The Guardian said:
Better than a multicultural meltdown and failure "Jugoslawia" became near 50 or so years later.
With the Ustaša at least your people were safe from Bolshevik scum and capitalist world financiers which has led us down this dark path.
You look back coldly on fascist Croatia today, because it's easy and convenient to be cool. But the truth is, your nation would be a lot better if it were fascist today, and despite losing Zadar and Split, your nation would also be a lot larger and united.
Thats enough ... seriously. I am a former Yugoslavian, Serbian. What you talk here about without ANY knowledge at all about history, culture or the nations you mention is very insulting now! I hope you get some kind of warning. I have no clue where you are from, but stop insulting others or their nations.
The Guardian said:
I'd say Switzerland's army was moral, until they fought in the Bosnia.
Peace keeping missions, ew.
I'd also say the Wehrmacht was moral, at least compared to Allied "armies" (criminals).
But like I said, internationalism has destroyed the idea of the moral army.
How far are you known with the "history" of either the Wehrmacht or pre industrial militarism in general. Like Prussian, Austrian history, Holy Roman Empire, French, Brittish and Spanish colonialism?
We should of course forget the "nazi-everywhere" hooey of course. That have been 12 years of europe which is a pretty short time (even if it did probably some of the heaviest damage).
If anything moral in certain armies at least is today higher then ever. Prticularly in the times before 45 people did not even raised any questions about military in general or their practices. A single individual or life was not much worth. Either civilan or military personal. Only with the changing times, weapons and of course the money a soldier costs things changed slightly over time. It still is a shady issue, but a lot more nations today at least try to minimize colateral damage or take care about civilians and its for most western armies not usual to kill POWs. In past it was pretty common to kill them, if they have not been anything worth. Particularly times like the industrial revolution made here a big change and "soldiers" have been seen more then ever as nothing more like resources and have been spend of course like such, which can be seen very cleary in the first World War where all nations together wasted the life of young men like children water or candy.
The Wehrmacht, in particular, was it a worse army then those of its neigbours ? Talking about a pre-nazi timeframe of course. No it definetly was not. But it also was not a better one. And neither was it much different with the Red Army, or the Army from the Russian Tzar.
I think one can definetly say that today, things are for sure better then "befor" 45. Maybe we dont have a army with moral today, but we are definetly closer to it then ever before.
The Guardian said:
And yes, I specifically meant the Heer were a moral army, relative to every Allied army. History is written by the victors.
*WRONG*, not everything is always written by the victors. It may have been the situation 50-60 years in the past where everyone had the mentality to either forget or make the Germans pay (in some way) for the war.
But most "very reliable" literature about the Wehrmacht, before and during the war is today written by, what surprise, Germans. Modern historians that are not biased by nationalism, heroism or the imagination to make evil monsters out of "German" soldiers but more tryint just to show in details the situation as accurate as possible. Most of the sources today are in the so called "Bundesarchieve" accessible for everyone. Documents, front line mails, orders, everything can be seen and read. The usual soldier was probably not worse then most others. But the organisation in commonly is a different story, and most historians, the better ones make here a difference.
The Guardian said:
So the lesser of two evils doesn't apply to the German Reich? I think the millions of Germans who were genocided, and the hundreds of thousands of NS sympathizers who were butchered, along with thousands of neutral intellectuals, teachers and doctors who were killed or suppressed, would disagree.
Are you one of those people that support the idea Hitler just forestall with his war on the Sovietunion a attack from Stalin? Letz assume for a moment even this "theory" could be true (since that is what it is a "theory"), wasnt it Hitler that for more then 4 years propagate a "war on the sovietunion and communism" ?
Isnt it kinda strange that most experienced troops have been placed in the east by the Russians, closer to Japan as that was the front they expected.
There is evidence that the Soviet leadership in the miliatary DID definetly prepared their military and economy for a war, even against Germany. BUT it was nto planed to happen before Brittain was beaten, at least not before 43. Most Soviet Planes were planed not to be ready before 42. Actualy there was not even enough fuel for most of them ready before early 42.
But to say it that way, could anyone hold Soviet war preperations against them (Not talking about a plan to attack!) considering Hitlers propaganda? I mean did you ever cared to read "Mein Kampf" ? Or the general propaganda of the Naziparty, before and after 1933? "Conquering new ground in the east" "whiping out communism for once and all" well I have no clue how a "Russian" could missunderstand that ...