My President Is A Bastard

MadDog -[TO said:
-]What does Kerry do that's wrong?


Somehow manages to get deployed in such a way in Vietnam that rather than doing the actual grunt-fighting he goes for the medal-positions immediately. Much like Powell. Yes, they fought, as opposed to Bush, Clinton and Cheney, but they didn't get down in the dirt like McCain.

Funny thing about that, Kerry was a real wangmonger. Yeehaw, I got guns. Then he actually got into a war. Yeeehaw, I have anti-war banners.

What an asshole. Like I said on Asshats:
"Though in a way I'm hoping Dubyah will win. He's an asshole, but at least we already know his brand of assholism, and the world can adapt to undo the damage he's doing to world politics over the next 4 years. Kerry is an unknown, and his method of killing international politics would be unknown and dangerous"

You Americans are so fucked.

Blade Runner said:
I was aware of this footage for some time now, I saw it on the news a week or two ago, and I have to admit: it doesn't really influence me. Using pictures of war casualties to make the war monger look bad will always work, but hey: if there's a war, there's going to be casualties - always. These soldiers knew what the risks were.

Blade, do you remember the Gulf War? Remember the shouts back then? "It is a clean war!"

Clean war.

Whoever came up with that should be shot

The American media propaganda speakers were blowing away with "a war doesn't need to have casualties on ou side". Through technical superiority and a lot of bombing, no Americans would be lost, and plenty of Iraqis. The bad thing is, the Americans started to believe intheir own propaganda, right up until the highest levels. There's little as bad for the future as leadership believing in their own lies.

In a way, Bush probably actually believed this could be a "clean war". And the cute thing is nobody seems to understand, so far, that it *is* a clean war, with minimal losses on the American side. Imagine if it had been like Vietnam. With the American mind set to the naive idea of a clean war, it would've meant mass panic.

What nonsense, what poppycock. It's a war, people, get it through your head.

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Jesus. I bet if Bush farted in his own bedroom, at this point you lefties would accuse him of trying to punch a whole in the ozone laywer with farting.


Wow, I thought you were smarter than this.

CC, Bush is a world leader. He's not allowed to make fun of his policy if it causes deaths. He is allowed to bow before the people and apologize humbly for being a total moron and getting people killed needlessely, he may *not* make fun of it. That's part of the concept political leader.
[HpA said:
megatron said:
This is by far the most annoying thing I have ever seen. What. WHAT? WHAT WHAT?
What do you mean "What"?


Don't bother with the doctor thing, there assholes. You're better off taking up a hobby like shooting or drinking. Mabye both.

That video made me laugh a bit? Clown music always makes situations funny. And how is what Bush did different from what whoever made the video did?

Somehow manages to get deployed in such a way in Vietnam that rather than doing the actual grunt-fighting he goes for the medal-positions immediately. Much like Powell. Yes, they fought, as opposed to Bush, Clinton and Cheney, but they didn't get down in the dirt like McCain.

Funny thing about that, Kerry was a real wangmonger. Yeehaw, I got guns. Then he actually got into a war. Yeeehaw, I have anti-war banners.

What an asshole. Like I said on Asshats:
"Though in a way I'm hoping Dubyah will win. He's an asshole, but at least we already know his brand of assholism, and the world can adapt to undo the damage he's doing to world politics over the next 4 years. Kerry is an unknown, and his method of killing international politics would be unknown and dangerous"

You Americans are so fucked.
Kerr can't win. He's the worst flip flopper I can imagine, even if he has been in the senate long enough to take both sides of every position.

He's also running the dumbest campaign I can imagine. He seems to think that the Nader line (BUSH IS A CORPORATION) will do anything but get people on every side angry, he's so weak on defence that he makes Michael VII look like Basil Bulgaroktonos.

What nonsense, what poppycock. It's a war, people, get it through your head.
I completely agree with this, and if anything I think it's bullshit that we count be American casualties, and not by Iraqi casualties, which we should be keeping to a minimum.

Wow, I thought you were smarter than this.

CC, Bush is a world leader. He's not allowed to make fun of his policy if it causes deaths. He is allowed to bow before the people and apologize humbly for being a total moron and getting people killed needlessely, he may *not* make fun of it. That's part of the concept political leader.
That's a good point, but I don't really think it's much of an issue. Every moment the Democrats attack Bush on everything he does, they look more like what they are becoming: raving lunatics, more consumed with hatred for all things Republican then winning.
You people should read "Stupid White Men", by Michael Moore... It says much on this..and not all against bush either... Things about Clinton etc...How he was very good at hiding the negative things he did... etc... and letting it seem as if all the bad things bush have done wasn't transferred from the time when he was president etc...
[HpA said:
|GHOUL|DWELLA|]So she has this good story behind her life, her grandma and grandpa where killed in concentration camps during WW II. Finally, my dads friend gets pissed and he says in German, "How would you like to go to the gas chamber?" and the lady just freezes, and says "Just finish up" and she walks out and leaves.

Whats the matter with you? You actually think that's funny? That's just plain wrong.
We never run out of diamondgypsy's here do we?

Anyhow, Meg has a good point Ghoul (wow, did I say that?)

I can see why Welsh likes you Meg...*pinches Meg's ass*

And never read anything by Mike Moore and take it into consideration. He hardly pays attention to the facts, and tells only his point of view. What makes him so different the the people he reports on? He's worse, that's what...
I still want John McCain to run for office. He was a man who knew the issues well, and knew how he wanted to handle them. He was a man of good character, unlike our current president. Too bad he said he won't run again.
It's not who's president, it's when.

Actually, GWB has some major problems on his hands that were literally handed to him. Then he had to go into Iraq. Though I still support it, I wish we would've done it during the first gulf war, but his father pussed out and thought losing the Arab League would've insured our loss. IT WAS PERFECT. Iraqis were resisting much like what happened in Afghanistan, we were seen as liberators by both sides, and we had the U.N. on our side! Why fucking why didn't we do it? Anyhow...about them prisoners. Was there an uproar throught the middle east when Saddam was doing this to innocent Iraqis?
they would have been sexecuted if they had mebbe?

They were better of with sadaam, that lovable christmas figure. He didn't even have any WMDs as he had used them all already.

The whole things stupid. Nobody complains about some crasy dictator for 20 years or whatever, but when some soldiers urinate on some nekkid man everyone and there lover start preaching about how bizarro and kubrick it is.
It's a matter of expectations. You expect a dictator to act that way, and it is the way of the world. It's no surprise when he does, yet it would be too much of a bother to remove him. No real political reason for it.

When American soldiers do it, it's not something expected of them. Not to mention America desperately wants to claim that we 'liberated' the Iraqis (which we did do), something like this shakes that faith, perhaps the Iraqis are not better off. Of course, a few photos verse thousands of nameless bodies, yet, which has more impact?
King of Creation said:
I still want John McCain to run for office. He was a man who knew the issues well, and knew how he wanted to handle them. He was a man of good character, unlike our current president. Too bad he said he won't run again.

I second that wholeheartedly. McCain is the only Republican I would have voted for over Gore in 2000.

And the whole Kerry is a bad leader vs. Bush is a bad person in general thing going on here amuses me greatly. IMO almost anyone, Republican or Democrat, is better than Bush.

And what was the last book by Michael Moore you read, PS? :roll:
Is America, truly the promise land? Is the education system, the heath system and the economic system the best there is?

..If not, why do they want to “liberate” other people so much?
Where do you live? Krakow I know is in Poland, but that's about as small as Mexico, so I doubt that. Slavakia?

Okay. We are not perfect. But I'll be damned if we are not as good as anybody, and are many times more powerful then anyone else as close to perfect.

Do you truly mean to suggest that only a system that is perfect should be appreciated more then the current one? Thus a democratic, semisocialist Government, ala, say, Denmark, should not replace the government of the Sudan, as the Danish government is not perfect?
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Okay. We are not perfect. But I'll be damned if we are not as good as anybody, and are many times more powerful then anyone else as close to perfect.

So power is all the excuse needed?

And no, I don’t think that a country being only: “as good as” has the right to judge other countries and ignore the rest of the world and do what it wants just because they called themselves the “liberators of the free world” and yadda yadda yadda…

By saying this I’m not defending what was going on in Iraq, but bombing the shit out of a country, killing thousands of innocents is not the way to the most powerful nation in the world to act!

Lead by example! Lead by peace! You got the power? Use it wisely!


P.S.: I live in Portugal, and I’m against the policies of my own government too, that insist in allying with the U.S and England in this issue, so this affects me to.
It’s all interests!
since no-one acknowledged your first leaving post, and you don't even have 30 posts yet I doubt you'd be missed.
Murdoch said:
And what was the last book by Michael Moore you read, PS?

Man, Murdoch, you just can't get off my case can you? I would name a few titles, but it's not worth it. Why? Any fool can go and do a search on Michael Moore and come up with a few titles. But if you must know, I haven't read any of his books, never said I did. I saw his crappy movie, and knew he was a bafoon.
So I was just wondering to myself...
Where have all the good leaders gone? America has gotten the shaft in that department. I want a leader who the people generally adore. Someone who knows the issues, knows the details of the issues, and has a high intelligence so he can deal with those issues accordingly. I want a leader who isn't a war-monger, who isn't an elitist. I want a leader who didn't get voted into office by the supreme court. I want a leader with the common sense, knowledge, and experience to effectively lead the country, with a cabinet who shares his qualities.

Where have all the good leaders gone? Is this an extinct race of people? Have politics in America morphed into a basterized version of democracy? I think so.

I want change...change for the better. I'm sick of this petty bullshit aggressiveness between nations. Foreign relations are shit right now. Our economy is a trash heap. Schools are being close because of this stupid ass "no child left behind" act, even though the real problem doesn't lie with the school, it lies with the children and the way they're raised. Our privacy is being infringed upon all the time nowadays. I don't feel safe when I'm in an airport anymore. I'm afraid that I'm going to inadvertantly say something "wrong" and have a M-16 shoved up my ass and my head blown off. I have a feeling that if the US had stopped its Cold War policy of helping rebels to overthrow their communist regimes, most of this wouldn't have happened. The US helped those rebels get into power, no matter how totalitarian, or barbaric they were. As long as they weren't Communist, it was OK. Look at what happened....the Taliban in Afghanistan, all the problems in Latin America, problems in Chile, it just keeps on going. And then Al Qaeda started doing its thing. The US pissed too many people off, and even though Al Qaeda's motives are completely out of wack, the result still remains the same, as does the supposed cause.

What the hell is my country turning into..
What movie? Roger & Me?

Try seeing the documentary that gave him his Oscar... and also got him get booed out stage while he was giving his speech... to Mr. President Bush.

The documentary, btw, is called Bowling for Columbine