You'll get more swearing coming your way if you keep multi-posting
Next time use the edit button or you shall perish!!!1

SkuLL said:You'll get more swearing coming your way if you keep multi-postingNext time use the edit button or you shall perish!!!1
chankljp said:DirkGently said:Morale != moral. Fuck morals. Morals are relative to each person. Sure, now, we have some pretty common ones, but a hundred and fifty + years ago? Slavery was pr. cool. Besides, if we didn't rescue them from the dark heart of Africa, they wouldn't have a fucking clue about civilization or God or any of that awesome stuff.
You can't assign the morals we have today to the people of the wastes. It's an entirely different culture.
That said, we don't know shit about the Legion, for certain. We've got stuff from Van Burean, but we don't know if that's how the Legion is going to be in New Vegas. For all we know they let slaves become citizens, and educate them with skills on how to survive and thrive in the wastes. Teach them to stop living as a bunch of dirt-worshipping heathens and be civilized members of society. After they've paid of they paid off that debt to society with some hard labor.
Also, Pre-emptive strike is an self-defense tactic, provided it's done right. I don't know why Jack would burn down the house like that as opposed to, say, putting a bullet in his neighbor or cutting his brakes or something.
Also the Legion is awesome because they've got a guy voiced by Danny Trejo. And Danny Trejo is the fucking man.
Wow! When I first posted this thread I expected there will lots of discussions between people with different views. I never expected it to turn into a full scale debate on political philosophies and worldviews. Perhaps this is a good thing, since one of the signs for good story telling is when people have different interpretations. All the more reason to be excited about New Vegas.
It has been a few years now since I last did any Online debates. But thankfully I am still studying TOK so hopefully my debate skills hasn't got rusty. So here we go:
Since you made it clear that you were joking when you wrote the part about how slavery is a good thing, I am not sure how serious I should take the rest of the things you wrote due to Poe's Law. But I will assume that you are serious.
I am sorry, but I do not accept Moral Relativism as a justification for immoral actions taken by someone of another culture. Since you claim that all moral values are subjective, you are saying that no culture or civilization is better then another. And that we cannot judge people that doesn't share our own beliefs. So your belief is simply that a group cannibals is no better or worst then a village of peaceful farmers, that Nazi Germany is morally the same as modern day Switzerland, the Enclave is morally the same as the tribals of Arroyo, and that Shandy Sand is no different then the Khan raiders.
The fact is that some cultures are better then others at somethings. The act of genocide is wrong, female genital mutilation in the name of religion is wrong, slavery for any reason is wrong. My own country's actions such as locking up bloggers for writing things that the government dislike, censorship of the media (in fact, I am using a VPN to get to the site right now), and turning a blind eye on the corruption of high ranking officials are all morally wrong.
I used to believe the same things as you wrote. Whenever a foreigner criticizes the problems of China I will just use the argument of "You don't understand! You have to be a Chinese to be able to see the big picture!". Now years later I finally understand how foolish I was. Some actions are simply morally wrong. Multiculturalism and cultural diversity are not excuses for commenting atrocities and crimes.
they might be personal but since we are not individuals but part of a society, its not applicable.Faceless_Stranger said:What people can't understand is that morals are a personal view. One man right is another man's wrong. To call someone else a monster based on their views is hypocrisy at its finest, as you are basically telling the person that they are wrong because they do not share your point of view.
also its always was, from the early days up untill recent times, most of the the greatest empires and projects and monuments was built upon slaves, which is basically cheap labor without rights or benefits(btw how should we call all those illigals doing jobs that no one want, for penny's) or how is vassals are anything but a fancy name for a slaves to his mi'lord or a wife to husband in some backward cultures even today...SkuLL said:I've been thinking about American slavers, bringing the blacks from Africa to work on their fields. As a kid, I always thought that they must have all been brutal, evil and ignorant monsters in order to be able to do such a thing. But that's only from our (today's) point of view. I'm pretty sure a lot of the slave owners were all-in-all decent people - they were just born into and lived in a culture where African slavery was common - it was genuinely believed blacks were nowhere near equal to whites - brutish beasts useful just for labour. An 'evil' person would be someone who beat and raped his slaves, but not someone who owned slaves. Even though slavery and racism is wrong, and always was, there just wasn't a strong force fighting to stop it (and by that I mean strength as in logical thinking, ability to argue etc, not just brute strength).
Shadow of the Wastes said:Hang on, does it really matter why someone is being brutal and sadistic? Does it really matter if it's for shits and giggles or telling people "Don't mess with me?"
In the case of Fallout, the world has already been though a nuclear war. Do they really need to start from the beginning, repeating all the mistakes the old world made such as slavery and oppression all over again? I think if the Legion or the Brotherhood takes over, the best case outcome is that after making all the same mistakes all over again, they will eventually become better people, but it will cost many lives and everyone will pay a heavy price. The NCR seems to be the best bet to break this cycle. The worst outcome of putting them in power is the best outcome you can expect from the Legion, their best outcome, however, is that they will create an enlightened democratic and eudaemonic society with peace and justice for all. Achieving all this possibly centuries before the others get anywhere close to that level of development.