Bodybag said:
lewdvig said:
Beth is like R*. Anything they do will get 9 or 10/10 scores.
I don't mean to undermine your comparison or anything, but the reason GTA games score so high is because
they're actually good.
any game deserve a 10/10? Now that's a different argument, and before it even gets off the ground, I'll premptively spoil it for you: the majority position will be "probably not."
That's a good question and unfortunately one which you can only answer subjectively.
You simply can't be objective about that, because for example, you had to specifiy what game elements you rate, how you rate them and how important each element is, in relation to each other and in the end parts of that rating system (like the weighting of each rating-part) have to be determined subjectively again.
In the end it just cannot be told objectively. You can only make approximations to that.
In my opinion 10/10 should be given very very rarely. I may have played over 200 games (or a lot more or less, I didn't count them exactly) in my lifetime so far, and I would only give those 10/10 I still remember as having a lot of fun with it and which are still fun if i play them now.
Or if games achieved something exceptional, like having revolutionized the games that followed or similar.
Therefore I would for example give Dune 2 10/10, because it had so much innovation in it and was a milestone in RTS history. Of course it was not perfect (I remember having a limitation in numbers of units&buildings which surely wasn't intentional and only a result of low RAM at that time or so) but there were so many good things about it and so many things that got copied a lot of times (minimap, building a base, the buildings a base usually has, getting ressources, and so on and so on) it just deserved 10/10.
Then again if some kiddy comes around and says "OLOLOL 10/10 for Oblivion because it wuz so much funn!!1" I think that rating can't be taken seriously.
I'm currently working on a big and open site which has a pretty elaborated rating system (Can't go to much into detail or someone will steal my precious ideas. Yes, I'm that paranoid!) which prevents a lot of abuses and gives those who obviously know more about games / hasplayed more games /... (based on the info which can be found about that person in our database) a much better weighting resulting in an, hopefully, a lot more accurate and less spoilt average rating for a game.
It for example prevents that people who run around giving ratings of, let's say, only 0 and 10, have a loud voice. But that's just a part of what the algorithm does.
I guess that was a little off-topic and long, and I didn't even intend to write anything. Well, if anyone cares, when our project is finished and polished I will open a thread or something in NMA. The site is totally dependant on user-input (like wikipedia) so the more users we will get the better it will be.