Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

any perk ideas post here please
If You're willing You may try to introduce some of the Fo:Tactics perks and racial perks +aginst the rules perk Like say after lvl 24 for more choice to those power levelers. Divine Favour could be a welcome addition for those high charisma players for example.
If You're willing You may try to introduce some of the Fo:Tactics perks and racial perks +aginst the rules perk Like say after lvl 24 for more choice to those power levelers. Divine Favour could be a welcome addition for those high charisma players for example.

if u post the descriptions here,ill add them when i can,no garentee on quickness
I'm glad to see you are still modding this game. I've also got a few ideas for perks I'd like to implement, but I need to work out some details, first. Til then, I've got something to run past you: I'd like to make barter a little more useful. I think there is a mod out there that affects shopkeepers - where a high barter skill adds few more inventory items. I think. Anyway, I'd been considering a long time having something like that for all critters with an inventory who will trade with you. Is it possible to limit the inventory displayed based off the PC's barter skill? Like, a low skill and the PC can trade for fruit, drugs, and some general items. With a high skill they may trade their weapons.
What do you think? And do think it's possible?
i dont think barter skill used to limit what is onthe tabel is possible,mayeb ask the sfall team,but il def add new perks,post descripts here and il add them

But yea There Good
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Well, you could do a barter check and then push random items back into the hidden shopkeeper inventory box.

But why? It's not a good idea, imo. Just adds to save scumming.
Well, you could do a barter check and then push random items back into the hidden shopkeeper inventory box.

But why? It's not a good idea, imo. Just adds to save scumming.

I think maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't referring to shopkeepers or merchants, since they want to sell their goods already. And I wasn't considering adding random equipment to NPCs in the game. I was referring to the existing equipment that non-merchants have already. No random elements.
So, let's say Joey in the Den is already carrying some type of gun, some ammo, a couple of stimpacks, a knife, a couple of Xander roots, and some Rad-X. PC speaks with Joey and a barter skill check is ran.
If the character's barter skill is very low, maybe Joey is willing to trade only the xander roots.
If the PC's barter skill is a little higher, s/he would be able to see the knife and Rad-X (and lower items) in Joey's inventory and can trade for those.
A little higher barter skill, and Joey would be willing to part with his stimpacks (and, again, lower items).
A little higher still, and Joey could be convinced to part with his ammo (and lower items).
And finally, at another level of skill, the player would be able to convince Joey to sell his weapon (so, see the gun and all items from the previous levels).

Like I said: just a random idea I had to make barter a little more useful. And I have no idea if sfall could be used for something like this.
Still doesn't sound good to me. First, because this can be scripted if it really only applies to certain characters, and second, it just makes you ignore these NPCs if you aren't ignoring their trade inventory already in the first place. Best example: I don't even remember who Joey is and I probably never bought anything from him ever, as there are more than enough regular traders around. tl;dr - lots of work for little gain.
It IS a lot of work for only a little gain if every script has to be modded rather than creating a single script via sfall if it's possible. That is the reason I asked, because it's not just for certain NPCs.
You say it will make one ignore those NPCs if they aren't already ignoring their trade inventory. I don't get that. Well... No, I do. And on the flip side, if people see another reason to increase the barter skill, they might.
You don't see the reason.
How about just because a person wants to play a skilled trader? Or how about someone wants a dash of realism (which is all I want... just a dash) and see that someone with a low barter skill just maybe isn't going to be able to trade for just anything with a random NPC. How about making it more challenging to buy those stimpacks from someone instead of stealing/save scumming? Or making it more challenging to buy their weapon before you beat them to death with your brass knuckles?
On a side note, I have lots of ideas I'd like to incorporate. So, if it can be done, then it opens up other possibilities about what NPCs could offer/do based off any PC skills, rather than having to rewrite every script.
So, does sfall have the capability?
any perk ideas post here please
Not sure if I'm responding to the right thing but...

Something that occurred to me as pretty cool is if the Perk “Cautious Nature” would let the player start each encounter with “sneak mode” enabled (i.e. every encounter starts by running the sneak function) (may be a wild idea, but I like it). Especially as “Cautious Nature” isn't that useful, while Sneak on the other hand can be very effective to avoid encounters (besides outdoorsman ofc).

Anyway, I really started to appreciate Sneak as an option to avoid encounters. Works like a charm on roaches, for example (very low PE ;)). Of course it only works when alone, which makes it a rather cool mechanic (i.e. be a lone wolf and avoid encounters or travel in a party and fight it out). That alone balances the perk and adds another level of depth to the character-sheet/design. Which I like.
added dobbs to party perks,test with these scripts if ur willing

edit : before i didnt include all files,this is all used by party perks

edit : updated bunch of the perk mods,uploaded to web page,please post bugs here
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Not sure if I'm responding to the right thing but...

Something that occurred to me as pretty cool is if the Perk “Cautious Nature” would let the player start each encounter with “sneak mode” enabled (i.e. every encounter starts by running the sneak function) (may be a wild idea, but I like it). Especially as “Cautious Nature” isn't that useful, while Sneak on the other hand can be very effective to avoid encounters (besides outdoorsman ofc).

Anyway, I really started to appreciate Sneak as an option to avoid encounters. Works like a charm on roaches, for example (very low PE ;)). Of course it only works when alone, which makes it a rather cool mechanic (i.e. be a lone wolf and avoid encounters or travel in a party and fight it out). That alone balances the perk and adds another level of depth to the character-sheet/design. Which I like.

i went about this backwards,i coded all required stuff for the perk,then attempted to code the function's aspect's of it,and for the life of me i dont remember/forgot/never knew how to script a critter to use a skill,if anybody knows what the command is please post it here

edit : scripted it but even with 300 sneak,hywaymen outside of the den immediatly attack,some of the other critters dont tho,if u want ill add it,up to you,personaly wont use it,and seems under powered

edit : this site lists all perks from all fallout games
if ur inclined,review them and post ones u think would be good for fallout 2,ill add them
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Fourthly, there's minor issue with a completely different mod of yours, Nirran, the Custom Highlight mod. If you enable CheckLOS in sfall-mods.ini (which I do because it feels a bit cheaty otherwise), highlighting critters does not work, apart from highlighting the player. All the other highlighting still functions as intended, and maybe you already know, but it's not mentioned anywhere, so I just thought I'd let you know.

fixed this,sorry for the long delay,uploaded to my site


edit : updated push mod to allow to customize the different key settings,uploaded
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Okay. I can't tell any difference enabled or disabled, but I'll just leave it disabled anyway.

Btw, Nirran, on top of the Swift Learner bug, and the Custom Highlight bug I mentioned recently, I am now also getting a similar Lifegiver bug that Juku121 was getting. I control all party members through sFall, and whenever I change character, the Chosen One gets a health boost, seemingly a full level's worth.
After one fight, my HP went from 80 to 270.

addressed this bug,added a check if not in combat,fixed it,should be gtg now,uploaded,bug was in "Custom Perks" mod,if ur re downloading
How about Feign Death perk? Kinda speaks for itself, and I always felt like it would be a life saver in the beginning of the game with the encounters... Maybe based on outdoorsman/luck/sneak, Luck would be the deciding factor by my guess. Not sure if possible, but enemies would be able to tell you're pretending based on their perception/medicine/intelligence (all go into factor). Also, for some reason after unpacking CustomPerks.7z into root FO2 folder and fiddling with options, my game now crashes on any successful melee attack, both from player or npcs (not Enter Combat, but the action of attacking). I am using the latest Killap's RP with sFall 3.3.
Edit: A chance that humanoid enemies would loot you while feigning death, again, if possible - I mean, kids in Den could steal from PC, so why not?
-and I specifically changed Backstabbing in CustomPerks.ini, just set unarmed req to -10, melee to 90, and level to 4, and that seems to cause the crash; before reverting to original mod files, I tried altering several lines on ini, and the crashes were there. Seems like alteration of the ini causes crashing on attack, because there is none if using original mod files
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How about Feign Death perk? Kinda speaks for itself, and I always felt like it would be a life saver in the beginning of the game with the encounters... Maybe based on outdoorsman/luck/sneak, Luck would be the deciding factor by my guess. Not sure if possible, but enemies would be able to tell you're pretending based on their perception/medicine/intelligence (all go into factor).

this is not possible to script

Also, for some reason after unpacking CustomPerks.7z into root FO2 folder and fiddling with options, my game now crashes on any successful melee attack, both from player or npcs (not Enter Combat, but the action of attacking). I am using the latest Killap's RP with sFall 3.3.

just unzipped my custom perks into fo2 and killed an ant,no crash,possible ur ini is corrupt?

edit : also tried altering ini settings and killed an ant,no crash

edit : what program u use for editing ini files?i recommend notepad++,its free and nice prog,find it here
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edit : scripted it but even with 300 sneak,hywaymen outside of the den immediatly attack,some of the other critters dont tho,if u want ill add it,up to you,personaly wont use it,and seems under powered
No, it's fine. It was just an idea, that may upgrade „Cautious Nature“, but if it doesn't work that well, it may not be worth it. I guess a player can just use high PE (sequence) and AP to create a distance and then enable sneak (sometimes repeatedly until it allows to end combat (i.e. “sneak mode” & “successful sneak mode”). I just thought starting in „sneak mode“ may create an interesting scenario (avoid patrol paths & ambush), and relieve the need for having high sequence and AP. However, encounters may not be designed to support that (maps, player position, distance to critters, critters movement (normally only animals move around) and critters PE). Would need more tweaking, I guess, but doesn't seem worth pursuing (i.e. if already under powered/not working well, tweaking sounds like opening a can of worms, which may go too far and create a monster). Anyway thanks for giving it a try.
yeppers,as i stated before,post ideas here =D thnx Muttie

edit : due to an error in my upload bat,rapid perks was not being updated,this has been fixed
and correct version is on my site
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