Muslim Poster Kills Himself While Online (?)

MadDog said:
I skipped half this crap because its too long. But I must say, all 16 year olds who "try to commit suicide" are just full of angst. There is nothing you can do to warrant yourself to want to commit suicide. I agree with Kharn, if this kid is pussy to live, pfft.

Also, when I was in high school, I met a few girls on the internet who did the same thing... talked to me online and on the phone while they were "commiting suicide"... and its all a cry for attention. It's lame.

No offense Maddog, but under the circumstances this is more of a cultural thing. The man committed an offense punishable by death and he's trying to save his soul though its hard...I suggest you reread it.

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
he's trying to save his soul though its hard.

Well put, but islam is still dumb. The guy (muhammed, i remeber, excuse my ignorance) who 'invented' it did not really know jack about religions and mixed alot of unneccesary things togather. Their 'holy book', coran is just a few morals, going over and over again. And badly rewritten legends/stories from other religions.
Interesting. Could you develop your opinion a bit more, please? We're all eager to drink from the fountain of your theological wisdom.
Me? No, it is very well hidden from mortal eyes, but actually the picture is of Dogbert.From the Dilbert comic. I doubt it would be stealing because i use it almost everywhere.

Maybe the bastard stole it from me?
MadDog said:
I skipped half this crap because its too long. But I must say, all 16 year olds who "try to commit suicide" are just full of angst. There is nothing you can do to warrant yourself to want to commit suicide. I agree with Kharn, if this kid is pussy to live, pfft.

Also, when I was in high school, I met a few girls on the internet who did the same thing... talked to me online and on the phone while they were "commiting suicide"... and its all a cry for attention. It's lame.

Yeah you skipped over the important part... HE WAS GOING TO BE EXECUTED.

Take your pick take a few pills; go to sleep never to wake up again or hanging... or something worse. I think it is safe to say most people would take the least painful option. However, I am quite glad he is on the run now instead of the death option.

And yes I am a hypocrite... as I stated in my post call me what you will. Call me crazy it doesn't matter. This is how I feel and that is that. If it makes me something wrong in your eyes so be it.
Maphusio said:
And yes I am a hypocrite... as I stated in my post call me what you will. Call me crazy it doesn't matter. This is how I feel and that is that. If it makes me something wrong in your eyes so be it.

You know, no one's accused you of being "too good". They have on the other hand pointed out that you said things that make little to no sense. That's not something you can wear like a badge. But since it impressed some people the first time I guess you can. Oh well.
jz5500 said:
This is an example you dumb fool. dont you ever disrespect a man that lives for these people and would give his very life to save another. you dont know anything about maphusio nor do you know how he feels. if you werent a cold hearted bitch maybe you could actually do something for your fellow man or at least feel for them.
i tell you what. how about go join the islam army with your cold heated selves so i can come over there with our United States Navy seals and waste you all to hell. wait. no i wont. your not worth my time. later.

Funny how morons like this can still manage to function in today's society. For your information, child, no soldier worth their honor would willingly disrespect their opposite number, nor would underestimate them and hold them lower like that. That is just suicidal.

That would be especially so for someone who has been through BUDS and is held to a stricter code of conduct than you will ever know in your MTV life. I think it is also more amusing that you'll "come over there with our United States Navy seals", when judging by your mental acuity, rather infers that the closest you'll get to a front line is CNN. I also must note the barely-literate honor you have given the SEALs by resembling a waste of their lives to keep you safe.

Get down on your knees and super-size the sentient part of the population, because that is your evident position in this world.