Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

selfcensored post 

Actually, they fought against the nazisThe Guardian said:Your grandparents thought so.
Really? Were they pro Soviet?fedaykin said:Actually, they fought against the nazis![]()
Alright. I'm just wondering due to the cold relations with Soviet in balticum, with the swedish balt deportment to the Soviet and such.fedaykin said:Both my grandfathers served in the Soviet army. One is Russian, the other was Ukranian.
Chancellor Kremlin said:Mark my words, Israel will cease to be a nation far before Switzerland will ever be, if only because by pissing off all its neighbours its laying the foundations for its own destruction.
There is no conceivable measure or standard by which that genocidal terror-state could be considered better than even the failed multinational federation that was Yugoslavia. I acknowledge this even though I've experienced the Yugoslavian collapse first hand.The Guardian said:Better than a multicultural meltdown and failure "Jugoslawia" became near 50 or so years later.
What "dark path"? You mean the current recession? A minor reversal that doesn't even begin to change the fact that never in history have the Croatian people had a standard of living as high as they do now. Not under communists, not under Serbs and certainly not as servants of various Germanic empires.With the Ustaša at least your people were safe from Bolshevik scum and capitalist world financiers which has led us down this dark path.
Too bad it would also be enslaved by a brutal totalitarian regime and its Nazi puppet-masters.But the truth is, your nation would be a lot better if it were fascist today, and despite losing Zadar and Split, your nation would also be a lot larger and united.
Indeed, too bad the reasonably moral and restrained Wehrmacht was but one the two main components of the Nazi war machine, while the other was responsible for horrors that defy description.This is what I mean when I say that the Wehrmacht was composed of saints. They were on a completely different moral level than every other army.
Don't look at me, it was your pal Guardian here who started using this thread as a conduit for Nazi apologism. But then again, since you appear to share his neo-Nazi sentiments, I'm sure you are well aware of that fact and are merely trying to set up a strawman.How strange, anybody criticize Israel, somebody shows up the "evil nazi" card. Then no more critics to Israel and everybody talking about the "satan Germany".
Germany did not invade Poland until Poland began incursions into Germany and massacring innocent German civilians in the corridor.
The German White Book said:16. Announcement made by the Polish Broadcasting Station at Warsaw on August 31, 1939, at 11 p. m.
the publication today of the official German communique has clearly revealed the aims and intentions of German policy. It proves the undisguised aggressive intentions of Germany towards Poland. The conditions under which the Third Empire is prepared to negotiate with Poland are:
Danzig must immediately return to the Reich.
Pomorze together with the cities of Bromberg and Graudenz are to be subjected to a plebiscite, for which all Germans who left that territory for any reason whatsoever since the year 1918 may return.
The Polish military forces and the police force shall be evacuated from Pomorze.
The police force of England, France, Italy and the U.S.S.R. will be placed in charge of the territory. The plebiscite is to take place after twelve months have elapsed.
The territory of the Hela Peninsula will also be included in the plebiscite, Gdynia as a Polish town is excluded. Irrespective of the result of the plebiscite an exterritorial road one kilometer wide is to be constructed.
The German News Agency announces that the time allowed for the acceptance of these conditions expired yesterday. Germany has waited in vain for a Polish delegate. The answer given was the military orders issued by the Polish Government.
Words can now no longer veil the aggressive plans of the new Huns. Germany is aiming at the domination of Europe and is cancelling the rights of nations with as yet unprecedented cynicism. This impudent proposal shows clearly how necessary were the military orders given by the Polish Government.
Bal-Sagoth said:Chancellor Kremlin said:Mark my words, Israel will cease to be a nation far before Switzerland will ever be, if only because by pissing off all its neighbours its laying the foundations for its own destruction.
If you had to make a prediction how long do you see Israel lasting as a nation? Personally I do not believe they will be "conquered" by a foreign nation anywhere in the foreseeable future.
Even attempting to win a conventional war against them is one thing. Not to mention the support they would likely receive from the United States and others if Israel was on the verge of losing such a conflict.
The truly scary thing is the 100-200 nuclear warheads they are sitting on among the other biological and chemical munitions they are believed to have stockpiled.
Also as far as delivery systems the Jericho III has anti missile defense capabilities and a strike range of the entire Middle East and beyond. The Dolphin class submarine that Germany donated/Israel bought also has second strike capabilities.
If all other options failed I would not put it against them to use non-conventional weapons. It is one of the main reasons I am not worried about Iran ever "openly" using a nuclear weapon against Israel. That would be such a very foolish thing to do.
Chancellor Kremlin said:I am talking about the next couple of hundred years.
Chancellor Kremlin said:Both sides will have to concede, and Israel, as the actual nation, the military supremacy, and with its best interests at heard, should be the first to do it.
Bal-Sagoth said:Chancellor Kremlin said:I am talking about the next couple of hundred years.
Ah never mind in that case. We could speculate for days on end about what would occur in that type of time-span.
Chancellor Kremlin said:Both sides will have to concede, and Israel, as the actual nation, the military supremacy, and with its best interests at heard, should be the first to do it.
Good luck.![]()
Chancellor Kremlin said:At some point in the next 50 years if not sooner Turkey will most likely aquicre nuclear arms, at that point Iran will have also probably done it, and maybe also Egypt. From then on who knows what will happen.
The Guardian said:Chancellor Kremlin said:At some point in the next 50 years if not sooner Turkey will most likely aquicre nuclear arms, at that point Iran will have also probably done it, and maybe also Egypt. From then on who knows what will happen.
Turkey is allied with Israel, and would defend it rather than nuke it.
I hope people are not still discussing this topic in 50 years' time.Chancellor Kremlin said:Given middle east politics, that is not a far-fetched scenario, especially in a 50-100 year time frame.