More Fallout Then Fallout (MOD)

Why cant you make arms and the rest of your body bigger would be a better question :P

I just felt like making a crazy head for testing armors etc, just for the screenshots.
Ravager said:

BOS version has the symbol.

Please upload some screenshots of them ingame.

I am curious about one thing, would it be possible to make those shoulder plates biger in anyway without cliping/errors ?

Call it nitpicking but I always had the feeling those have been way to small compared with the Tb51 we have seen from F1 and F2 renders showing the armor.
They definitive are smaller, but they are clipping now already, whenever you use a big gun. If you make the shoulders bigger, it will have more clipping of course.
Helmet always bothered me more than the shoulders...

EDIT: Could someone e-mail me the original meshes for the service rifle? The iron sights all f***ed up with the new one. I like the texture, but didn't back up the meshes :oops: PM me for my email if you can :D Thanks in advance
Great I have to work on that weapon or better yet just replace it the FAL or something.

And btw you have to use the PiP boy PDA mod with my mod. I hate that Pip-boy 3000 crap. Hmmm I should just include it with my next update. That's gonna be tomorrow.
Yup. I never did bother to make the new models and textures 3000 crap boy friendly. If you want you can just tinker with the textures. Remember that I'm recreating New Vegas in a Fallout 1 and 2 way with little bits and peaces of Van Buren.

Everything is not perfect, but it's much closer to the original games that never made in to 3D.
Thanks... I bet I sound like a dumbass :lol:

EDIT: I was thinking, instead of replacing the Service Rifle with a FAL, why not the classic AK-112 from FO and FO2. It has a fairly simple gun design...
I'll make some screenshots tomorrow if you want.
If you could kill the original texture of oh baby, so the new one will work that would be awsome.
Faceless_Stranger said:
EDIT: I was thinking, instead of replacing the Service Rifle with a FAL, why not the classic AK-112 from FO and FO2. It has a fairly simple gun design...

I think that would work better for the Assault Carbine.

That and you know, I just hate the black plastic guns in the game.
Well new weapons (replacers really)


Looks just like on the picture both the M-16 (yes the combat knife included) and AK-112.

The AK-112 was based on:

Made by: Imperator3

The mod also includes the Readius (PDA pip boy mod) like I mentioned and the stuff from my previous post.

Don't forget to patch the game and apply the Extender:




Post some screenshots if you can.

Of course don't expect the weapons to be the same the changes are extremely and I mean "EXTREMELY!" realistic.

The AK-112 like all AK's is a very reliable weapon. Throw it in to the sand, water, spit on, bend it and it will shoot. So it's got quite some health. It also has a very slight advantage in damage per shot and DPS over them M-16 due to the higher rate of fire (the model after all is newer thus better then old AK's which already did have impressive firepower). How ever it's not a very accurate weapon thus the spread is higher and the range is lower.

The M-16 in Fallout is based on the older models then the A4. Which is the M-16A1.

Standard A1:

Wood A1:

The M-16 has lower health (much lower) since it was prone to jamming and not too good when it comes to reliability. It does however have a superior range and very good accuracy which turns this weapons in to a sniper rifle when looking threw the scope. When you expand the mag from 20 to 30 rounds it's going to become a serious threat to any target especially at a longer distance.
Ravager said:
The M-16 has lower health (much lower) since it was prone to jamming and not too good when it comes to reliability. It does however have a superior range and very good accuracy which turns this weapons in to a sniper rifle when looking threw the scope. When you expand the mag from 20 to 30 rounds it's going to become a serious threat to any target especially at a longer distance.

You're referring to the experiences in Viet Nam? Was that not due to improper ammunition being supplied, not to mention the rifle itself was originally praised as a self-cleaning rifle and thus no cleaning equipment was included?
No the weather and over all conditions in the battlefield did that. Even later with better ammo it just kept jamming from what I know. Early model reliability was meant more for urban warfare not jungles or deserts. The none to well trained troops also used to shoot in some random direction from which they heard any strange noises and a second later emptied their mags shooting at nothing or some harmless animal. That happened frequently and the M-16 wasn't built for such punishment. The soldiers also used to tamper with the rifle reduce the rate of fire and they often failed. Overall it's a nasty peace of weaponry even today. I'd pick the AK over it any day. Especially the ones using 7.62mm ammo. People saying that the 5.56 causes a lot more damage are out of their minds. They probably never seen a human being shot with one of those bullets.