This ghoul has seen it all

The history of the production of Apocalypse Now by itself would make for a cool Graphic Adventure or even a management game.
However, I feel that movies themselves are hard to translate into a video-game.
If it was a BOOK, I would choose A Scanner Darkly. "oh wait, that's also a movie."
escape from new york was a trash movie but i could see it being a good game tbh
escape from new york was a trash movie but i could see it being a good game tbh
The Dirty Harry game that never was.
The Dirty Harry game that never was.
I would love to see this game, as a serious project.
Like choices and consequences. During this time of the Call of Duty generation with blood-thirsty cops curb-stomping anything they can get away with, I would definitely recommend that the game punished you for being "Dirty", and give a nice paradox that makes fucking up in the game feel good about yourself, however make you feel bad if you do it on purpose.
Fucking up, meaning, taking the morally ambiguous route of shooting first asking question later. I picture in my mind a mixture between L.A. Noire and Max Payne.
http://www.creepypasta.com/the-blind-mans-favor/Hostel, as a provider of fresh meat...