Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

name: Body Memory
description: You were wounded many times and also know well how to treat injuries. Your body simply got used to regenerating itself. This trait adds +4 to your Healing Rate.
effect: +4 to your Healing Rate
requirements: First Aid skill 90%
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Body Memory Required Strength
Body MemoryRequirementStrength=-10
;Body Memory Required Perception
Body MemoryRequirementPerception=-10
;Body Memory Required Endurance
Body MemoryRequirementEndurance=-10
;Body Memory Required Charisma
Body MemoryRequirementCharisma=-10
;Body Memory Required Intelligence
Body MemoryRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Body Memory Required Agility
Body MemoryRequirementAgility=-10
;Body Memory Required Luck
Body MemoryRequirementLuck=-10
;Body Memory Required Small Guns
Body MemoryRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Body Memory Required Big Guns
Body MemoryRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Body Memory Required Energy Weapons
Body MemoryRequirementEnergyWeapons=120
;Body Memory Required Unarmed
Body MemoryRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Body Memory Required Melee
Body MemoryRequirementMelee=-10
;Body Memory Required Throwing
Body MemoryRequirementThrowing=-10
;Body Memory Required First Aid
Body MemoryRequirementFirstAid=90
;Body Memory Required Doctor
Body MemoryRequirementDoctor=-10
;Body Memory Required Sneak
Body MemoryRequirementSneak=-10
;Body Memory Required Lockpick
Body MemoryRequirementLockpick=-10
;Body Memory Required Steal
Body MemoryRequirementSteal=-10
;Body Memory Required Traps
Body MemoryRequirementTraps=-10
;Body Memory Required Science
Body MemoryRequirementScience=-10
;Body Memory Required Repair
Body MemoryRequirementRepair=-10
;Body Memory Required Speech
Body MemoryRequirementSpeech=-10
;Body Memory Required Barter
Body MemoryRequirementBarter=-10
;Body Memory Required Gambling
Body MemoryRequirementGambling=-10
;Body Memory Required Outdoorsman
Body MemoryRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Body Memory Required Level
Body MemoryRequirementLevel=3

name: Expert Shooter
description: You've became a firearm expert. You have 10% more chance to score a critical hit with small guns and all shots have 10% chance to knock down enemy. In addition to that, reload and burst cost is reduced by 1 AP.
requirements: 120 Small Guns skill.
effect: 10% more chance to score a critical hit with small guns, 10% chance to knock down enemy, reload and burst cost is reduced by 1 AP.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Expert Shooter Required Strength
Expert ShooterRequirementStrength=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Perception
Expert ShooterRequirementPerception=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Endurance
Expert ShooterRequirementEndurance=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Charisma
Expert ShooterRequirementCharisma=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Intelligence
Expert ShooterRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Agility
Expert ShooterRequirementAgility=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Luck
Expert ShooterRequirementLuck=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Small Guns
Expert ShooterRequirementSmallGuns=120
;Expert Shooter Required Big Guns
Expert ShooterRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Energy Weapons
Expert ShooterRequirementEnergyWeapons=120
;Expert Shooter Required Unarmed
Expert ShooterRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Melee
Expert ShooterRequirementMelee=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Throwing
Expert ShooterRequirementThrowing=-10
;Expert Shooter Required First Aid
Expert ShooterRequirementFirstAid=90
;Expert Shooter Required Doctor
Expert ShooterRequirementDoctor=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Sneak
Expert ShooterRequirementSneak=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Lockpick
Expert ShooterRequirementLockpick=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Steal
Expert ShooterRequirementSteal=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Traps
Expert ShooterRequirementTraps=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Science
Expert ShooterRequirementScience=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Repair
Expert ShooterRequirementRepair=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Speech
Expert ShooterRequirementSpeech=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Barter
Expert ShooterRequirementBarter=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Gambling
Expert ShooterRequirementGambling=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Outdoorsman
Expert ShooterRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Expert Shooter Required Level
Expert ShooterRequirementLevel=3

name: Energetic
description: You've became unstoppable with energy weapons. All attacks with energy weapons have 5% chance of causing unconsciousness to the enemy.
effect: all attacks with energy weapons have 5% chance of causing unconsciousness.
requirements: 120 energy weapons skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Energetic Required Strength
;Energetic Required Perception
;Energetic Required Endurance
;Energetic Required Charisma
;Energetic Required Intelligence
;Energetic Required Agility
;Energetic Required Luck
;Energetic Required Small Guns
;Energetic Required Big Guns
;Energetic Required Energy Weapons
;Energetic Required Unarmed
;Energetic Required Melee
;Energetic Required Throwing
;Energetic Required First Aid
;Energetic Required Doctor
;Energetic Required Sneak
;Energetic Required Lockpick
;Energetic Required Steal
;Energetic Required Traps
;Energetic Required Science
;Energetic Required Repair
;Energetic Required Speech
;Energetic Required Barter
;Energetic Required Gambling
;Energetic Required Outdoorsman
;Energetic Required Level

name: Size Matters
description: You've became expert with Big Guns. You get + 2 points of damage with Big Guns and all attacks with Big Guns will reduce target's damage threshold by 50%.
effect: + 2 points of damage with big guns and all attacks with big guns will reduce target's damage threshold by 50%.
Requirements: 120 big guns skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Size Matters Required Strength
Size MattersRequirementStrength=-10
;Size Matters Required Perception
Size MattersRequirementPerception=-10
;Size Matters Required Endurance
Size MattersRequirementEndurance=-10
;Size Matters Required Charisma
Size MattersRequirementCharisma=-10
;Size Matters Required Intelligence
Size MattersRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Size Matters Required Agility
Size MattersRequirementAgility=-10
;Size Matters Required Luck
Size MattersRequirementLuck=-10
;Size Matters Required Small Guns
Size MattersRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Size Matters Required Big Guns
Size MattersRequirementBigGuns=120
;Size Matters Required Energy Weapons
Size MattersRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Size Matters Required Unarmed
Size MattersRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Size Matters Required Melee
Size MattersRequirementMelee=-10
;Size Matters Required Throwing
Size MattersRequirementThrowing=-10
;Size Matters Required First Aid
Size MattersRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Size Matters Required Doctor
Size MattersRequirementDoctor=-10
;Size Matters Required Sneak
Size MattersRequirementSneak=-10
;Size Matters Required Lockpick
Size MattersRequirementLockpick=-10
;Size Matters Required Steal
Size MattersRequirementSteal=-10
;Size Matters Required Traps
Size MattersRequirementTraps=-10
;Size Matters Required Science
Size MattersRequirementScience=-10
;Size Matters Required Repair
Size MattersRequirementRepair=-10
;Energetic Required Speech
Size MattersRequirementSpeech=-10
;Size Matters Required Barter
Size MattersRequirementBarter=-10
;Size Matters Required Gambling
Size MattersRequirementGambling=-10
;Size Matters Required Outdoorsman
Size MattersRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Size Matters Required Level
Size MattersRequirementLevel=3

name: Slaughter Master
description: You've became a deadly expert with Melee Weapons. You get + 6 points of damage with melee weapons and all melee attacks
have 30% chance to score a critical hit.
effect: + 6 points of damage with melee weapons and all melee attacks have 30% chance to score a critical hit.
requirements: 120 melee weapons skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Slaughter Master Required Strength
Slaughter MasterRequirementStrength=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Perception
Slaughter MasterRequirementPerception=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Endurance
Slaughter MasterRequirementEndurance=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Charisma
Slaughter MasterRequirementCharisma=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Intelligence
Slaughter MasterRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Agility
Slaughter MasterRequirementAgility=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Luck
Slaughter MasterRequirementLuck=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Small Guns
Slaughter MasterRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Big Guns
Slaughter MasterRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Energy Weapons
Slaughter MasterRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Unarmed
Slaughter MasterRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Melee
Slaughter MasterRequirementMelee=120
;Slaughter Master Required Throwing
Slaughter MasterRequirementThrowing=-10
;Slaughter Master Required First Aid
Slaughter MasterRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Doctor
Slaughter MasterRequirementDoctor=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Sneak
Slaughter MasterRequirementSneak=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Lockpick
Slaughter MasterRequirementLockpick=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Steal
Slaughter MasterRequirementSteal=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Traps
Slaughter MasterRequirementTraps=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Science
Slaughter MasterRequirementScience=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Repair
Slaughter MasterRequirementRepair=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Speech
Slaughter MasterRequirementSpeech=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Barter
Slaughter MasterRequirementBarter=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Gambling
Slaughter MasterRequirementGambling=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Outdoorsman
Slaughter MasterRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Level
Slaughter MasterRequirementLevel=3

name: Death Gambler
description: You are addicted to dangerous situations, always ready for a deadly gamble. Your critical chance increases by 30% when your health is below 50%. Bad news is that your enemies will enjoy an additional 10% chance to score a critical hit too.
effect: critical chance increased by 30% when player health is below 50%. Enemies get 10% more chance for a critical hit.
requirements: 100 gambling skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Death Gambler Required Strength
Death GamblerRequirementStrength=-10
;Death Gambler Required Perception
Death GamblerRequirementPerception=-10
;Death Gambler Required Endurance
Death GamblerRequirementEndurance=-10
;Death Gambler Required Charisma
Death GamblerRequirementCharisma=-10
;Death Gambler Required Intelligence
Death GamblerRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Death Gambler Required Agility
Death GamblerRequirementAgility=-10
;Death Gambler Required Luck
Death GamblerRequirementLuck=-10
;Death Gambler Required Small Guns
Death GamblerRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Death Gambler Required Big Guns
Death GamblerRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Death Gambler Required Energy Weapons
Death GamblerRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Death Gambler Required Unarmed
Death GamblerRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Death Gambler Required Melee
Death GamblerRequirementMelee=-10
;Death Gambler Required Throwing
Death GamblerRequirementThrowing=-10
;Death Gambler Required First Aid
Death GamblerRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Death Gambler Required Doctor
Death GamblerRequirementDoctor=-10
;Death Gambler Required Sneak
Death GamblerRequirementSneak=-10
;Death Gambler Required Lockpick
Death GamblerRequirementLockpick=-10
;Death Gambler Required Steal
Death GamblerRequirementSteal=-10
;Death Gambler Required Traps
Death GamblerRequirementTraps=-10
;Slaughter Master Required Science
Death GamblerRequirementScience=-10
;Death Gambler Required Repair
Death GamblerRequirementRepair=-10
;Death Gambler Required Speech
Death GamblerRequirementSpeech=-10
;Death Gambler Required Barter
Death GamblerRequirementBarter=-10
;Death Gambler Required Gambling
Death GamblerRequirementGambling=100
;Death Gambler Required Outdoorsman
Death GamblerRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Death Gambler Required Level
Death GamblerRequirementLevel=3

name: Desperado
description: When you're desperate enough, your attack speed rises drastically. There is 10% free attack chance when your health drops below 30%.
effect: 10% free attack chance when player health drops below 30%
requirements: 60 gambling skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Desperado Required Strength
;Desperado Required Perception
;Desperado Required Endurance
;Desperado Required Charisma
;Desperado Required Intelligence
;Desperado Required Agility
;Desperado Required Luck
;Desperado Required Small Guns
;Desperado Required Big Guns
;Desperado Required Energy Weapons
;Desperado Required Unarmed
;Desperado Required Melee
;Desperado Required Throwing
;Desperado Required First Aid
;Desperado Required Doctor
;Desperado Required Sneak
;Desperado Required Lockpick
;Desperado Required Steal
;Desperado Required Traps
;Desperado Required Science
;Desperado Required Repair
;Desperado Required Speech
;Desperado Required Barter
;Desperado Required Gambling
;Desperado Required Outdoorsman
;Desperado Required Level

Name: Slightly Feral
description: You've been feeling really strange lately. Your charisma is lowered by 4 points, Speech and Barter skills gets 90 points penalty, but you enjoy +3 points of damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks, + 6 sequence and +20% radiation resistance.
effect: CHA - 4, Speech - 90%, Barter - 90%, + 3 hth and melee damage, + 6 sequence, + 20 rad resistance
requirements: level 6, min STR 4, min END 4
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Slightly Feral Required Strength
Slightly FeralRequirementStrength=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Perception
Slightly FeralRequirementPerception=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Endurance
Slightly FeralRequirementEndurance=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Charisma
Slightly FeralRequirementCharisma=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Intelligence
Slightly FeralRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Agility
Slightly FeralRequirementAgility=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Luck
Slightly FeralRequirementLuck=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Small Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Big Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Energy Weapons
Slightly FeralRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Unarmed
Slightly FeralRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Melee
Slightly FeralRequirementMelee=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Throwing
Slightly FeralRequirementThrowing=-10
;Slightly Feral Required First Aid
Slightly FeralRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Doctor
Slightly FeralRequirementDoctor=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Sneak
Slightly FeralRequirementSneak=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Lockpick
Slightly FeralRequirementLockpick=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Steal
Slightly FeralRequirementSteal=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Traps
Slightly FeralRequirementTraps=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Science
Slightly FeralRequirementScience=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Repair
Slightly FeralRequirementRepair=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Speech
Slightly FeralRequirementSpeech=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Barter
Slightly FeralRequirementBarter=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Gambling
Slightly FeralRequirementGambling=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Outdoorsman
Slightly FeralRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Level
Slightly FeralRequirementLevel=6

Here they are, those 8 perks I personally find the most valuable and ''nice to have''. Please note that almost all of them require only level 3 and quite high skill (I didn't know how to put the min. STr and END in code for ''Slighly Feral''). Those perks would, I hope, fix some skills and encourage the players to invest in them more.
Skills left to fix with perks (in the future) in my opinion: Sneak, Traps, Science, Barter, Repair. Not bad! I guess we could add 5-6 more perks for those skills and call it finished.

I could also, If you have nothing against it, spread the news about your mods Nirran on reddit and wykop.pl (polish reddit where my tag is called #falloutmod and has over 150 subscribers now) so your mods could gain more recognitions and maybe some players would test and review those perks, what do you think?
thnxz Sagez,il get to that later,hopefully this coming weekend,dont b other spreadin the word,idc ttytt
"reload and burst cost is reduced by 1 AP" is problematic,info needed are not present in ap cost hook

edit : gonna wait for reply before completing adding your perks,have added one and all but ap cost for the shooter perk(so 2 done)

edit 2: further more,the ap hook cost hookscript does not run for reload weapon

edit 3: some assumptions wre wrong,scripted but not tested version of the shooter perk is written
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This is great news, thank you! Reload AP reduction is something that we can leave, burst AP reduction is much more important as it allows the player to use burst twice per turn, which is going to be devastating and awesome. Perk will be still good withouth reload ap reduction.
This is great news, thank you! Reload AP reduction is something that we can leave, burst AP reduction is much more important as it allows the player to use burst twice per turn, which is going to be devastating and awesome. Perk will be still good withouth reload ap reduction.
nova dirrected me to a method of doing the reload too,it is scripted now but not tested
I'll start a new playthrough when those perks will be added. It will be fun :D Maybe other will try them too.
name: Desperado
description: When you're desperate enough, your attack speed rises drastically. There is 10% free attack chance when your health drops below 30%.
effect: 10% free attack chance when player health drops below 30%
requirements: 60 gambling skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Desperado Required Strength
;Desperado Required Perception
;Desperado Required Endurance
;Desperado Required Charisma
;Desperado Required Intelligence
;Desperado Required Agility
;Desperado Required Luck
;Desperado Required Small Guns
;Desperado Required Big Guns
;Desperado Required Energy Weapons
;Desperado Required Unarmed
;Desperado Required Melee
;Desperado Required Throwing
;Desperado Required First Aid
;Desperado Required Doctor
;Desperado Required Sneak
;Desperado Required Lockpick
;Desperado Required Steal
;Desperado Required Traps
;Desperado Required Science
;Desperado Required Repair
;Desperado Required Speech
;Desperado Required Barter
;Desperado Required Gambling
;Desperado Required Outdoorsman
;Desperado Required Level

this may not be popssible,ill try

edit : i coded someof it then ralized that the 10% chance would be continuously run in the hooks script,way too powerfull,sorry

Name: Slightly Feral
description: You've been feeling really strange lately. Your charisma is lowered by 4 points, Speech and Barter skills gets 90 points penalty, but you enjoy +3 points of damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks, + 6 sequence and +20% radiation resistance.
effect: CHA - 4, Speech - 90%, Barter - 90%, + 3 hth and melee damage, + 6 sequence, + 20 rad resistance
requirements: level 6, min STR 4, min END 4
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Slightly Feral Required Strength
Slightly FeralRequirementStrength=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Perception
Slightly FeralRequirementPerception=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Endurance
Slightly FeralRequirementEndurance=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Charisma
Slightly FeralRequirementCharisma=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Intelligence
Slightly FeralRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Agility
Slightly FeralRequirementAgility=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Luck
Slightly FeralRequirementLuck=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Small Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Big Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Energy Weapons
Slightly FeralRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Unarmed
Slightly FeralRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Melee
Slightly FeralRequirementMelee=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Throwing
Slightly FeralRequirementThrowing=-10
;Slightly Feral Required First Aid
Slightly FeralRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Doctor
Slightly FeralRequirementDoctor=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Sneak
Slightly FeralRequirementSneak=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Lockpick
Slightly FeralRequirementLockpick=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Steal
Slightly FeralRequirementSteal=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Traps
Slightly FeralRequirementTraps=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Science
Slightly FeralRequirementScience=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Repair
Slightly FeralRequirementRepair=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Speech
Slightly FeralRequirementSpeech=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Barter
Slightly FeralRequirementBarter=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Gambling
Slightly FeralRequirementGambling=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Outdoorsman
Slightly FeralRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Level
Slightly FeralRequirementLevel=6

subtracting from skills is not possible ,ive submitted a request to add it to sfall

edit : wiht the new perkls i have astack over flow -_- gonna have to figure that out

edit 2: narrowed it to the ap hook script,thank god it isnt gl_perks

edit : got it workjng cept for interface redraw,not sure if im using it right
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done,all cept Slightly Feral and Desperado can do testing wiht these files,unzip this into fo2\ folder ( it will over write ur customperks.ini/damage.ini and on_death.ini files.as such u should copy over your settings,tho be sure and use the downloaded files)

please post any bugs here


Last edited:
That's awesome news, thank you! I'll do some testing when I'll have time. Is there any way we can make Desperado not that powetful and have it added? I like the idea of a free attack chance. What about Slighly Feral perk? Your last edit says ''got it working'' - or did you mean only some aspect of this perk?
That's awesome news, thank you! I'll do some testing when I'll have time. Is there any way we can make Desperado not that powetful and have it added? I like the idea of a free attack chance. What about Slighly Feral perk? Your last edit says ''got it working'' - or did you mean only some aspect of this perk?

ill look again for Desperado,for feral it is not possible to subtract from skills(small guns big guns etc)

But if it's possible to subtract from Charisma and Intelligence then let's make this perk lower the player charisma by 6 points and intelligence by 3. It should be good enough even without lowering barter and speech. I just feel that there should be perk for player that don't want to rely on speaking (which makes F2 easy).
But if it's possible to subtract from Charisma and Intelligence then let's make this perk lower the player charisma by 6 points and intelligence by 3. It should be good enough even without lowering barter and speech. I just feel that there should be perk for player that don't want to rely on speaking (which makes F2 easy).
it is afaik,il look at it when i have time,prolly few days
try to do desperado
sorry for the long delay,i was forced to reinstal my os,ill get to those 2 perks in a few days
It's absolutely no problem as I still need to test them during playthroughs. I wonder if it wouldn't be better if Slighly Feral would lower not only Charisma (which many players consider CHA a dump stat) but also Intelligence (that would hurt). What do you think? I raised the positive effects of this perk to justify the INT penalty.

Name: Slightly Feral
description: You've been feeling really strange lately. Your charisma and intelligence are both lowered by 3 points, but you enjoy +4 points of damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks, + 8 sequence and +30% radiation resistance.
effect: CHA - 3, INT - 3, + 4 hth and melee damage, + 8 sequence, + 30 rad resistance
requirements: level 6, min STR 4, min END 4
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

I personally think that this perk is better with INT penalty, more interesting, more determining the further playthrough.
Hi Nirran,

I'm also sorry for this long delay, but just wanted to say that I've not forgotten! I was busy at work and private life, but now the urge to play Fallout again is too strong and I will test those perks. I hope you're okay! Take care!
been buisy anyway,thx man

edit : newest sfall added ability to subtract from skills,if u'd rather revert to original form(your perks),in fact,re post the ones i didnt add yet,would be helpfull
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Ok, it's only those two perks:

Name: Slightly Feral
description: You've been feeling really strange lately. Your charisma is lowered by 4 points, Speech and Barter skills gets 90 points penalty, but you enjoy +3 points of damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks, + 6 sequence and +20% radiation resistance.
effect: CHA - 4, Speech - 90%, Barter - 90%, + 3 hth and melee damage, + 6 sequence, + 20 rad resistance
requirements: level 6, min STR 4, min END 4
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Slightly Feral Required Strength
Slightly FeralRequirementStrength=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Perception
Slightly FeralRequirementPerception=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Endurance
Slightly FeralRequirementEndurance=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Charisma
Slightly FeralRequirementCharisma=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Intelligence
Slightly FeralRequirementIntelligence=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Agility
Slightly FeralRequirementAgility=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Luck
Slightly FeralRequirementLuck=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Small Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementSmallGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Big Guns
Slightly FeralRequirementBigGuns=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Energy Weapons
Slightly FeralRequirementEnergyWeapons=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Unarmed
Slightly FeralRequirementUnarmed=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Melee
Slightly FeralRequirementMelee=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Throwing
Slightly FeralRequirementThrowing=-10
;Slightly Feral Required First Aid
Slightly FeralRequirementFirstAid=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Doctor
Slightly FeralRequirementDoctor=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Sneak
Slightly FeralRequirementSneak=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Lockpick
Slightly FeralRequirementLockpick=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Steal
Slightly FeralRequirementSteal=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Traps
Slightly FeralRequirementTraps=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Science
Slightly FeralRequirementScience=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Repair
Slightly FeralRequirementRepair=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Speech
Slightly FeralRequirementSpeech=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Barter
Slightly FeralRequirementBarter=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Gambling
Slightly FeralRequirementGambling=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Outdoorsman
Slightly FeralRequirementOutdoorsman=-10
;Slightly Feral Required Level
Slightly FeralRequirementLevel=6


name: Desperado
description: When you're desperate enough, your attack speed rises drastically. There is 10% free attack chance when your health drops below 30%.
effect: 10% free attack chance when player health drops below 30%
requirements: 60 gambling skill.
per level effect: this perk has only one level and can be taken once.

;Desperado Required Strength
;Desperado Required Perception
;Desperado Required Endurance
;Desperado Required Charisma
;Desperado Required Intelligence
;Desperado Required Agility
;Desperado Required Luck
;Desperado Required Small Guns
;Desperado Required Big Guns
;Desperado Required Energy Weapons
;Desperado Required Unarmed
;Desperado Required Melee
;Desperado Required Throwing
;Desperado Required First Aid
;Desperado Required Doctor
;Desperado Required Sneak
;Desperado Required Lockpick
;Desperado Required Steal
;Desperado Required Traps
;Desperado Required Science
;Desperado Required Repair
;Desperado Required Speech
;Desperado Required Barter
;Desperado Required Gambling
;Desperado Required Outdoorsman
;Desperado Required Level

If you could add those perks it would be great. After that I could do some testing. Regarding Slightly Feral, if we cannot lower INT and CHA, we can leave that for now, as - 90 penalties to speech and barter are already severe.
completed dong the perks,please post any buggs,as before,over write the existing file copy ur ini settings for


be sure to use the new files,
any other ideas post here =D


edit : for those that downloaded the custom perks from this thread several posts back,hs_combatdamage has an error that is fixed in this posts download


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