Not sure if I'm responding to the right thing but...
Something that occurred to me as pretty cool is if the Perk “Cautious Nature” would let the player start each encounter with “sneak mode” enabled (i.e. every encounter starts by running the sneak function) (may be a wild idea, but I like it). Especially as “Cautious Nature” isn't that useful, while Sneak on the other hand can be very effective to avoid encounters (besides outdoorsman ofc).
Anyway, I really started to appreciate Sneak as an option to avoid encounters. Works like a charm on roaches, for example (very low PE

). Of course it only works when alone, which makes it a rather cool mechanic (i.e. be a lone wolf and avoid encounters or travel in a party and fight it out). That alone balances the perk and adds another level of depth to the character-sheet/design. Which I like.