Movies you would like to see redone as game

Well. I see we both have a very similar taste in movies. I like that.

Now let us get to the meat shall we.


And one of my favourites

Flash Gordon

Also no one mentioned Highlander? Blasphemy!

And since you mentioned a TV show already ... I can't be the only one who loved the whacky LEXX and thinks it would make a decent game, with all of its crazy and whacky stuff. I could see it work like Mass Effect at least from the idea. I mean flying insects in space. WTF!
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Krull was on my short list, but I did pick others instead.

LEXX is great (I've got the whole series), but as a game... only one of them is a fighter... I can only imagine LEXX as a cross between The Lost Vikings and Black Tiger; (and hopefully not like Farscape the game).

One can easily see Kai, and his proto-blood meter, shooting away at enemies, and climbing platforms.
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Well. I see we both have a very similar taste in movies. I like that.

Now let us get to the meat shall we.


And one of my favourites

Flash Gordon

Also no one mentioned Highlander? Blasphemy!

And since you mentioned a TV show already ... I can't be the only one who loved the whacky LEXX and thinks it would make a decent game, with all of its crazy and whacky stuff. I could see it work like Mass Effect at least from the idea. I mean flying insects in space. WTF!

Flash Gordon might have been a good game for the 90's era of gaming. Other than that.... I don't see

To reverse the thread topic though, I'd love to see Metal Gear Solid 1 made as a movie. Everyone would be able to understand the plot and wouldn't have to know wtf the Patriots are (unless they added that into the script) to understand what was going on, and original MGS fans would (should) be satisfied. Although come to think of it, they would probably have to separate it into two parts if they were to include every major event, including Snakes battle with all the FoxHound members.

I would love me a proper Hellboy game.

If it was done right, sure. But most of the time movie studios highly under estimate how much revenue a game could bring in for them and think it will only be for a small market, and like to get really greedy with the budget and the game ends up just being another generic movie game that no one remembers and most of the general gamer base never even knew came out unless they strolled into Gamestop and took a long look at the Used games shelf.
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That's a pretty good list. I haven't seen a Battle Beyond the Stars (a.k.a. the cheap Star Wars knockoff) reference in ages. Logan's Run could be good, but it won't happen because there's a nuLogan's Run in development. Outland could be quite good as a game; that setting seems adaptable to a cRPG.

Hell Comes to Frogtown
: haha! It would be a must-play for Rowdy Roddy Piper fans. The Dance of the Three Snakes!

Smokey and The Bandit: now this is thinking outside the box. I like it. It could be long, long racing game combined with a cRPG. You (as Burt Reynolds) with your companion (Sally Field) would have to stay one step ahead of Buford T. Justice while you race across the U.S. You could talk to truckers on your C.B. radio and try to convince them to help you. I'm also hearing banjo music.

Logan's Run
Silent Running
Fire & Ice
Outland ~with Sean Connery
Big Trouble in Little China
Up in Smoke
Battle Beyond the Stars
Smokey & the Bandit
Star Crash
Ender's Game
Hell Comes To Frog Town

The whole premise of the movie would work really well with current hardware and gaming. A closed Island of Manhattan as maximum security prison with the player inside it. If done well and by a good team, it could be really a great game.

Been there, done that. Add magic and swords and you get Gothic 1. And it was a great game, indeed.
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Yeeeeeah ... but ... this time you would get it with machine pistols. And a chance to get some arena fighting!

Flash Gordon might have been a good game for the 90's era of gaming. Other than that.... I don't see
BEGONE! Foul creature! The time when Flash Gordon becomes not worth as a game are the times when gaming becomes obsolete!

Anyway. A horror game based on
Saturn 3. Of course with the iconic music.

Could be made on the same principle like Alien Isolation.
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Flash Gordon the pulpy 30's serial or the equally awesome 70's movie with a kick ass soundtrack. Hell either one would work. Any game type from rts to rpg to mobile Hail Ming !
Fifth Element
Either as the narrative story where you play as Dallas ~or perhaps Leeloo... or perhaps several characters from the film in their story segments; or it could be further adventures of [Dallas or a User PC] in the Fifth Element universe setting.

*I am aware that attempting this one could go very very wrong very easily, and very quick; but if they got it right (if that can be done), then I think it could make a very cool game. Perhaps even a modern take on 'Beneath a Steel Sky', perhaps using Witcher 1 (possibly 2/3) gameplay.
(I haven't played Witcher 2/3 enough yet to judge if that would be good thing.)

** I'm imagining playing out the negotiations scene, and the attacks in the theater.

Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League
That would be one to have.

Crazy as it sounds, the gameplay that came to mind first was Broken Age; then Planescape.

**They can still get the original cast.

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

[Halo Clone ~perhaps]

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If there was miraculously a game based on They Live, it would need a gimmick of some sort. How about you can only see the aliens when you are looking through your Gamepad!?



If there was miraculously a game based on They Live, it would need a gimmick of some sort. How about you can only see the aliens when you are looking through your Gamepad!?



imagine if David Cage got hold of it and the intro to the game was just that 10 minute fight scene, but ALL quick time events using the d-pad

Masturbating to Sarah michelle gellar?

And we know you Toront! Don't say it didn't happen!
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Do X-Com, replacing it with B.P.R.D. And do it right god damnit. It could be so gloriousssssss. ;_;