-... Really? Wow. I can't interact with Idioso Maximus (Institute), Killem Allus (BOS) and Makeum Generlim insecondus (Minutemen).
I see them doing more things, and more things successfully then
-Egotist maximus(House)
-Incompitus Atallus(NCR)
-Those fucking retarded tribals who needlessly enslave and rape women, kill the elderly and infirm, brutally destroy all sort of individual culture and ideals, and crucify anyone who opposes them for no real reason beyond MUH EDGE!(Legion)
-The NCR fails at literally everything they do, to the point they are basically cartoon characters tripping on banana peels.
-The Legion, and just about everything they do, is needlessly edgy.
-House and his ideas are just so out there, and his failure to do basically anything right, and his inability to get anyone who doesn't stab him in the back, makes believing he will get anything done near impossible.
On the other hand
-The Maxson BoS are dicks, and their hatred of peaceful ghouls and synths is a dick move, but they get shit done, without going into the extreme edgy territory of The Legion. Even while flying helicopters made of paper, they survive the crash, get back up, and start just plowing through the raiders, super mutants, ferals, and other mutants that plague the lands. They are actually getting shit done to make the wasteland better, and seem to be doing a better job at it then the NCR are. Even if they are only doing it for themselves, its helping most of the populace as well.
-The Railroad is naive, to the point even Glory mentions that mind-wiping synths and trying to integrate them into then normal human population is kind of a bad move. But at the same time, attempts to free thinking creatures from oppressors is a noble, and relatable, cause. Also, I just fucking love Deacon, hes such a bro.
-The Institute have done some pretty shitty things, like FEV experiments, and while they do some terrible shit like use synth infiltrators to keep people paranoid and fearful, that's only because they spent years trying to help the people of the surface with their Commonwealth Provisional Government, only to get used as the scapegoat when it fell apart. And even after that, they tried to deal peacefully with the people of the surface, such as offering to pay for the data recovered at university point, only for the people to turn around, lie to them, and try to go behind their back to sell the data to someone else for more caps. The Institute didn't just decide "fuck the people of the surface" for no reason, they tried to work with them, only to get blamed when shit went wrong. They have every reason to not want to help the people of the surface at this point. And even then, they have tired to keep their surface presence at a minimum. They could have gone full on Enclave, and started purging The Commonwealth, but they didn't. They only take power when needed, they try to recover synths who escape to keep them form causing harm, and only replace as few people as needed for their plans. The normal scientists of The Institute also show empathy for the plight of the people on the surface, and tried to get the FEV program shut down for years after it showed no results. That's more then The Legion can say they ever did to try to get things done without being total dicks about it.
I think my biggest problem with NV is that you never see any faction have any sort of agency by themselves, it just one massive "HOLD!" situation until the player does something for a side. You never see any faction get anything done, so it just makes everyone look terrible at everything. In Fallout 4, you can actually see people doing things, and getting things done, making them seem far less terrible, if not still terrible, at obtaining their goals.