My Landscape Idea


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I deem that a new Fallout would look best when set on an island maze in the Caribbean or Pacific. Yes i know this may not seem conformist as it is not prone and would not be related directly the nuclear action prior to events of the first Fallout. But the possibilities of design and player enjoyment would be large; wouldn't you like to cross the sea in a boat instead of spent time walking past generic wasteland? Obviously a large quantity of Fallout would have to be set on land mass; however the travelling aspect could be partly or mostly based on water to enable more enjoyment. You could even conceive of buying a boat like the secondary Fallout car presented inThe Den. As i said it may sound weird but what are your opinions? is my idea just strange or do you agree with it?
Crossing the Pacific Ocean in a boat sounds fascinating. Please, tell us more.
Yes, the tribe could embark form reclaimed base of Navarro to find new and unradiated (is this a word?) land to live on, maybe they could go with the vault tech punks? And pirates as map conflicts could be a good travelling idea, obviously not of comical genre but of evil intent.
What is post-apocalypse about small islands though? Why would Aruba or Fiji or other places like that be suffering from the after effects of a nuclear war? Even if someone could come up with a plausible backstory and some way to make them a struggling "post-apocalypse" area, living on a bright, sunny tropical island doesn't exactly lend itself to the atmosphere of the game.

It might be a good idea for another science-fiction game, but I don't really see it working for Fallout. If you haven't already, I'd recommend playing Far Cry - it's very similar to what you're describing.
It doesn't sound like Far Cry to me, it sounds more like Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker with guns.
The Caribbean? That would be something. I mean I live in the Caribbean, a lot of islands. I can see a lot of piracy coming back.
Montez said:
It might be a good idea for another science-fiction game, but I don't really see it working for Fallout. If you haven't already, I'd recommend playing Far Cry - it's very similar to what you're describing.

Many PA settings take place on an island, including 50's PA.

There are many advantages to living on an island, 'specially if the Wasteland is in turmoil, like if it is overrun by giant rats or deathclaws or supermuties or raiders.

It's not unplausible, not even in the Fallout setting. But it is implausible in the East Coast storyline, though.
Kharn said:
It's not unplausible, not even in the Fallout setting. But it is implausible in the East Coast storyline, though.

True, but then the entire setting for Fallout just becomes a backstory. What would be the point to setting Fallout on an island? There are no ruins of civilization, no struggle for survival. As a spin-off game or some kind of spiritual sequel, sure, but what kind of Fallout game could you set on an island? Fighting feral pigs, having luaus and dealing with pirates on a sunny beach is pretty much as far away from Fallout as you can get.
Montez said:
True, but then the entire setting for Fallout just becomes a backstory. What would be the point to setting Fallout on an island? There are no ruins of civilization, no struggle for survival. As a spin-off game or some kind of spiritual sequel, sure, but what kind of Fallout game could you set on an island? Fighting feral pigs, having luaus and dealing with pirates on a sunny beach is pretty much as far away from Fallout as you can get.

If that's what you do with it, sure.

You can also make an island that the player can reach by doing whatever and on which he finds some people who fled from the Wasteland eeking out an existence with the meagre means available to them.

Tres Fallout. It would work as a small part of the setting, though not something to set an entire game in nor something as proposed in the original post.
Yes, it does depend on how much focus the game would have on it to determine if the whole island thing is just a location or an entire setting. A big difference in writing terms for a CRPG. :)
You say do not base it entirely on the islands, however what if it were based on one of the bigger islands and you could find a boat and got to other islands? you could even got to Russia/China or the US or Antarctica.

Oh yes and am i allowed to post in 'The Order' forum? I have of read the threads there but it tells me of not answer to my question but rather things about its history and rules?
Sounds like Waterworld to me, although that would not be a bad idea if you had to go to Hawaii to visit some key Vault situated there (since Hawaii is a U.S. State). Possibly this could be a game ender mission. Along the way you have to defend yourself from Pirates and all manner of mutated sea beasties. It would have to be a good sea going vessel to use not your daddy's fishing boat with an 8 hp Evinrude on the back.
Yes i was thinking the tanker from Fallout 2, as we are not demonstrated to its course it could well have ended up on a Pacific locality.
Global warming after a nuclear war hovever would mean that many islands may not exist anymore due to the polar caps melting. That would also have to be considered for continental maps as well. The western and eastern seaboards of North America would also be radically different. Also Europe would probably lose the islands of Ireland and Britian as well due to rising water levels.
This is explained in the Fallout bible, in 2056 (i think) Britain was flooded and subsequently set up the worlds best flood defences.
As for the Pacific, well there is no actual proof that a nuclear fallout would cause a ascend in sea levels the event is still circumspect.
Richoid said:
Oh yes and am i allowed to post in 'The Order' forum? I have of read the threads there but it tells me of not answer to my question but rather things about its history and rules?

You can post there, just be aware that they have different rules from the rest of the site.
I think that, whilst an island game wouldn't be very Fallout-esque, a little trip to the island the bombs were tested on- for plot reasons- natch, could be very atmospheric- if properly done.