Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

I Donno what to say,you can tweak damage in the damage.ini file,up the one sthat are low and reduce the ones that are high

would it be better if individual weapons were tweakable?i can do that if ppl want it
Hi Nirran,

When I use your Rapid perks mod, I cant switch to aimed shot. Ive tried it with only the rapid perks mod and sfall4.2.3.
perhaps you choose Fast Shot as a trait in character configuration screen. if this is true than you won't be able to make targeted shots until you somehow remove Fast Shot trait
Hi Nirran,

When I use your Rapid perks mod, I cant switch to aimed shot. Ive tried it with only the rapid perks mod and sfall4.2.3.

found the problem,was interface redraw,ill upload a fix to my site,for nowcan use this

edit : let me know if it is fixed


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Thanks, I'll give it a try. I had made a backup of my savegames when I first found the glitch. After narrowing it down to that mod, I had re-added the other mods I was using (weapons redone, custom perks, RP, ...), without using LPP. But the game still shows the different perks added by LPP, and I was still able to level up every other level. Are those perks included in your custom perks mod?
no but sfall saves the perks already selected and 'GL_Perk_Per,int' determines # of perks per level,if u didnt deleted it u would have the behavior u described
yw glad it is fixed

edit : as i seen that alot of ppl use rapid perks 'here and now perks' perk to cheat a bunch of perks owed into the game ive added a new variable to the ini,u can now set how many perks per rank u get to w/e u want,it was a static 2 before,now u can set to 100 or w/e and then get those in game with a click instead of a click fest,will upload in a day or 2
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I'm feeling really stupid at the moment, but can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong while trying to install Nirran's mods?
So my Fallout 2 version is 1.02 version from GoG and it comes with sfall 3.2a (included somehow).
So I copied and pasted Custom Perks mod into Fallout 2 main folder ("D:\Fallout 2") and nothing happened, nothing got overwritten. Only .ini. files present are those from the mod itself. I did the same with the XP multiplier mod and it also won't work.
So right now I presume that I need another sfall version? Modders version? I didn't install Restoration Project (yet).
need to unzip the 7z file into main fo2 dirrectory

edit: doubnle checked my customperks zipa nd it has all the files
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Ok, but should there be a message about overwriting or not? I really don't know, the files are in the same directory as Fallout2.exe (this is main directory I guess).