More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

How can such a small fatman explosion generate a mushroom cloud? :shock:

To quote wikipedia:

A mushroom cloud is a distinctive mushroom-shaped cloud of condensed water vapor or debris resulting from a very large explosion. They are most commonly associated with nuclear explosions, but any sufficiently large blast will produce the same sort of effect. Volcano eruptions, powerful conventional weapons like the Father of All Bombs and impact events can produce natural mushroom clouds.

Mushroom clouds form as a result of the sudden formation of a large mass of hot low-density gases near the ground creating a Rayleigh–Taylor instability. The mass of gas rises rapidly, resulting in turbulent vortices curling downward around its edges and drawing up a column of additional smoke and debris in the center to form its "stem". The mass of gas eventually reaches an altitude where it is no longer of lower density than the surrounding air and disperses, the debris drawn upward from the ground scattering and drifting back down (see fallout).

Not to mention that these mushroom clouds usually are 3 km tall...

Another thing I find quite strange is the ways the bodies fall apart. I wonder why the hell are they showing off the bloody mess perk. Perhaps the normal deaths aren't looking alright either, so they use it as an excuse? Also the slow motion animations seem to get repetitive quite soon. I hope they can be disabled.

And what's up with the audience? They sound like their IQ is far below average, wowing at all the deaths and stuff. Is that the audience they're targeting? I see why they're trying to extremely simplify all the mechanics of FO 1 or 2. The combat looks far behind from average shooters and why didn't Todd show off any of the social interactions? It seems so far that the game is all about running around and shooting at people pointlessly.

After seeing the videos, I am extremely unimpressed.
Westbend said:
Todd, 1:04 - "That game is off da hook." Argh... de pain... de pain...

If I may play the devils advocate for just one thing, and say that maybe one of the reasons all the npcs explode in watery bags of blood when hit by weapons like the sniper rifle, is because Todd had the Bloody Mess "perk"?

I hope anyways...

Even if he had that on it is still way to much.
If i remember correctly Bloody Mess in Fallout 1 and 2 didn't mean that, if you shoot someone's head off the legs and arms will get blown off also.
pexxx said:
Reactions of audience and reporters after each kill were unbelivable :crazy:

Just saw this, and my god, I thought they were going to start fapping each other.
I love how bethesda keeps insisting in the bloody mess perk.. They actually belive that was the best trait ( now perk ) in fallout!
Myryad said:
I love how bethesda keeps insisting in the bloody mess perk.. They actually belive that was the best perk in fallout!

probably the only perk they implemented properly

...umm scratch that :P
I do say the lock-picking sounds interesting, although I think it's a bit of a copout that you can't brute force open containers.
CrazyGorila said:
Even if he had that on it is still way to much.
If i remember correctly Bloody Mess in Fallout 1 and 2 didn't mean that, if you shoot someone's head off the legs and arms will get blown off also.

Dont get me wrong, Im not defending it. I was just listing a possible cause of why bodies were exploding from one normal bullet.

Personally I feel the effect is lazy. Its basically just segmented joints that go flying off at the exact same places, like Legos, every time.
Guess it was to much work to mix in some solid death animations alá Fallout 1&2 with the ragdolls? Then we would have some variation and not just retarded slomo ragdoll ballet.
CrazyGorila said:
If i remember correctly Bloody Mess in Fallout 1 and 2 didn't mean that, if you shoot someone's head off the legs and arms will get blown off also.
To be fair, in Fallout 1/2 you could blow a fair chunk of someone's torso off with a good critical from even a small caliber handgun. Of course, while that's certainly over-the-top and not realistic, it was fun and looked good. The deaths in these FO3 videos just look absurd and are poorly done, and shooting someone in the head having the effect of making their body roll around awkwardly with the limbs spontaneously coming off is just in a whole 'nother ball park. You know, the ball park where the brain-damaged kids hang out.

Bethesda has become one of the worst developers in existence based on these videos, in my view. Yes, really. I guess I just must be whiny though. I mean good god, what the hell is wrong with people who criticize shitty game design, right? To be good people we should all be wearing shit-eating grins and ooooh-ing in delight at the mere sight of Bethesda's brilliance, just like the audience in that video...
13pm said:
And what we see here looks like we're punching stuffed dolls, tearing their toy arms and legs and heads off. With lots of ketchup.
That's about the best description of the gore in FO3. It just looks so... I dunno, there's no good word or phrase for it except god-awfully stupid.

People will think now bethesda made Fallout series.

That's just fucked.

And, Todd was explaining how Perks and Skills work, and those two guys were so excited about it like they thought bethesda have come up with all these ideas!?

This is the example how people can be easily brainwashed. Something like if Chinese government would lie to their citizens that China invented internet!? The same thing is now with beth and FO.

Heh, when I saw Enclave coming in, I think I would start shooting at vertibird, not fucking waiting for soldiers to come out from it to kick my ass!
Then I thought
"How do they look? How do they look??!!"
and then I saw FOT:BoS power armour

They are changing this game completly! Is that legal??!!
They bought the franchise and decided to make their own Fallout? So basicaly they've got the franchise just for the name "Fallout" to make a cash-up game so beth's name will be louder?!

Fuck that! I'm not buying it!!!
Garsty said:
why didn't Todd show off any of the social interactions? It seems so far that the game is all about running around and shooting at people pointlessly
This probably isn't the last we've heard from Bethesda this week.
I wouldn't be surprised if we get something like this video showing off character interaction soon:
PlanHex said:
This probably isn't the last we've heard from Bethesda this week.
I wouldn't be surprised if we get something like this video showing off character interaction soon:
And if it's anything like that video, it'll be a total lie. "These NPCs aren't scripted" my ass. Everything in that video was a script to make it look good for the demo. At least the combat videos of FO3 are honestly crappy, I guess.
Westbend said:
Dont get me wrong, Im not defending it. I was just listing a possible cause of why bodies were exploding from one normal bullet.

Personally I feel the effect is lazy. Its basically just segmented joints that go flying off at the exact same places, like Legos, every time.
Guess it was to much work to mix in some solid death animations alá Fallout 1&2 with the ragdolls? Then we would have some variation and not just retarded slomo ragdoll ballet.

Yeah i know you weren't defending. Just thought i would point it out. :D

Kyuu said:
To be fair, in Fallout 1/2 you could blow a fair chunk of someone's torso off with a good critical from even a small caliber handgun. Of course, while that's certainly over-the-top and not realistic, it was fun and looked good. The deaths in these FO3 videos just look absurd and are poorly done, and shooting someone in the head having the effect of making their body roll around awkwardly with the limbs spontaneously coming off is just in a whole 'nother ball park. You know, the ball park where the brain-damaged kids hang out.

True, but like you already said that made it fun. Now this Blood Mess from Beth is just :crazy:
Also, if they had learned much from making oblivion and reflected on that experience while making fallout 3, I wonder how did oblivion turn out... :roll:

(I have never seen (except from that social interactions demo on youtube today, which I didn't finish watching) or played it, and so far from what I've seen in fo3 trailer, I'm quite glad I didn't get to try it).
And what the heck is this utter bullshit about mininuke!?
lol what a video. 3 retards playing utterly shitty looking game, acting as if it's "awesomely cool", entertainment at its best.
Its upsetting, because in many of the stills, I look at the graphics, and I think "yeah, if I was to imagine Fallout in 3D then thats what I think it would look like" and I get excited, because I would like to play the Fallout games in First Person 3D, because I like the immersion it provides.

But the gameplay, oh Lordy no. Just no.
Teddy Bears = Bad
Fatman = Bad
Vats = I'll reserve judgment, but I'm not liking it so far.

I see the Health points and Actions points on the screen (I'm hoping AP is actions points, and not Armour Points, which would be lame...) Which is encouraging. (however if AP is armour points, I'll puke, because that just so Doom/Quake/Reurn to Castle Wolfenstien... )

So, thumbs up for graphics
Not so much for the rest.

I want to see character interaction Damnit!!!!
BReal said:
And what the heck is this utter bullshit about mininuke!?
That's what I thought.
They want to make this game for commercial success only, so they picked up all "cool" stuff from the previous Fallouts, which for most of the gamers are "cool" and "awesome", to make one, big "cool awesomness".
Have you people noticed that?

But, to make my comment more possitive, so some people wouldn't be complaining about usuall criticism for FO3, I can say I would buy this game, if it wasn't tittled "Fallout" sequel.
Because, take it seriously now, what did they use here from the previouse Fallouts? Of course, we still haven't played it so we don't know everything about this game. However after this gameplay video, we can say a lot, and I'm guessing only 10% of the game's system will be just like in previous Fallouts. So if they would take that 10%, they could have done their own game without messing up Fallout's name!!

But, positively:
1. I like the graphics
2. Exploring destroyed city, every building of it, is what I always wnated to do in the games
3. It might be a good FPS :)

Only the 2nd might convince me to buy it. But I won't in respect for the Fallout name.
Public said:
2. Exploring destroyed city, every building of it, is what I always wnated to do in the games

Me too and I also liked it in Stalker. BUT: If you have to fight your way through every building you enter if you just want to explore it, it only sucks.