First time out of the vault

Is Bush a good president? No
Was he handed a raw deal? Hell yes.
He walked into a super-pc system where even hinting arabs were responsible for crimes was ludicrous and the CIA wasn't even allowed to investigate arab terrorist organizations with field agents!
He had to deal with the worst terrorist attack in recent memory.
He had to (and still does have to) deal with alot of people who are more interested in playing politics than the actual benefit of this country.
His advisors are by and large asshats.
In this country the president doesn't really do much of anything without getting approval, which he did. I actually believe Bush had no reason to doubt the CIA director's evidence about the WMDs, as the CIA isn't what it used to be. Congress approved just about everything.
And now people are spending more effort into pointing fingers at the president and rumsfeld than preparing for the pull out of Iraq next month which should recieve all the attention.
Clinton (I DID like him, he was a good economist, but not a great president) essentially opened the door on further, bigger, Al Queda attacks by virtually ignoring the USS Cole bombing, as a Saudi was behind it and doing any action against a Saudi is taboo on capitol hill (they are STILL fighting through that bs)
Political correctness and playing politics is the only reason Al-Quada is an international force today and the reason Saddam wasn't ousted in the first Gulf War.
The UN is currently on my shitlist (yea I know, nobody cares, but this is a rant so I don't care if you don't care) because of their supposed oil for food program, maybe part of the reason they didn't want us to go to Iraq was to learn they essentially FUNDED THIS MANS MILITARY AND KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING!!!!!!
US intelligence assets all through the 90s kept telling us that Saddam was buying weapons with this oil for food money, and the UN just gave him a polite warning. EVENTUALLY he would have done something with this growing military, and no longer can someones family "dissapear" for speaking a bad word about Saddam, infact even most of the insurgents hate Saddam and are happy he's gone as much as us, they just don't like Westerners in an arab country.
None of this is to say I wouldn't vote against Bush if it were possible, but at least Bush keeps a reasonably clear stance on things, Kerry seems to have opinions that shift daily and has no real stance on anything, except that he doesn't like Bush. Kerry hasn't shown how he's going to be a better president, and many policy issues he criticizes the president for, HE VOTED FOR, I'd rather have a gunhappy cowboy than a hypocritical worm.
/end rant, not even gonna correct spelling and grammar
Is Bush a good president? No
Was he handed a raw deal? Hell yes.
He walked into a super-pc system where even hinting arabs were responsible for crimes was ludicrous and the CIA wasn't even allowed to investigate arab terrorist organizations with field agents!
He had to deal with the worst terrorist attack in recent memory.
He had to (and still does have to) deal with alot of people who are more interested in playing politics than the actual benefit of this country.
His advisors are by and large asshats.
In this country the president doesn't really do much of anything without getting approval, which he did. I actually believe Bush had no reason to doubt the CIA director's evidence about the WMDs, as the CIA isn't what it used to be. Congress approved just about everything.
And now people are spending more effort into pointing fingers at the president and rumsfeld than preparing for the pull out of Iraq next month which should recieve all the attention.
Clinton (I DID like him, he was a good economist, but not a great president) essentially opened the door on further, bigger, Al Queda attacks by virtually ignoring the USS Cole bombing, as a Saudi was behind it and doing any action against a Saudi is taboo on capitol hill (they are STILL fighting through that bs)
Political correctness and playing politics is the only reason Al-Quada is an international force today and the reason Saddam wasn't ousted in the first Gulf War.
The UN is currently on my shitlist (yea I know, nobody cares, but this is a rant so I don't care if you don't care) because of their supposed oil for food program, maybe part of the reason they didn't want us to go to Iraq was to learn they essentially FUNDED THIS MANS MILITARY AND KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING!!!!!!
US intelligence assets all through the 90s kept telling us that Saddam was buying weapons with this oil for food money, and the UN just gave him a polite warning. EVENTUALLY he would have done something with this growing military, and no longer can someones family "dissapear" for speaking a bad word about Saddam, infact even most of the insurgents hate Saddam and are happy he's gone as much as us, they just don't like Westerners in an arab country.
None of this is to say I wouldn't vote against Bush if it were possible, but at least Bush keeps a reasonably clear stance on things, Kerry seems to have opinions that shift daily and has no real stance on anything, except that he doesn't like Bush. Kerry hasn't shown how he's going to be a better president, and many policy issues he criticizes the president for, HE VOTED FOR, I'd rather have a gunhappy cowboy than a hypocritical worm.
/end rant, not even gonna correct spelling and grammar