Most overused(annoying) things in video games

Ventilation shafts.

Seriously, have you ever seen a ventilation shaft that is big enough to crawl through with openings conveniently placed everywhere?

You'd think designers of warehouses, fortresses, etc, would have seen enough movies or played enough games by now to know that this is a critical design flaw that allows ninjas etc to infiltrate the hell out of your shit.
Really, what is the point of this?

Evolutionary/psychologically it is a common human/primate thing to do. We then anthropomorphically apply this to other animals, which is true for some, untrue for others - but a "roar before attack" is very naturally human. We do it to intimidate - thus to, hopefully, minimize actual bloodshed. If our battle-cry works (remember, instinctive mechanisms like these are much older than civilization, we're talking jungle-life here, not big scale warfare), the enemy will retreat, and you will win, with nobody getting hurt.

Battle cries survived long into more advanced history, with vikings eternalizing the "hurra!" yell (look it up, it originally means "hu'er av", "heads off", today it is the national celebration cry of Norwegians, as well as used in many variants in military forces still), and the famous Maori preserving their scary-face-arghh dance

I agree tho :V it is totally overdone, especially with that pose, with that voice, that exact demeanor etc.

Personally, I'm sick of zombie/infected/ghoul (:V) in most media
Really, what is the point of this?

Evolutionary/psychologically it is a common human/primate thing to do. We then anthropomorphically apply this to other animals, which is true for some, untrue for others - but a "roar before attack" is very naturally human. We do it to intimidate - thus to, hopefully, minimize actual bloodshed. If our battle-cry works (remember, instinctive mechanisms like these are much older than civilization, we're talking jungle-life here, not big scale warfare), the enemy will retreat, and you will win, with nobody getting hurt.

Battle cries survived long into more advanced history, with vikings eternalizing the "hurra!" yell (look it up, it originally means "hu'er av", "heads off", today it is the national celebration cry of Norwegians, as well as used in many variants in military forces still), and the famous Maori preserving their scary-face-arghh dance

I agree tho :V it is totally overdone, especially with that pose, with that voice, that exact demeanor etc.

Personally, I'm sick of zombie/infected/ghoul (:V) in most media

It is just completely idiotic that a building size monster, that is clearly smarter than your average chimp, would waste time and open up himself to attacks, by flailing around like a complete moron. He is the attacker! He is not defending himself, the gesture is a defensive on at best, but he is in full kill mode! They even go so low, as to show a fucking dragon screaming his guts off to a lowly person 2 meters away from his mouth, while he clearly could of snapped him like a twig in that time.

I think it's just laziness on the developers part, so they always go for the easy "cinematic" effect button, when confronted with a bit more difficult scenarios..... You hear me developers who have done this??? You suck!
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Really, what is the point of this?

Evolutionary/psychologically it is a common human/primate thing to do. We then anthropomorphically apply this to other animals, which is true for some, untrue for others - but a "roar before attack" is very naturally human. We do it to intimidate - thus to, hopefully, minimize actual bloodshed. If our battle-cry works (remember, instinctive mechanisms like these are much older than civilization, we're talking jungle-life here, not big scale warfare), the enemy will retreat, and you will win, with nobody getting hurt.

Battle cries survived long into more advanced history, with vikings eternalizing the "hurra!" yell (look it up, it originally means "hu'er av", "heads off", today it is the national celebration cry of Norwegians, as well as used in many variants in military forces still), and the famous Maori preserving their scary-face-arghh dance

I agree tho :V it is totally overdone, especially with that pose, with that voice, that exact demeanor etc.

Personally, I'm sick of zombie/infected/ghoul (:V) in most media

It is just completely idiotic that a building size monster, that is clearly smarter than your average chimp, would waste time and open up himself to attacks, by flailing around like a complete moron. He is the attacker! He is not defending himself, the gesture is a defensive on at best, but he is in full kill mode! They even go so low, as to show a fucking dragon screaming his guts off to a lowly person 2 meters away from his mouth, while he clearly could of snapped him like a twig in that time.

I think it's just laziness on the developers part, so they always go for the easy "cinematic" effect button, when confronted with a bit more difficult scenarios..... You hear me developers who have done this??? You suck!

Yes, I get what you mean, I just went into Did-you-know-mode
But that's where it comes from - we shout, as humans, it's part of our nature - but then we apply it where it doesn't belong, like a huge monster like that, and give it some human body-language while at it

It reminds me of those 80s dinosaur posters, always with an erupting volcano, lightning, Stegosaurus, Plesiosaurus and Tyrannosaurus in the same image - and the T always got this... very human, very dramatic stance, roaring out into the air, one of his feet stepping on to a peak or something

It makes no sense, yet this "majestic roar"-moment is so ingrained, when T did it in Jurassic Park we expected it as something familiar, cheered him on! :D
It reminds me of those 80s dinosaur posters, always with an erupting volcano, lightning, Stegosaurus, Plesiosaurus and Tyrannosaurus in the same image - and the T always got this... very human, very dramatic stance, roaring out into the air, one of his feet stepping on to a peak or something

Those posters like my favorite thing in the world, no joke
Really, what is the point of this?

These are of the top of my head, but i'm pretty sure this list might be infinitely long. Every fucking monster in every game and movie has to do this. It just pisses me off!

What trite shit do you find most annoying games?

Been playing a lot of Co-Op resident evil recently and i hate this.. Even worse when Michael Bay action is around every corner aswell.

Other stuff i hate with a passion.
Cut sceenes for every little thing that happens.. Especially if they are used during combat without pausing the game. Died more times to that than anything els i a few games.
Check points before a long unscippable cut sceene.. Or check points in general.
Flashy screens when you are near death. It doesn't add anything but annoyance ot me.
Minecraft crap.
Shops. They are rarely useful in any video game. Give me a video game with a proper shop.

This. Shops that are basically only there for you to unload all your loot are one of my pet peeves. I long for a game where the shop keepers aren't interested in purchasing all your random junk, and where you actually for once might have to buy something once in a while.
Random and sporadic use of Anime style cutscenes. Now this is only a problem for people playing weaboo games but one thing I found annoying in Ace Attorney 5 was how they would give some very random and inocuous sequences anime cutscenes but some parts you would want to see animated were presented in the regular style of the game. And really why even make anime cutscenes? The visual style of the game is very very good and it will probably cost less. Same with Persona 4, I actually like the in-engine story sequences more, even tho by all intents and propouses they are pretty goofy with the weird canned animations. Most of it also comes with how badly dubbed those animu sequences tend to be, even when the game itself has a top notch dub (in the case of Persona 4).

On non-weaboo things:

Turret sections. They just suck, they are lazy and usually unskippable.

When games force cutscenes in moments you would've expected to get an interactive sequence. Case in point: Arkham City and the part where you confront Hugo Strange. Completely unsatisfactory, you just SEE Bats beating Hugo Strange up even tho you were forced to go through a quite punishing predator sequence and they make you hack his terminal in game. Just dumb. Arkham Origins actually let you punch the Joker, altho it was a qte mash sequence.

Sequences where you are forced into walking slowly just to get some exposition.

Games that promise consequences for actions but always end up discarding them at the end.

Quest markers on linear games. Do they seriously have such a low opinion of their customers?
The consistent dumbing down of the average AAA game. They get boring to play after a while because I personally love games that are always challenging, instead of a little challenge at the beginning and no challenge at the end.
Now that you mention that.

"we need to hurry!"

"there is no time left!"

"they will attack soon"

"Quick! You have to rescue my lost daughter/son/companion/wife/husband/dog/what-ever!"

- player proceeds with wandering around not coming back for at least half a year, while the same NPC is still in place waiting patiently for your return.

To be fair mostly a problem in RPGs, particularly open world games.

Sometimes I feel, what would an RPG with actually realistic quest design be like? I mean you know, the kind of game where you are punished for such stuff. Take to much time wandering around, and the girl that's lost in the wods is killed by wild animals or something like that. Would it be fun? No clue.
Sometimes I feel, what would an RPG with actually realistic quest design be like? I mean you know, the kind of game where you are punished for such stuff. Take to much time wandering around, and the girl that's lost in the wods is killed by wild animals or something like that. Would it be fun? No clue.

Well, some of the generic kill quests in fallout 4 do have time limits. Quite a few of them expired on me because I couldn't be arsed to go and wipe out another boring bandit/mutant/ghoul nest.