most used weapon

Fallout 1: because I've played it only once (I'm making up for it, though :P), I used the sniper rifle which turned out to be a very bad choice when fighting against the Master. :?

Fallout 2: most of the time I use the M72, but I've managed to come across the Alien Blaster, and if it weren't for it's hilariously short range, it'd be my favourite weapon.
EDIT: Oh, and the Bozar. Sgt. Granite was critically hit for 3052 hit points. :twisted:

FOT: played it once and I mostly used small arms (AK47, Sniper Rifle, M72, etc.), but the Alt+F4 combination is the best weapon in this game...
Fallout: TPR, strongest and coolest weapon in the entire game!

Fallout 2:TPR, strongest and coolest weapon in the entire game!

Fallout Tactics: don't play Fallout Tactics...
FO1: Plasma Rifle (also Turbo) - best weapon really and you get to enjoy it for a good portion of the game.

FO2: .223 Pistol and later on the Y2Ketcetc Pulse Rifle - nothing like one-shotting people with the .223. Made such a great sound, followed by the arm and headless body of your target falling over and hitting the dust.

FOT: Browning M2. I always made my character have 6 STR. so with a power armor he could wield the Browning with 8 STR. and that gun just rips through everything. Even robots, although not as effectivly as those EMP weapons etc., which I did ofcourse shift to towards the end. But the Browning just rocks.
Fallout 1: I used a minigun .

Fallout 2: Bozar was pretty good, but this one the best damage when u shoot in eye :) YK42B Pulse Rifle , turbo plazma is good but i dont like her
In Fallout 1 it's the 14mm SIG-Sauer lately... along with an AK-112 5mm Assault Rifle.

In Fallout 2 I almost always end up with shotguns.
FO1: Turbo Plasma (low luck char), Alien Blaster (high luck char)
FO2: Since I like my character to have high skill levels for all weapon types:
M72 Gauss Rifle
Bozar, Flamethrower
Turbo Plasma Rifle
Super Cattle Prod (I loved turning my character evil and going around electro-prodding women and children in the groin, and also flamering the wee ones and Bounty Hunters)
Unarmed, no weapon (I enjoyed taking on the entire Bishop crew with no NPCs, with only some super stims and a combat leather jacket)

Sulik: G11E, Super sledge
Cassidy: M72
Vic: M72
Marcus: Pulse rifle, Bozar
Brain bot: M72

Werwolf said:
Where do bullets holds in hunting rifle???
Eh? Was that english?

FO1: I like to have 10 AGL, 2 Action boys, Fast Shot, and Bonus Rate of Fire. Then get a turbo plasma rifle and shoot 4-6 times per round(I forgot how much, havent played FO1 for a while)
FO2: The aformentioned skills. Fire the Gauss pistol 6 times per round. Combine with better criticals or sniper and youve got yourself a party.
In Fallout I used the Alien Blaster because I found it very early my last time through... good weapon! Otherwise I would get myself the .223 pistol ASAP. I usually carried a minigun or a rocket launcher but that was for busting up big threats -the pistol was definitely my workhorse.
In Fallout 2 it would depend on if I was going for a particular weapon skill. For small arms it was the gauss rifle. For Large guns the Bozar or the miniguns, depending on what I felt like. Energy weapons always top out with the TPR or the gattling laser (which has the best damage by the numbers but you need VERY high skill otherwise people's armor makes it rather useless.
Lord 342 said:
the gattling laser (which has the best damage by the numbers but you need VERY high skill otherwise people's armor makes it rather useless.

I always loved the gatling laser but as you say, so many
armours are virtually immune to it (even basic metal armour
protects against it)

Anyone use flamers? poor old flamers.. nobody
likes them. If only the pyromaniac perk was
better ......
Josan12 said:
Anyone use flamers? poor old flamers.. nobody
likes them. If only the pyromaniac perk was
better ......

Yeah, that was something I always found a bit disheartening.

One would assume that a stream of flame would render most armor useless as the person within would likely be cooked by the high heat.
For a single shot, flamers do pretty good damage, especially with mk.2 fuel. But their short range and heavy ammunition are a problem, and if you're going to put points into Big Guns, even the regular minigun does more damage.
FO1 - .233
FO2 - Pancor Jackhammer used to be my top weapon. Used it in most of my playthroughs. And Bozar. Lately it's the .233 and Bozar combination. Rick Deckard rules.
Werwolf said:
So where is magazine in hunting rifle?

Pull the bolt back. Insert magazine. Smash thumb while attempting to release the bolt.

Actually there isn't anything in the image, nor was it based on a real gun. As far as I've looked there is no Colt Rangemaster semi-automatic rifle.

As far as my guns?

F1: Turbo Pulse rifle.

F2: Flamethrower

Tactics: Mini's for all. Cept my sniper.
Josan12 said:
Lord 342 said:
the gattling laser (which has the best damage by the numbers but you need VERY high skill otherwise people's armor makes it rather useless.

I always loved the gatling laser but as you say, so many
armours are virtually immune to it (even basic metal armour
protects against it)

Anyone use flamers? poor old flamers.. nobody
likes them. If only the pyromaniac perk was
better ......

I used the flamers a lot in both games. The limited range actually makes them a lot more controlled than most big guns, and they're pretty easy to find and keep fed. That said they're just not versatile enough to be my -or I suspect anyone's- "Most used" gun.
I got to admit that I had a little crush on the club
. Nothing better than being good at melee weapons... you just use a head as a target with the club... and when the guy is KO... well... you just have to finish him.

Ozrat said:
Fallout 1: Fists of Fury!

Fallout 2: Fists and Feet of Fury!

Ninja chop hoi! Honestly, why bother learning wasteland hunter's safety when you can just beat up everything? Bopping those beyotches down with their bare hands gave my characters the satisfaction they never had as a child...
Yeah, fists&feet are awesome.

Nothing is more satisfying than beating a Deathclaw to a pulp using nothing but your fists&feet. (and a truck-load of luck)

In Fot I usually ended up with a browning M2 though...
If only they'd allow that thing to have single fire, then I'd be the Carlos Hathcock of the Fallout universe.