Moon Base

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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TorontRayne said:
Does it fit the setting? TO me it does since lunar travel and aliens are prevalent in 50's culture, but I'm asking for constructive opinions here. I'm not proposing to create such a mod, but I am asking for input for curiosity purposes.
I don't think it fits Fallout's setting at all. However, I would like to see a mod like this set in a different, new fictional universe. Be creative!
I find it encouraging that one of the ships in the Museum of Technology is a model of the Soviet Lunar Lander, the LK. Beautiful and one of my favorite real (but not flown) spacecraft. I'd really like to see it flying in the game.

BTW, since the Enclave has VTOL's, does this mean flying mods are possible? E.g. - jet-packs and flying cars and the like?
Must say the moon isn't really in the setting. Now for example Mars or any other planet might. There isn't a crash landing after all. That way you could aswell return.

Making a "radio call" from outer space. And beam me up scotty :)...
I know the thread the OP was talking about. The idea was that before the war a few countries did manage to make it to the moon there each created their own base. America using Future tech and Vault tech technology made their base.

The original thread dealt with a huge quest to even get to the moon. There is already a silo in game and the premise was that an unfired rocket that was in the process of being converted to a nuclear delivery device needed to be reconverted back into a moon platform. The rocket was based on the orion rockets I believe.

big project but could be fun. AND i think it would fit as there were SO many serials about space in the 50s and such.
I believe that a moon shot could be worked into the game very easily, and it would fit the setting and the mood.

Phillip K. Dick wrote a story back in the 50's or the 60's called Second Variety. Set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland devasted by nuclear bombardment and radiation warfare between the US and the Soviets, one of the main plot points was a single use escape rocket designed to evacuate a single high ranking officer to the US command base on the moon.

Someone already mentioned the idea of a Presidential Escape Rocket. Running into something like that wouldn't be too out of place. Here's a scenario.

The player stumbles on a bunker in the capitol wasteland. He opens the bunker and starts exploring. Inside are documents, maps, and battle plans obviously intended for an important government official. It becomes clear that this was some kind of emergency command post from which the President could command US forces in the event of a nuclear attack on Washington. For whatever reason, this bunker was never used and remained sealed after the war.

While putzing around, the player activates a radio link that starts sending out a signal "This is Bunker #5443 Initiating Raido Command Link Test! Testing - Testing - Testing." Suddenly alarm klaxons start going off and blast doors begin sealing off parts of the base! A computer voice informs you that a Chinese nuclear bomb satellite, still active in the cold void of space, has detected the radio signal and is targeting the bunker! The player must now race through the bunker to the 'Designated Evacuation Point'.

To their surprise the 'Designated Evacuation Point' turns out to be a one man space rocket! With no other way out, the player straps in and pushes the big red button just in time! The rocket climbs into space just ahead of the mushroom clouds from a salvo of micro-nukes.

Arriving on the moon, the player discovers that the base was abandoned centuries ago. Logs reveal that while some personnel were able to evacuate to the moon base the life support systems were badly overstressed. As oxygen began to run out the refugees began fighting amongst themselves and the base was badly damaged. The few survivors managed to repair a troop landing rocket and fly back to earth to try their luck in the post apocalyptic landscape.

The player discovers that their is one troop rocket left that can make the return journey on automatic pilot. It's damaged in several key places, however the player is able to repair it with the assistance of the bases maintenance robots. After overcoming a variety of puzzles, the player gets the troop rocket working and manages to convince the troop rocket's robot brain that they need to return to washington 'To Save the President and these United States!' A hair raising journey ensues with the gung-ho troop rocket crashing into the middle of a Chinese Remnant ghoul base, forcing the player and the troop rocket, it's brain transplanted into a Cyber-brain, to fight their way out.

Ba dum ching! The player gets a robot companion, a bunch of micro-fusion cells, some spiffy loot (General's Power Armor? Presidential Space Suit? Fusion Powered Mr. Coffee?) and a neat perk that reflects having seen the real state of the world from space.
Cool idea! This is somewhat the kind of thing I was thinking of.
The only thing that could make it better...

To find another troop ship (or fix yours), you need to trek off to the Chinese lunar base, where you find it is still staffed by Chinese Remnant ghouls!

Okay, maybe not. But I'd find Chinese moon ghouls hilarious.
Easy solution

If you want to have a moonbase, to keep it consistent is easy. If the base was there before the war, it's residents would have no reason to come back to Earth. The vault dweller is expelled from his colony on the moon, another vault.

But I like the executive escape rocket too
Depressed Chinese Moon Ghouls who demand you bring them potatoes and a radio from the US moon base so they can make hooch and listen to 3Dog!
I think it would be more interesting as a survival type total conversion. I mean how interesting could it be if you go to the moon at level 20 with your Fallout 3 arsenal?

However, starting out on the moon (or some other planet, having to find equipment, all enemies drop no equipment, etc.. Now that sounds like a lot more fun to me than an add on. :P

Also, nobody to trade with and no junk items. And when your weapon breaks, you keep it just so you can repair the next one you find. All new schematics would be nice too.
Well in the description for the Boulder Dome from VB it says:
This "city of the future" was to be a prototype for settlements on the moon and other planets.

So it sort of fits in.

My Ideas:
PC finds the Presidential Bunker, theres 2 one man pods, 1 one P and one for VP. P one is used. Use VP one to get to the moon. On the moon, the people are under stasis. You can wake them and and possibly use 1 or 2 as a Companion. Moon base has the old president of the US. If you take a GECK with you, you can use it on the moon, as evidenced in the F1 GECK thing, "It contains a fertilizer system filled with a variety of food seeds, soil supplements, and chemicals that could turn arid wasteland (and possibly selected sections of the moon's surface pre-conditioned to accept the GECK) into fertile soil for farming." This good idea?

Sorry, my English isn't that good.
Moon have to low gravitation to hold atmosphere so mostly all would fly away :D
But GECK might be usfull when u go back to earth
No to mention that due ur going back in a pod it can have a malfunction and u actually can land in the california or any other place in the world
There's already a team called DESTINATON:MOON (which I'm a member of) that is working on a quest line that takes you to a moon base in peary crater.
It only fits the setting prior to the end of Fallout 2. The President says that's the CA's enclaves ultimate goal, once they purge the earth of mutants is to have the human race expand into the stars.
FrankManic said:

I actually like some of this but I would like to give my own twist on this.

Rather than the previous combat oriented mods/DLCs this one could be more of a skills/puzzle solving mod, there could be some combat in it; security droids gone nuts or something but no human or mutated human stuff.

Just as you suggested the player is taken to the moon by the presidential evacuation rocket where it lands on a landing pad/elevator similar like in 2001 close to a dome shaped structure (similar to the suggested Boulder Dome) which despite the decades is still looking very sturdy.

The rocket lowers into the underground hangar and a docking port locks onto the door, allowing you to enter the base.

While the place is definitely not pristine anymore it is in a way better condition than for example a lot of the Vaults back on Earth, quite a lot of the tech still functions.

The player can also find a lot of human belongings and tools and other stuff that the player can use, but also finds evidence of conflict in the past.

Once in the dome the player discovers that most of the base's maintenance droids still function and that the main computer, perhaps a ZAX, is still running after all this time, following its last given task; maintaining the base.

The player can question the computer and it tells about the base and its history; apparently it was both a research complex, an experiment in space colonization and a facility where the US' government could evacuate to in case of the war with China becoming 'nuclear' hot.
What the player later also learns is that there were plans to establish a missile base on the moon, with parts of its foundation already in place.

The player tells the computer that he/she wants to return to Earth and the computer reveals that there is an Earth Return Vehicle but that it is incomplete, if the player wants to use it he/she will have to find the parts to finish it.
The computer will assist by installing the components and gives the player a list of what to look for.

As the player starts to search in the base and around it, he/she finds a hydroponics bay full of plants, which provide the oxygen for the base, several of the plants are still alive and thrive but some are dead or dying. (important clue).

Going further the player must open closed doors or get past barriers where the player starts to find the remains of the former human staff of the base as well as their personal records.

The scientists and other personnel on the moon watched how the nuclear war had devastated Earth and realized that they could never return anymore.
Instead they had to focus on trying to survive on the moon.

As maintenance and manufacturing equipment was available parts wouldn't be a short term problem but live support and food would be.

Only so much could be recycled and in order to become self sufficient the people needed to find other sources of nutrients for plants and so on.

As only their bodies would suffice for that role the leaders established the rule that any death colonist body would be turned over to the grinder to be turned into compost for the hydroponics bay.
Also any criminal on the base would face this in case the crime was severe enough.

Still all of this wasn't sufficient to provide the resources necessary for the population of the base, and as desperation settled in the colonists started to choose amongst them who had to sacrifice themselves for the good of the group.

Fights broke out as some colonists formed factions.
When things really started to get desperate one of the remaining colony leaders instructed the computer to maintain the base at all costs and keep it human habitable.

When the place had become full anarchy the computer realized that the only way to keep the hydroponics bay running was to round up people and drag them to the grinder, so it instructed its security bots to find and capture humans.

Once the player has found all the components to fix the return rocket the player can confront the computer with this.
The computer will inform the player that it was a regrettable choice but it had to do so in order to carry out its last command instruction.

And unfortunate it has to do so again as the plants in the hydroponics bay are starting to die.

This is the cue for several security bots to surround the player and it becomes obvious that the computer is planning to turn the player into fertilizer.

The player could defeat the computer and its mechanized cronies in various ways; speech, science, combat or sneak.

In whatever way the player escapes this predicament he/she heads to the rocket silo next and finds the Earth Return Rocket prepped and ready.

Apparently the computer only told half the truth, it did indeed need components to fix the rocket but it also need tech to fix some of its other systems and used the player's 'flexibility' to get the parts where its droids couldn't reach.

With the situation on the moon finished the player enters the rocket and flies the three day journey back to Earth after which he/she lands in the wasteland.

New equipment would be:

* Space suit and helmet (it was designed to be resistant against solar radiation and micro meteorites, so it provides the player some combat and hazard protection)
* Space drill or laser (a tool turned weapon)
* Perhaps some unique security weapons designed for operation in space/the moon
* Perhaps unique medicines or drugs.
Ad Astra said:
TorontRayne said:
Does it fit the setting? TO me it does since lunar travel and aliens are prevalent in 50's culture, but I'm asking for constructive opinions here. I'm not proposing to create such a mod, but I am asking for input for curiosity purposes.
I don't think it fits Fallout's setting at all. However, I would like to see a mod like this set in a different, new fictional universe. Be creative!
Correct me if I am wrong, but was Van Buren not set to play with one Mission on a space station ?
Oh definitely, and the whole talk of space travel being impossible in the Fallout universe is silly IMO.
Its a part of the fifties mind set so it fits Fallout.

What I do agree with is that it should be mostly a thing of before the War, the old world's aspirations to reach the planets and the stars.

If used in Fallout it should be used very careful, not becoming a common thing like what they are doing with FEV now.

I had to step in and bump a 3 month old threat. I cant belive no one referenced the US lunar programme that precided Apollo.

Wiki link
Concept immage

Project horizon, was an american responce to soviet "Red Moon" doctrine. Very very retro-futuristic stuff.

IMHO if any far fetched but very intriguing location like the moon base is to be realised, it should be done for the right reasons. Not so much for a piece of gear or weapon, but rather to "wow" the player with its ambience, script, and story in the best traditions of classical fallout (in this case, neo-classical :) )
The way it could be handled is by saying...well, lets look at Van Buren. They had a prototype spaceship in it, with cryogenic freezing. Either say that the people in it (have been frozen 200 years) - or they were mining Helium-2 for fusion reactors earthside, and have been scrounging, barely surviving in the most hellishly cramped vault /ever/ for the past two centuries. Because it wouldn't have been intended as a vault; they were just stuck there.