Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

Jesus... I don't even like the soundtrack. The only epic thing I can make out is how many fucking clichés they could cram into what, five of six hours of game play.

-Blue traction beam abduction
-Almond-shape-headed green/gray aliens
-Taped message of somebody who has escaped, and 'figured it out'
-Glowing shit on the ship (including explosions)
-Samurai (?!?)

But maybe that's what they're going for... In that case,

Good fucking job, Beth. Fallout 3 just keeps getting better and better.
patriot_41 said:
Ahahahahahaha, man, the Samurai Armor is a ripoff from The Last Samurai - the most un-samurai samurai movie ever . . .

I liked this movie :) still i cant find shogun series online and in TV i always miss it...

Any way this is the helmet?


Of said:
Good fucking job, Beth. Fallout 3 just keeps getting better and better.

They not going broke any time they doing fine...
I'm having a flashback. Remember a few months ago when, in response to the complaint that Bethesda was completely changing the mechanics of Fallout, their defenders kept saying that didn't matter because it was the setting and atmosphere that made Fallout Fallout?

So is it still Fallout now that the mechanics are completely different, and there's a goofball in samurai armor fighting aliens on a space station? Is it?

Just curious.
Sorry guys, but these Lazor Samurai from Outer-space! left me speechless...

So I let the FO3 experts do the talking:
''Old 60's style aliens in a new age game? great idea actually looks fun!''

''holy fuck amazing!''

''You've got my money! SOLD!''
UniversalWolf said:
a goofball in samurai armor fighting aliens on a space station

That just tore my heart out. How retarded can those people be? There is not an ounce of Fallout in that. And I should know, since i am now playing Fallout. Something the Bethesda devs have never ever done. Shitheads.
Lesse, the most damaging weapon in the game at the moment is the Alien laser pistol (well the firelance) and the rifles and other alien tech used can be assumed to be on the same damage level.
Samurai armour is made of mainly wood, leather and iron/steel plates.

Now you might think that it is no contest but this is Bethesda bitches and samurai armour is awsum to the extreme!

So just sit back and wait for mister Samurai man to kill everyone for you.
LauraJay wrote:it doesn't scream 'fallout' to me.

This doesn't even whimper 'Fallout'.

Samurai armour: bamboo is proof against 99% of all known alien weaponry? :?
An inside informer -whose name I am not allowed to reveal due to ethical reasons- has shared with me key information of what transpired during Mothership Zeta(TM) development. The insights that have been bestowed upon me are so wonderful that I have decided to share them with all of you... with 1MB of old school animated .gif in its full 256 color glory.


Epilogue: After learning you could get to keep the Mothership Zeta(TM), Pete took a deserved vacation to the Bahamas. He argued "With such a feature, the game will just sell itself, you know?".

Well, folks... Who am I to disagree?
1. Fallout 3 has more bloom and is therefore more immersive.
2. ????
3. Profit (I've never heard of Alien Arena and think Zeta will sell more)
MapMan said:
Why did you post Alien Arena trailer? Oh wait...


Aliens in zeta are green
Aliens heads aren't as big
guns are different

Map man your attempt at being funny completely failed

Lol as for Tycho the gif was perfect.

The alien idea could have been cool but samurai's and cowboys!?!? YES Look closely there are COWBOYS in the video!!!! Yippy Eye OH Bitches!

Interesting concepts tied together by bad writing and gimicky items/side quests.

Get knew writers for New Vegas.
I'll probably buy it to try it. Curious to see how it turns out.
patriot_41 said:
Rarely, if ever. I've only seen one helmet with similar horns throught my kabuto-browsing days and it was in The Last Samurai. Which was influenced by Takeda Shingen's helm, which was bright red but the horns were different. It doesn't matter, the armor sucks.
I've never seen a Japanese helmet with real horns on it myself, I've seen plenty with the decorative metal "horns" but none with animal horns.

I will give them that I, aesthetically speaking, like everything but the helmet on the samurai armor and I like the Gemini space suit but how does that alien drill cannon thing mesh at all aesthetically with the rest of their alien weaponry?

UniversalWolf said:
I'm having a flashback. Remember a few months ago when, in response to the complaint that Bethesda was completely changing the mechanics of Fallout, their defenders kept saying that didn't matter because it was the setting and atmosphere that made Fallout Fallout?

So is it still Fallout now that the mechanics are completely different, and there's a goofball in samurai armor fighting aliens on a space station? Is it?

Just curious.
According to those same people, yes, yes it is. Keep in mind that those people don't understand Fallout or it's setting and many have stated that Aliens fit in fine with Fallout canon. Some people just plain don't get it.
UncannyGarlic said:
patriot_41 said:
Rarely, if ever. I've only seen one helmet with similar horns throught my kabuto-browsing days and it was in The Last Samurai. Which was influenced by Takeda Shingen's helm, which was bright red but the horns were different. It doesn't matter, the armor sucks.
I've never seen a Japanese helmet with real horns on it myself, I've seen plenty with the decorative metal "horns" but none with animal horns.
Patriot is right, it's a Takeda Shingen thing - pretty iconic deal there. The horned helmet is synonymous with him, much like MacArthur and the glasses/pipe or Patton "dual weilding" Ivory pistols.
But the weird thing is the very Oda or Imperial like Chysanthemmum crest on the chest. Shingen was wiped out by them. That'd be like putting Robert E. Lee in the game but in a Union uniform with US flags on it.

But who are we fooling we know why it's in the game. It's kewl!
Pew Pew get them aliens!

ZXL09 said:
Aliens in zeta are green
Aliens heads aren't as big
guns are different

Map man your attempt at being funny completely failed
Detect Sarcasm roll failed.
Once again Bethesda proves that RPG doesn't stand for Role Playing Game but instead stands for Rocket Propelled Grenade.

They just need admit that they hate RPGs and want to make FPS games ;/
PlanHex said:
(I've never heard of Alien Arena and think Zeta will sell more)

It's freeware.

It's such a nice coincidence that the 'NPCs' in this addon can't communicate with you and appear to be hostile on sight. I mean, dialogue is so 1997.