I will take the same stand here as I take with modders. There are modders I don't like for different reasons but I would never name them because while I might not like them I still respect them.
There are mods I don't like but I don't want my views to cloud other people's views about them. If i start to point out reasons why I hate a popular mod some people might get biased about that mod even before they played it or when they weren't sure if they liked it or not.
For example there was a really popular FO3 mod that most people love and I tried it and it wasn't for me, I hated it... But I also saw all the work and effort put into it and could tell why people loved it but it just wasn't for me.
Was it a bad mod? It had some parts that weren't well made and some errors here and there, but it wasn't a bad mod in general.
I can tell you this though, I dislike pretty much every mod I made.
I can also see where
@DirtyOldShoe is coming from. Criticizing a product you paid for is one thing, but criticizing a free product that is not "vanilla" part of the game you paid for made by people who are not paid to make it, that you only use because you want to and you only get because you want to and unless you go to the extra effort of finding, downloading, installing and playing it makes it sound "entitled" (I hate using that word since it doesn't mean what people think it means, but I can't think of a better word) specially if you don't know how much effort and work it was to learn all that was necessary to make it and all the countless hours to actually finish it, not counting the hours to test it and sometimes making compatibility patches/versions for it to play well with other mods.
But I also know that everyone has their own opinions and like to share them, mods became so common these days that most consumers of the paid product see them as a commercial thing too (even though they are free and made by unpaid people), I have seen game forums on Steam saying that if this game doesn't have modding support or modding tools for it they will not buy the game. Mods are now part of the gaming industry in a way that no modder could have imagined it to happen back 10 years.
So what I mean is, I will not criticize other people mods even if I hate them, I might also share some of the DirtyOldShoe points, but I also know it will not lead to anything trying to put my opinions and views over other people's and this is a forum to discuss stuff like opinions of games and by proxy mods now (I guess).
I made a giant wall of text and I am still not sure if people will understand what I meant

just another day in the life of Risewild I guess...