More from Carsten on Fallout 3

I've said time and time again that the graphics looks bland/plain, it's got that european look. Dunno what it is, but European games tend to look like this..

As for previous achivements, SOA had the worst pathfinding AI I've seen. I still giggle when I think about that one mission where you had to follow this dude in his car. But all in all SOA was ok.

The Fall looks promising, hence why we cover it's PA..

As for SS taking over the Fallout license, well.. we can only wait and see how it will all pan out..still not convinced that they should do it, but...will we ever be happy with anyone doing it ??

Perfect example of a Fallout 3 dev team would be the initial team that did not Fallout 2...FALLOUT! But we all know that's not going to happen..

But going around bashing Carsten just for him publicly saying that they want to obtain the Fallout license is just plain stupid, sure he/they could be doing it to milk the Fall. Wouldn't be the best way to sell a game and ultimatly it would come down upon him/them (which is starting to happen in the fallout community)..
Well... I hope it all works out...

We've been waiting for 3 years... if not longer to see anything new... but still FOT get's my attention... I'll keep myself busy with modding... Maybe that will work out better :D


P.s: Odin... did you get my e-mail... are you able to do the thing I asked you ? Let me know man...
[Roe said:
Snake]Look at Diablo, Final Fantasy... all games that could have looked like Half Life 2... but no, they kept it like the original concepts... And that's what makes Fallout what it is...

Oh, please don't act like the devs of the early FF's or Diablo had a choice. The reason the games were developed with those graphics and not better ones is because they weren't available at the time. Do you mean to tell me that the devs would have said 'Hm...let's release a 2D isometric pixelated hack'n'slash game, even though we have the means to make it look better. Yeah. That's the best course of action.' No way. Diablo wouldn't have been a HL2, but it definitely would have been cleaner and crisper if the technology was available. Also: the current FF's are all gravitating towards amazing-looking graphics. How can you like the new FF's but dislike things like HL2?

Basically, your line is reasoning is 'FO was great. It had mediocre graphics. Therefore, mediocre graphics equal a great game'. Can you see how that line of logic doesn't work? By that line of reasoning, a game released with Pac-Man graphics would definitely be a great game. I'm not arguing for HL2 graphics in my cRPG's, but I would kinda like better stuff than a game released in 1998, no matter HOW great the game was.

@Odin: Yeah, SoA's pathfinding was most definitely subpar. It drives me nuts. And no...I don't think that everyone would be happy with just about anyone making a FO3. I'm sure that if even the original FO team did FO3, the people that liked FO2 better would be up-in-arms and against it.
Well... The basic line is... No, at the time when Diablo came out... there wasn't any other way of making the graphics look better... But when Diablo 2 came out... they kept the same concept... Offcourse it looked better... but hey... It still had the same idea, the same feeling... And as for FF, god damn, You just can't change the gameplay layout and the engine... it just has to look like the original... sure patch up some graphics... but they still represent what made them great in the first place...

And that's what I think we need to see...

EDIT: I would have no problem seeing a FOT:2 with the engine of FOT:BOS... No bullshit... just the same concept... It's what makes it good to play.

As for HL2... I don't even have the CPU power to play it... and that's basicly the reason why I don't like to see smooth licked graphics... The system they used for FOT, FO1 & FO2 are easily combined, make it look good and playable for the people who love the series... So that when it comes out... we don't have to buy ourselfs a P4 3GHZ with 1 GHZ RAM... If you know what I mean...

For crying out loud... I bought a playstation2 just to play FF :D and now I'm stuck with buying all 11 of them (FF-X2 is coming out soon)

And I do not intend to go through such a money eating process again... :D :? :wink:
Heh, that's totally ok. Not wanting a game to concentrate solely on graphics because it would be too CPU-intensive or vid-card intensive is a valid concern, I guess. But FF has changed significantly in terms of graphics and stuff since the first ones, you can't deny that. The same basic gameplay is there, but it looks tons different.

So if the same basic gameplay of FO3 was preserved, but the graphics were overhauled and updated, would you still like it? That's the real question. My answer would be yes. Of course, if these new graphics came at the cost of story or gameplay or anything else that makes FO a great game, I wouldn't be happy. :wink:
I don't understand the whole '3d camera 2 hard 2 control :(' bullshit. What the fucks wrong with you? Can't you operate a mouse? I don't see how it's difficult to hold buttons down while moving the mouse or rolling the middle-mouse button.

I think Silent Storm looks a lot better than most 2d games. Fallout looks good, but I'm always thinking of how the time spent doing all the 2d animation could be done a lot better in 3d. Asking for Fallout 3 to be made on the same 'engine' as the previous games in silly. I could mabye understand if 3d graphics looked like shit or took up a bunch of cds, but now it's the other way around. You could also use the argument of why should people with semi-decent computers should suffer because your computer doesn't have a graphics card? I doubt you'd need a really good system to play a good looking game, like silent storm.

I'm not bothered much about Fallout 3. I'd like to see it get made, but it'd have to be done right, right from the start. No bullshit like real-time and turn-based, prequels or having the game les terriblés or something. Personally I'd rather see it die quietly than be dug up, raped then eaten by people who didn't even go to the funeral IF YOU CATCH MY DRIFT.
It's not about using your mouse... it's not about 2d or 3d...

Take Grand Theft Auto for example... 1 and 2 were excellent games... then GTA3 came along and I just threw it back at the sales man behind the counter...

What a rip off... and don't tell me... "there is a feature to play it old style" I don't give a damn... they changed it completely... and wurst of all... they made it a console game... Well shoot me in the head and serve me a milkshake... I'd rather die then to see this happen to FO3
Um... if Fallout takes the same leap quality-wise that GTA did from 2 to 3, (minus the console part of course) I think it's the best we can ask for. Who didn't enjoy doing drivebys with Scarface music in the background?
I loved GTA 1 and 2. I was the only one out of all of my friends who played it. I was also the only one who bought GTA3 the day it came out, because I liked the gameplay. I loved GTA3 just as much as the previous ones, because it did exactly what the previous ones did, just with better graphics. How was it different? You did missions, drove cars, had a mature rating, everything. Only difference was it was in 3D and not overhead. I like the new graphics better.

If you just don't like 3D games in general, that's fine. But you have to acknowledge that most people do like 3D games.

By the way, made it a console game? What do you mean? What could you do in GTA1 or 2 that you couldn't do in GTA3? What was so fundamentally different about it that you just couldn't stand it? It was basically the same game, it wasn't like they dumbed it down or anything. I can't think of any features that were in previous games that were left out of GTA3. By your logic, GTA1 and 2 were just console games, too, because you could do pretty much all of the same stuff in all 3 games. Can't call one a console and not the others.
Well... Sometimes a certain game just gives you a certain feeling... Fallout is such a game, Final Fantasy is such a game... and like Gta... you have a certain feeling that comes with it... it's something unique... When I see Grand Theft Auto 3, it reminds me of Driver... When I play GTA 1 or 2... I can't compare it with anything else AND THAT is what makes it different and unique...

What is FO3 came out and it looks like a cheap copy of a 3D game... Well, then I'd say, way to go, you just destroyed every little bit of what the previous games have stud for...

You can't compare Fallout with any other game... You can't copy it's humour, it's feeling... When I was playing FOT the other day... the very first thing the enemy said when I encoutered him is: " I Think My Dog Is Gay "

Well you could just wipe my friends off the floor... It took them like 15 minutes to come by... I mean, come on... You can't duplicate any of that... and what would happen if FO3 would be made by another development team... It would ether become a cheap copy of the original because they wanted to try and keep the same eliments or it turns into a cheap copy of another game... and when we're playing it... we're like ... " Hey... this reminds me off.... or hey... I've seen this thing before in .... "

You get my drift...
Mad Max RW said:
[Roe] Snake, you're an idiot.

Who are you to judge me ?

It's a forum, opinions are freely spoken and if you don't like what someone else is saying, maybe you should leave or just state your own opinion... Rather then flaming someone if you do not agree...
Yeah, sorry about that. It's just this comment...

Take Grand Theft Auto for example... 1 and 2 were excellent games... then GTA3 came along and I just threw it back at the sales man behind the counter...

...pissed me off for how stupid it sounds. I know you bought the game and loved it. If you complained about how boring Vice City was or that it took forever for the glitchy PC port of GTA3 to come out. then I'd believe a word you say. It has the exact same gameplay as the original games, but a hell of a lot better. I don't remember being all that impressed by the first couple games to begin with, although multiplayer in GTA1 was cool. GTA2 was bleh, and that crappy London whatever spinoff thing I thought killed the franchise until 3 came out.
Everyone has his or her own oppinion... It's not my pc... It's my PS2.

Like I said... I don't like 1st and 3rd person shooters or action games...

Tomb Raider was fun... up until part 4...

Fallout needs to stay Fallout...

If you wish to flame me... go a head... I just give my opinion... but I ain't here to discus NON Fallout games... it was just an example...

Just respect everyone for giving THEIR opinion... If that's a crime these days... I'd rather be a criminal !
[Roe said:
Snake]Everyone has his or her own oppinion... It's not my pc... It's my PS2.

Let me're upset about how GTA3 was "made for the console" and then bitch about the PS2?

Now, to those who have a clue, I will point out that the console and PC versions differ quite a bit in control, especially when targeting.

I think I will have to point out your flaw to you. If you don't want a console version, don't play the console version, try the PC version instead.

Simple concepts, folks.

If you wish to flame me... go a head... I just give my opinion... but I ain't here to discus NON Fallout games... it was just an example...

A rather flawed one at that.

Just respect everyone for giving THEIR opinion... If that's a crime these days... I'd rather be a criminal !

Opinions are allowed. Stupidity isn't.

Please report to your local public flogger.

As for the original topic, I have a reply right here.
And this kinda feels like you wish to taunt me into a flaming battle or something ?

Come on... read atleast the whole thread before you go all "I know everything better"

Please... keep this a little decent so everyone can be nice to each other...

Let me worry about what I like and don't like...

EDIT: Stupidity ??? Atleast I take pride in my words and admit when I'm wrong... in this case... there is not wrong in opinion... You make it wrong... but that's just your view ! I'll keep mine... I'm done with this conversation...
First of all, as You all know, Deathclaws were taken from fantasy setting and [dont make eyes, that was in the bibles] was intended hairy initially. Then the hair would be removed [thank God!] and iin the Fallout universe they appeared as non-hairy-expa-tanks-egg-laying-lizard-monsters. In the second Fallout they survived some kind of facelifting and gained [some] intelligence...and were slaught out. [I mean, the intelligent ones] Then, in the all-cursed parody about JaggedAlliance and Fallout itself they had a rennaisaance of some kind and were reborn as a hairy, multi-color species...Now erease that part, that didnt happen. Why? The same reason why there is only two general power-armor types in FO universe - those preware and the Enclave ones. And NOT that cat-like-sharp-pointed-ears-suits-of-plaisure. The reason - FOT is not fallout. It was joke, ya know. Or smth. The other thing - I did not like the graphics of FOT. They were too much prerendered. I know that with any 2D game its mostly pre-rendered, but FOT was too..too much. It was like sintetic. And, btw, was I the only one who could actually see the tiles. The tile borders? I am pretty sure that wastland was kinda cross all around with lines...

About SSE taking Fallout3 production - I would not act against it. We have survived FOT, FOPOS and even announcement of FOPOS2, so I guess it would be time for smth not very good falllout but at least wannabe. With some dialogs [AND speech skil], fan consultations [guess, SSE would do it] and so on. Of course it wouldnt be FO3. Because no game can ever be. Its allready a myth, a legend, the HolyGranade if you want to know my opinion. No1 will ever reach its immaginary standards..but maybe it could be just good, big, fan-based, dialog-wide, cRPG not-only-combat game. It would be better than nothing.
The thing is we (I) don't want that. I think we deserve much better, as the initial promise of Fallout 3 made us all hope for something really good. So if someone makes the game, they'd better make it good, or not at all. And the graphics in S2 are huuuyaa so don't say anything about that. True, there was a time when CRPG 3D graphics were ugly, but not today. Silent Storm is easily the best-looking non-FPS game I've ever played.

CRPG in 3D looks nice, with the exception of the Fall. That has to be some of the ugliest graphics I've ever seen. They look 4 or 5 years old, at least. Something with european games, indeed.
Hm. [Roe]Snake is referring to the overall quality of the game engine, I think, and you can't deny that the engine of FOT is way superior to the one used for FO and FO2, now can you?
Personally, I thought the graphics for FO1 and FO2 were more into the atmosphere and feel of the game. FOT felt too....clean....for me. Besides that, it was a crappy engine. Speed-wise, that is.

Plus: personally, I like the hairy Deathclaws better than those brown-I-don't-know-what-exactly-to-compare-them-with-pixel-critters from the original games. That the hairy Deathclaws are inconsistent with the original setting and story (in which they are reptile-like, right?) is a completely different matter. Hell, they should have made them hairy from the start.
No, they shouldn't have.
The first time I saw deathclaws in FO1 I thought "Whoa. Evil bitches." When I took them on, I was dead. They were really scary.
When I saw the Deathclaws in FOT I thought "What are those sleeping furry critters there?".
Then, I started killing them. I was a level 2 for god's sake! Deathclaws have been mutilated in FOT.
I don't think they are very cute either. When they rip my character's abdomen open while making that freaky noise, I tend to stop looking at them as Wasteland Furbies.
The pink and purple and green Deathclaws? Yeah, those were gay indeed.
I actually thought they were some kind of pettable beasties when I first saw them in FOT. Until I read their tag.

Bah, I just hated the graphics in FOT, partly because they were too slick, and had lost the gritty feel for me, partly because the engine is really badly made, speed-wise.