Muslim Poster Kills Himself While Online (?)

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I argued with this kid before. A part of me feels responsible. A part of me suspects this was some manner of troll. Another part of me is terrified; the kid was 16 years old for fuck's sake.

Registration required. It seems as though he was on MSN with several other posters on the subject of suicide.

This is not on my part any kind of anti-Islamic farce or anything of that manner. I am honestly just terrified for this kid.

His name is/was supposed to be Mohammed Sudairy (or something close to this). I am primarily hopeful that someone will turn up something on him..I don't know what I can do in America.

MSN log
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
don't do it
Mouth Sugar says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
don't do it

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
talk to me
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
are you there?
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
don't do it
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Ive already ruined my life
Mouth Sugar says:
no you haven't
saracenknight2003 says:
my cousins
saracenknight2003 says:
I am damned to hell
Mouth Sugar says:
did your family find out?
saracenknight2003 says:
saracenknight2003 says:
I have dreams...
saracenknight2003 says:
I cant look at people anymore
Mouth Sugar says:
you're 16, you got your whole life ahead of you
Mouth Sugar says:
what's in the past is the past
Mouth Sugar says:
change the future dude
saracenknight2003 says:
I did something which is punishable by death
Mouth Sugar says:
yeah I know
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
you can emigrate
saracenknight2003 says:
today, I went to the mosque, and they were reading the story about Lut...
Mouth Sugar says:
go to a western embassy
saracenknight2003 says:
do u know the story of Lut?
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
claim you're afraid for your life
Mouth Sugar says:
(since you are)
Mouth Sugar says:
instant asylum and a ticket to the west
saracenknight2003 says:
Im not afraid of people...
Mouth Sugar says:
the Canadians will take you
Mouth Sugar says:
Allah will forgive you
saracenknight2003 says:
I dont care if they find out
Mouth Sugar says:
Allah is forgiving, yes?
saracenknight2003 says:
yes...but he didnt forgive alot of people before me...
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
I'm not up on Muslim theology
saracenknight2003 says:
Ive already hit Jayhan in the face, and kicked him ...
saracenknight2003 says:
once his parents know what I did, i will be back to jeddah
saracenknight2003 says:
but now my father is saying on the phone he will kill me
saracenknight2003 says:
and Jayhan is porbably going to talk...
saracenknight2003 says:
what prospect do I have?
saracenknight2003 says:
my father is a fanatical sunni...
saracenknight2003 says:
maybe I deserve ending my life before he ends it...
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
go to an embassy
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
I tried talking with a Shiite mullah about it
saracenknight2003 says:
I only got the response "into the deepest stage of hell"
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
heh, so my afterlife is bleak too
saracenknight2003 says:
isnt that great?
Mouth Sugar says:
the Mullahs could be wrong
Mouth Sugar says:
hell, they are wrong
Mouth Sugar says:
if you sincerely repent
Mouth Sugar says:
then you would be forgiven
Mouth Sugar says:
this is a youthful mistake
Mouth Sugar says:
everyone makes stupid mistakes when they are young
Mouth Sugar says:
if you don't do it again, and repent of it
saracenknight2003 says:
and even if I u think I wont be punished?
saracenknight2003 says:
Jauhan will talk...
Mouth Sugar says:
run to an embassy
Mouth Sugar says:
what city are you in?
saracenknight2003 says:
heh, Isfahan
saracenknight2003 says:
there are no embassies here...
Mouth Sugar says:
there's gotta be at least a Consulate
saracenknight2003 says:
but Im not going to one
Mouth Sugar says:
or even an airport
Mouth Sugar says:
go to an airport
Mouth Sugar says:
get a ticket to Canada
Mouth Sugar says:
United States
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
once you get to immigration
Mouth Sugar says:
say that you want to claim asylum
saracenknight2003 says:
my passport is with my uncle
Mouth Sugar says:
do you have money for a cab?
Mouth Sugar says:
a train?
saracenknight2003 says:
My uncle is coming back from Egypt
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Jayhan will tell him everything...
Mouth Sugar says:
just go
Mouth Sugar says:
run for your life
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
you're 15 or 16 (I forget )
saracenknight2003 says:
I hate my life now
Mouth Sugar says:
change your life
Mouth Sugar says:
you can save your mortal life
Mouth Sugar says:
then save your immortal soul
saracenknight2003 says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Jayhan is in the other room moaning, wait, I will bring him hot water
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
he says he wont talk
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
he could run too
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
do you trust me?
saracenknight2003 says:
u know, I remember in my readings,that the prophet said "Kill the doer and that he who is done on him"
saracenknight2003 says:
if I maybe correct, were both condemned
saracenknight2003 says:
of course, he can please sexual assault
Mouth Sugar says:
you will not be condemned
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
we have talked together for months
Mouth Sugar says:
do you trust me?
saracenknight2003 says:
I trust u
Mouth Sugar says:
then please
Mouth Sugar says:
if you've ever listened to me before
Mouth Sugar says:
listen to me now
Mouth Sugar says:
take transportation to Teheran
Mouth Sugar says:
or anywhere else there is a western embassy
Mouth Sugar says:
go up to it and then claim asylum
saracenknight2003 says:
I need papers, a Saudi citizen cant walk around in Iran
saracenknight2003 says:
my papers are in my uncles vault case
Mouth Sugar says:
hold on
saracenknight2003 says:
and I ask u, if I take asylum, to WHERE?What will be my life?
Mouth Sugar says:
I'm going to look for a consulate or something in Ishafan
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
you can do whatever you wish
Mouth Sugar says:
because an imam
Mouth Sugar says:
take a secular job
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
you're young
Mouth Sugar says:
you can do whatever you want
saracenknight2003 says:
no...this is how woit
saracenknight2003 says:
they run
saracenknight2003 says:
if I will be punished, then let it be like a man
Mouth Sugar says:
fuck punishment
Mouth Sugar says:
they're wrong
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
they are divine
saracenknight2003 says:
the Quran is divine
Mouth Sugar says:
then save yourself now and work that out later
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
I'm begging you
saracenknight2003 says:
let me read the Quran for a while
Mouth Sugar says:
how long do you have?
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
what's the nearest big city?
saracenknight2003 says:
I know only Isfahan, major city
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
how near is Teheran?
Mouth Sugar says:
there's also the Swiss embassy, they handle American affairs there
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
it says Allah forgives all sins...
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Allah forgives all sins. The only unforgivable sin (in Christianity, anyway) is blaspheming God's name
Mouth Sugar says:
and even that is hazy
Mouth Sugar says:
you know that my family fled to America because of persecution?
Mouth Sugar says:
there is no shame in it
saracenknight2003 says:
but the persection was never inflicted on me
Mouth Sugar says:
yes it is
Mouth Sugar says:
it's a stupid law
Mouth Sugar says:
please Mohammed
Mouth Sugar says:
you're a great guy
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
what a waste if some stupid ass mullah condemned you to death
saracenknight2003 says:
I dont follow Shiite Mullahs, but it is the same in Sunni theology
saracenknight2003 says:
see, even the sects agree on some grounds
Mouth Sugar says:
nevermind the Sunnis anyway
Mouth Sugar says:
run to Tehran
Mouth Sugar says:
how often are papers checked?
saracenknight2003 says:
Im going to the pharmacy for a while...
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
take the cab to Tehran
saracenknight2003 says:
I heard sleeping pills do well
saracenknight2003 says:
I also brought bandages for Jayhan
Mouth Sugar says:
sleeping pills dont work
saracenknight2003 says:
oh?then please do tell me
Mouth Sugar says:
how many do you have
saracenknight2003 says:
2 jars
Mouth Sugar says:
and what are they?
saracenknight2003 says:
some pakistani brand
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
if you're going to commit suicide
Mouth Sugar says:
your stomach can be pumped
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
listen to me
Mouth Sugar says:
can you fake that you're an Iranian from Qom?
saracenknight2003 says:
I already did that...
Mouth Sugar says:
since you got that guy to believe you
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
but I dont speak Farsi
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
how often are papers checked?
Mouth Sugar says:
I have a plan
saracenknight2003 says:
Im not leaving...
Mouth Sugar says:
yes you are.
Mouth Sugar says:
you are fucking leaving
Mouth Sugar says:
this isn't worth dying ove
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
besides, isn't suicide a sin?
Mouth Sugar says:
you can go to paradise if you run
Mouth Sugar says:
if you die
saracenknight2003 says:
its a sin, but Moses asked the people of Israel to redeem themselves by kil themselves...
saracenknight2003 says:
some did, the majority didnt
Mouth Sugar says:
that's a one time deal
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
just do it
Mouth Sugar says:
for your own sake, just run
Mouth Sugar says:
if you get caught, then take the pills
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
would Jayhan run too?
saracenknight2003 says:
he cant run
Mouth Sugar says:
why not?
saracenknight2003 says:
I beat him
Mouth Sugar says:
bandage it up
Mouth Sugar says:
fix him
Mouth Sugar says:
how bad is it?
Mouth Sugar says:
both of you can run
Mouth Sugar says:
since you're both in danger
saracenknight2003 says:
he can not run
Mouth Sugar says:
yes he can
Mouth Sugar says:
why can't he?
saracenknight2003 says:
think what u wish
saracenknight2003 says:
hes very hurt...
Mouth Sugar says:
how bad?
saracenknight2003 says:
hes deserves it for being the impudent whore he is
saracenknight2003 says:
I love him very much as a brother, but he deserved punishment
Mouth Sugar says:
then he is punished
Mouth Sugar says:
save your brother
Mouth Sugar says:
both of you, run for it
saracenknight2003 says:
Goodbye habibi
Mouth Sugar says:
habibi, no
Mouth Sugar says:
he can get you to Teheran
Mouth Sugar says:
you don't have to do this
Mouth Sugar says:
fuck dude
Mouth Sugar says:
Mouth Sugar says:
you have so much to live for
Mouth Sugar says:
don't say you don't
Mouth Sugar says:
because you do
saracenknight2003 says:
I know I have much to live for
Mouth Sugar says:
then live for it!
saracenknight2003 says:
but the prophet said "This life is like a rest of a traveller under a palm tree , it is short, and it is only the afterlife which is eternal"
saracenknight2003 says:
sweet prophet
Mouth Sugar says:
yeah, but he meant short as in 80 or so years
Mouth Sugar says:
not 16
Mouth Sugar says:
just keep talking to me
saracenknight2003 says:
I finished the first Jar
saracenknight2003 says:
I will finish the other beside Jayhan
Mouth Sugar says:
saracenknight2003 says:
Mouth Sugar says:
just puke it up.
Mouth Sugar says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

I think I'm about to cry. Poor kid.
Ok, I must be missing a lot here.

For one thing, if he's a whiny bitch and kills himself fuck him. I feel no pity for people that commit suicide, at most I will feel pity for what brought them to it, but suicide is meaningless.

That said, I am somewhat unclear on why you posted this here and what you expect from us. None of us will really care about this kid, though TVD will probably pretend he does (heck, maybe he even does, TVD is just too nice), but quite frankly people kill themselves for dumber reasons than their religion all over the world every day.

*shrugs* Sorry, but hey, call it realism. Yes, I'm being harsh, but I have little pity for such things. I suggest you do the same, it is not your problem
Not my problem? I want to know if the kid is okay. I mean...Jesus...the kid killed himself after what sounds like an affair with his cousin.

You don't feel anything for this kid?

At the very least, I hope someone will keep a look out for the name Mohammed Sudairy.
An IRC acquaintance once told me how she contacted the parents of a girl who had claimed online she was going to kill herself. The parents took it very seriously and the girl, who afterwards claimed she'd never been serious about the suicide thing, took to hating my friend intensely. Not sure if there's a moral.

Edit: CCR's current avatar somehow makes this thread extremely ironic. Like, "This guy's gonna kill himself! Har har!"
Per said:
An IRC acquaintance once told me how she contacted the parents of a girl who had claimed online she was going to kill herself. The parents took it very seriously and the girl, who afterwards claimed she'd never been serious about the suicide thing, took to hating my friend intensely. Not sure if there's a moral.
ISP was checked by several diffirent people. He was, at least, certainly a Saudi citizen, and probably went by the name given.
John Uskglass said:
Not my problem? I want to know if the kid is okay. I mean...Jesus...the kid killed himself after what sounds like an affair with his cousin.

You don't feel anything for this kid?

No. Quite frankly, there are a lot of people in this world who chose to live but die because of horrible circumstances. People who fight with their bare hands because God never deemed to give them anything. Should I then feel pity for someone who has his life in his hands and decides to throw it away? I'd feel my time better-spent on saving drowning puppies, really.

Suicides as cries for attention, which any suicide connected to the internet seems to be, are even more pathetic and as Per mentioned often end up in mixups. It ires me to the bone that people think they have the right to emotionally extort other people like that. I don't even care if they really kill themselves or not, they don't have the right to dump it on someone else's shoulders. From the sound of it, this kid even beat up someone else in his misguidedness, which makes him little better than a criminal, no matter how often he kills himself.

You need to take some distance. This is just some random kid from the internet. Random kids kill themselves every day. Unless he was your life-long buddy it *really* isn't your problem and you shouldn't concern yourself with it, it's not healthy. It's just the internet, man.
He`s probably just having some fun at your cost, these fake suicide things happen a lot you know. Now a saudi in Iran isn`t a very usual thing, but the fact that evevyrhing i could use to trace him is in arabic or farsi or whatever doesn`t really give me space to help you out. You can get his IP, at least?

But again it´s probably a sick joke, relax.
I'm sure the British commander off the coast of Smyrna in 1922 thought something similar.

Life is life. I don't care if this is the internet, or Casablanca, or whatever.

I'm not sure you understand the story...his father threatened to kill him, and he would be executed for his crimes. Would you feel sorry for him if he had decided not to kill himself but be hanged, or killed by his own father? The diffirence is meaningless in this case; he would not have killed himself had this never happened. This is no 'plea for attention'.

Even if you don't care, if this turns up in the news...ANYWHERE...I would like to hear about it.

And even if you don't care, I would appreciate
I really can't believe what you guys are saying. Even if thios is just a sick joke, what if this were/is real? It's another human being for crying out loud. To you they may seem to be anotehr face, but we're all brothers somehow.
Briosafreak said:
But again it´s probably a sick joke, relax.
Afraid this is unlikely. His IP was checked by several people, and while he was in Saudi Arabia it remained constant for over a year. Unlikely if this was a joke; more unlikely it is not true and this guy lives in Saudi Arabia.

People from Saudi Arabia can go to Iran, people from Iran can go to Saudi Arabia. How do you think Iranians get to Mekka?
John Uskglass said:
I'm not sure you understand the story...his father threatened to kill him, and he would be executed for his crimes. Would you feel sorry for him if he had decided not to kill himself but be hanged, or killed by his own father? The diffirence is meaningless in this case; he would not have killed himself had this never happened. This is no 'plea for attention'.

There were other options open to him, that much was clear.

And even if not; no, I would still not feel extremely sorry for him, just another death in the endless turmoil, I feel no need to single out individual deaths just because they pop on over the internet.

John Uskglass said:
Even if you don't care, if this turns up in the news...ANYWHERE...I would like to hear about it.

And even if you don't care, I would appreciate

Oh, don't worry about that, I will notify you if I hear anything, but I am also advising you to disattach from this case. I have a doo-hickey that usually gives me free access to a large number of international newspapers, but it seems to be off at the moment. I'll try again tomorrow.
uziel said:
I really can't believe what you guys are saying. Even if thios is just a sick joke, what if this were/is real? It's another human being for crying out loud. To you they may seem to be anotehr face, but we're all brothers somehow.

Er, what are you saying? Either you must be living your life in constant vicarious pain, or else you're just being a hypocrite. We already know people are suffering everywhere; what is now different? Is it better if everyone is made to feel bad about everyone else?
uziel said:
If they're alive, at least, we can do something for them.

Really, like what? Petition the UN? Petition your Senator?

Man, people are so unrealistic at times. If you want to help fly over there, look him up, take him to the embassy and sit there with him through a long, dreary process of refuge. Don't want to? Well then
If I could I would. Someday I'll be able to do just that. I've pretty much stopped relying on others, so why would I petition the UN or the senators? Bunch of fools anyway.
I kina feel sorry for the guy, but not so much because it may just be a joke or cry for attention ect. This suddenly makes me glad I live in a country that isn't religious/backward/still thinks it's 1150.
Jesus Kharn, I think it's less realism then fear for another human being. No one deserves to be killed for making a mistake, least of which the mistake of a one time sexual relationship with another man. Surley, if this kid survives (more then likely; pills fail more often then not), he will be on trail for his life.

I'd say, at the very least, if this is true, and more comes out of it, it could be a fairly large story.
uziel said:
If I could I would. Someday I'll be able to do just that. I've pretty much stopped relying on others, so why would I petition the UN or the senators? Bunch of fools anyway.

Helping people out in other countries is a good way to spend (really), but jumping on a plane to some misguided fool who is either dead or a lying little sack of shit really misses the mark.

John said:
Jesus Kharn, I think it's less realism then fear for another human being. No one deserves to be killed for making a mistake, least of which the mistake of a one time sexual relationship with another man. Surley, if this kid survives (more then likely; pills fail more often then not), he will be on trail for his life.

I'd say, at the very least, if this is true, and more comes out of it, it could be a fairly large story.

I doubt it is big, even if it is true, which is even less likely. Like I said, either the kid is lying or pathetic, which combines nicely in my not-caring o'meter.

Shocked, ain'tcha? I think I've earned my keep as a fairly compassionate guy who will go to some pretty damned far lengths to help his fellow man. Makes one wonder why I refuse to care about this kid, hmmm?

Well let's see...

1. He really probably is lying. Sorry CC.
2. If he kills himself he doesn't care for his life and neither will I. Sorry.
3. Quite frankly, because he uses it as a cry for attention is a good reason to ignore it. All the attention these crybabies keep getting just encourages other people.
4. Dropping the rest aside I agree with the principle that people shouldn't die for having gay sex. I also believe people shouldn't starve to death, exploited by Western companies. I also believe people shouldn't be imprisoned unjustly. I also believe people shouldn't be killed, maimed, raped, etc. Do you really think I have the emotional energy to care about every case, then? No. And there're a lot more worthy cases about then whiny little attention-cryers.

Man, sometimes it seems the internet was invented for this shit.
You know, I think I just realized the meaning of the phrase, "If you want to change the world, do it one person at a time."