I disliked a lot about the X games was how long it took for you to get a somewhat decent ship, sometimes having to set up entire industries for a decent weapons load out.

Are there any older games you haven't played yet, like Freelancer?
Watched some vids from X3: Terran Conflict, and it's also about controlling other crafts it seems. I was more looking for a standard space sim (single fighter, possibly a few wingmen at most).

As for Freelancer, I'm pretty sure I've played it, but didn't quite stick to me as memorable.

edit: yup, checked some screenshots & indeed I've played Freelancer. was pretty decent iirc.
That's getting pretty old. I wanted a modern one. :)

And yes, I played X wing, Tie fighter and so on to death.
Freespace 2 is probably what you want. There's a pretty dedicated modding community that's been cleaning up the graphics over the years, and it's almost universally regarded as the best space sim evah.
And there are loads of mods for it too, from one based on the new Battlestar Galactica series (redline I believe) to Wing Commander based ones.

Also, if you are a Wing Commander fan be on the lookout for Standoff as well, a mod for WCP Secret Missions that takes place between Wing Commander 2 and Wing Commander 3 which details the Kilrathi attack on Earth.

Also, do you know of this Suaside?

The CIC, the biggest Wing Commander fan site also monitors other space fighter sims.
This is a game category that could use some new blood. I'd be interested in a space fighter sim that actually tried to apply real physics in some way. I doubt there's a huge market for such a thing though.

Brainstorming: maybe make a Babylon 5-themed sim where you get to fly one of those fighters. I always liked those.
I've played I-War, but can't be sure if I ever gave that Edge of Chaos thing a go.

Anyhow guys, since most of you are suggesting games nearly a decade old, I take it that modern single player space flight sims isn't exactly in a good state.

Well, I don't mean repeat what's already been said, but the effort put into Freespace 2 modding gives it graphics comparable to a modern game. In addition to this, the gameplay is quite solid, so I would say it's worth a shot.

As for modern space sims in the truest sense of the word, I cannot make answer.
SuAside said:
I've played I-War, but can't be sure if I ever gave that Edge of Chaos thing a go.

Anyhow guys, since most of you are suggesting games nearly a decade old, I take it that modern single player space flight sims isn't exactly in a good state.


I haven't player this one yet, but you could try out the Demo:
I used to love these sort of games, until my 3D motion sickness started kicking in and I had to forfeit. I even played Star Trader once, using the BASIC source code I found in a magazine.
Nothing (NOTHING) beats Elite, but have you ever tried the Escape Velocity series? I sorta liked those games. I think they made a trilogy, but I only played the first two. It's like Elite, but a little more linear which I think is actually a good thing. Try it if you can find it.
I have been playing X3 a lot the past month and I have to say it is going to be your only choice for a good modern space sim.

Learning curve is a bit high but once you get the hang of things it is a pretty solid game, Nothing beats having a huge colossus with 60 fighters on board.
oh well. i'm too lazy to track down where to buy Freespace 2 and to figure which mods etc to get. i remember Descent fondly, so i guess i'll eventually try it, but now i'm just looking for a quick fix...

iii said:
I haven't player this one yet, but you could try out the Demo:
looks decent, but when watching the vids from the game, looks like you end up with capital ships and so on.

just want a space fighter sim. :(

maybe i'll just re-install Tachyon. :P