Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

Post Nuclear Vampire Samurai vs The Aliens From Outer Space

:ugly: :drunk: :falloutonline: :silly: :dance: :obsessed: but most of all it is very much of this: :boy:
OOHHHH not long until it's out now!

Are you excited?


*rocks back and fourth*

Samurai? Where the hell from??? First, I thought that was an nma joke, but it seems not.

I hate whining about games in general, but this kinda surprised even me.

Teh drama!!11
Cimmerian Nights said:
Remind me not to play it. :puke:

No, actually the game is definitely worth trying out, sir. At least a few hours ingame wouldn't hurt your broad-mindedness, and who knows? you might even secretly like it.
I have the only question: why does this Mothership look pretty much like the Enclave base in FO3? :)
Public said:
13pm said:
I have the only question: why does this Mothership look pretty much like the Enclave base in FO3? :)

Enclave worked for Aliens!!

SPOILER ALERT, ENCLAVE ARE ALIENS! The aliens are actually japanese, and because they are asian they "all look the same" and were able to infiltrate the chinese government and start the war years ago.

It was actually a huge long thought out plan to get you a new home.
Ahhh, now that makes sense - in the long established custom of ridiculous NMA jokes becoming standard for new FO3 content, I could swear my hairy ass that there is a connection between aliens and the enclave and there is some kind of thumb-sucked X-files-y conspiracy where the aliens made the enclave their tool on earth providing them with weaponry and high-tech for whatever sinister purpose thay might have had... Hell, I bet they really started the war! They seek a new planet and their natural surroundings are irradiated wastelands - so there, just add A-bomb and stir... Errr... Where were we....
Anyone wondering the Samurai Armour is...
30 DR 30 WG +10 melee weapons +10 melee weapons damage

So basically better than combat armour (with the melee weapon bonuses) and only 10 DR less than Advanced Power Armour MKII. :roll:
Alphadrop said:
Anyone wondering the Samurai Armour is...
30 DR 30 WG +10 melee weapons +10 melee weapons damage

So basically better than combat armour (with the melee weapon bonuses) and only 10 DR less than Advanced Power Armour MKII. :roll:

This is official?
Dev diarrhea
At the end of the day, as if by magic, all of this comes together in a consumable form that is hopefully entertaining. Yes we all have a common goal, try to make something great, but the devil is in the details. Making sure that lots of itty bits of 'pretty cool' actually add up to one, big, perfectly spherical orb of Awesome (rather than a sloppy, drippy mess of 'kinda interesting'), is where the trick is.

God damnit. What kind of design philosophy is that? You create lots of 'pretty cool' bits and then you're supposed to rig them together into something which artificially holds them together? Aren't you supposed to start with the big awesome design theory and then fit all the parts into it logically? This pretty much confirms the NMA review which criticized the original game for aiming at 'cool stuff' without thinking about the entire setting in the first place. No wonder they end up with throwing in samurai armor. It's just another 'cool thing' to do. One person just gets the idea to design a samurai armor, and the poor folk over in the story department suddenly get told to make some shit up for it.
In Vtmb you got penalties to dexterity for wearing a bulletproof vest. Turns out that's completely unreasonable, wearing heavy and clunky gear actually makes you stronger AND makes you move faster and in a more precise/coordinated fashion!
Dead Guy said:
In Vtmb you got penalties to dexterity for wearing a bulletproof vest. Turns out that's completely unreasonable, wearing heavy and clunky gear actually makes you stronger AND makes you move faster and in a more precise/coordinated fashion!
[roll eyes] Wait a minute - Penalties? The masses don't like too much of that stuff floating around their games. I mean the Power Armor penalty is bad enough for some of them! Why do they want Samurai Armor if it just has 'stoopid penalties made by stoopid humans haha'. They want 'kewl lootz'. Maybe they should have made it Samurai Power Armor MkIII!!![/roll eyes]
tsonan said:
Ahhh, now that makes sense - in the long established custom of ridiculous NMA jokes becoming standard for new FO3 content, I could swear my hairy ass that there is a connection between aliens and the enclave and there is some kind of thumb-sucked X-files-y conspiracy where the aliens made the enclave their tool on earth providing them with weaponry and high-tech for whatever sinister purpose thay might have had...

Hell! So that is why they survived after the destruction of Oil Rig! They were CLONED!!
I'm guessing that samurai armour could even stand up to mutant redneck shotguns. Woo.

Too bad I'll never pay to find that out.