most used weapon

Re: What I used

SkynetV3 said:
F1 == I became addicted to the combat shotgun and the super sledgehammer.

F2 == Flamer (gotta love torching children with that one), Vindicator minigun (Enclave Trooper was critically hit for 1052 damage), Pulse Rifle (love to fry them Vault City guards).

1052 damage Ive had around 2800 citical with my trusty pulse rifle. :D
Fo2: Bozar, Vindicator, Avenger Minigun, YK32B Pulse Rifle, M72 Gauss Rifle, Desert Eagle, .223 Pistol, Flamer, H&K G11E, FN FAL HPFA, Laser Rifle and Assault Rifle (Exp. Mag.)

Nuff said!
FO1: .233 pistol and turbo plasma rifle, or Minigun and Mega power fist, depending on my mood

FO2: Gauss Rifle and Super Sledge

Tactics: AKs early on and Brownings in the later levels

FOPOS: Mini nuke or something I cheated to get like that.

I use the plasma grenades in Fallout 1 as the pretty explosions make me indebted of death :twisted: . I try to use the .223 Pistol as it is more better just less fun. In Fallout 2 I use all the FN FAL guns as they are the best by distance, when duelled with sniper they can kill much.
FO1: alien blaster (i got it really early in the game NYAH NYAH!!!!!!!)
FO2: wombat shotgun
FO - Turbo Plasma Rifle
FO2 - Gauss Rifle
FOT - Pancor Jackhammer (+ max sneak skill = carnage!!!!!)
FO: I can't remember, probably the .233 pistol if I could find it.

FO2: .233 pistol. I loved that thing.

FOT: AK47. Get 4 guys with those things on auto and you can take ANYTHING.
Stag said:
I love the .233 pistol, but I'll switch to the Gauss rifle ASAP.

I'm more partial to the Gauss pistol, myself. More shots, with criticals it usually doesn't matter about less damage, and no "whoops! my arm is useless! I'm Fucked!" type things coming about suddenly.
I've actually never gotten a crippled limb. My problem is that my best character had a low critical % so I needed the extra damage.
FO: Spiked Knuckles // SMG

FO2: Combat Knife // Sawed-Off Shotgun
Rock // Switchblade (in conjunction with Psycho)

FOT: Lacerators // Sniper Rifle
Razor Claws // Sten Gun

BOS (which was a disappointment): Ripper // Sunbeam

By the way, the Rock was always my favorite for smashing childrens' brains in.