Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

dirtbag said:
Post Nuclear Vampire Samurai vs The Aliens From Outer Space

:ugly: :drunk: :falloutonline: :silly: :dance: :obsessed: but most of all it is very much of this: :boy:
Hey you might think its a joke ... but imagine now you can REALLY! play [LARP ... ] a post nuclear vampire in samurai armor now - yaaay for the Arefu wanabe vampires !

They really dont need to releas anything after Zeta anymore. Now people and particularly the Fans of "Fallout" have everything they ever asked for, as pew pew in space larping some wanabevampire in samurai armor coming from the post nuclear washington wasteland ...
Public said:
tsonan said:
Ahhh, now that makes sense - in the long established custom of ridiculous NMA jokes becoming standard for new FO3 content, I could swear my hairy ass that there is a connection between aliens and the enclave and there is some kind of thumb-sucked X-files-y conspiracy where the aliens made the enclave their tool on earth providing them with weaponry and high-tech for whatever sinister purpose thay might have had...

Hell! So that is why they survived after the destruction of Oil Rig! They were CLONED!!

No those ones were robots. Geez its so simple how could you mess it up?

Enclave = Japanese Robot Alien Clones From the Year 1300 sent to the future to destroy america by using a chinese shadow government to usurp democracy.

Of course it was all planned by skynet.
NFSreloaded said:
EDIT: What's with the [Censored] everywhere? Can't swear on the Beth forums or something?

The BGSF is rated PG and thus blocks swearing. It's a legal thing, and it's perfectly reasonable. Even if it wasn't, we do not discuss moderation of other forums on NMA, that's a big nono here.

Same for trolling other forums. Some comments/links to BGSF are ok, but the moment I see anyone so much as hint at "lulz those guis r st00pid", it's vats.
It seems at least Zeta is in tradition with the Fallout 3 game and the other DLCs.

Its as well bugged like hell.
Crni Vuk said:
It seems at least Zeta is in tradition with the Fallout 3 game and the other DLCs.

Its as well bugged like hell.
I wish Bethesda would follow more of a philosophy like Blizzard and release their products when they're done rather than rush to meet a deadline projected by PR to be optimal.
Quaid said:
Crni Vuk said:
It seems at least Zeta is in tradition with the Fallout 3 game and the other DLCs.

Its as well bugged like hell.
I wish Bethesda would follow more of a philosophy like Blizzard and release their products when they're done rather than rush to meet a deadline projected by PR to be optimal.

I wish Bethesda would follow the blizzard philosophy of continually supporting games with bug fixes as well as new content rather than just new content with old bugs (features).

I also wish Bethesda would follow the blizzard philosophy of making GOOD games.

Even Diablo has better writing than Fallout 3.