My wallet decided it wants all the versions of Fallout 1 ...


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Hey mom, look at all the Fallout! Where's your lead umbrella when you need it?


I bet there's other versions out there but these are all the ones I found on Amazon. I also have the GOG and Steam versions, and the German version is on its way.
Brother None said:
Haha, nice one. No big box, tho, or one of the favorite parts of my collection, the UK Fallout Radioactive half-big-boxes (between Fallout and the Bos figurine)

I've been tempted to buy the trilogy version just for historic value.
Re: full box size, while I may be having fun collecting them I'm also cheap ;) Those tend to be pretty pricey, well at least from what I remember.

I want those two versions of Fo1 in that picture! I LOVE the red style font on the right-side box, that's my favorite typeset for the title.

EDIT: Wow, doing a Google search for "UK Fallout Radioactive" gives some interesting results.
Darn, still need a big box version of Fallout Tactics.
Even if the designers made mistakes with lore here and there and could have done some more gameplay options I still like the game.

Is that your collection BN?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Is that your collection BN?


I know, I know. Fallout 3 CE. I bought it second-hand, if it helps. Same for the two copies of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (Xbox second-hand and a store demo version).
Where did you got the old Fallout 2 logo thingy from?

/Edit: I don't have that much physical fallouts. But at least I got the Fo1 big box some years ago.

The Tactics dvd set is pretty shitty, by the way. They pressed 3 cds into it... I think the only time it really has fit 100% was before I was opening it for the first time. Since then I could never really close it, because somehow the cds with their plastic hull just don't fit in.
Lexx said:
Where did you got the old Fallout 2 logo thingy from?

Hah. That's actually the oldest part of the collection, because I lost my original big boxes.

Back in the Interplay days if you were a good, active forum user (or even if you weren't), you could get in touch with developers and they'd happily send you tchotchkas. David Hendee sent me three of those stickers. That's the only one I have left tho. Put it on a cardboard cigar box cutout.
Brother None said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Is that your collection BN?


I know, I know. Fallout 3 CE. I bought it second-hand, if it helps. Same for the two copies of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (Xbox second-hand and a store demo version).

I really should make a photo of my Fallout/Wasteland collection.

Wasteland (new)
Wasteland strategy guide

Fallout 1 European box
Fallout 1 American box (bought it from MrBumble for my birthday)
Fallout 1 strategy guide (bought it from MrBumble for my birthday)

Fallout 2 European box (bought it the moment I finished Fallout 1, I was converted at that point)
Fallout 2 American box
Fallout 2 strategy guide (bought it from MrBumble for my birthday)

Fallout Tactics DVD box (by this time boxed games started to disappear in Dutch game stores)

Fallout Brotherhood of Steel PS2 (second hand)

Fallout 3 CE (yeah I was stupid)
The BOS figurine

Fallout New Vegas (retail)
Fallout New Vegas CE
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Fallout New Vegas HC strategy guide
I've only got the "Fallout Classic Collection" box D:
But then, no one else here seems to, so I'm special. Yay.

It's just 1, 2, and Tactics in a collection, and the OP seems to have two variations on the same thing. Seeing the PEGI label, though, I'm assuming those must be the European collections, but even in the US I believe there are at least two variants of the same collection as well.

I'm talking about the one that looks like this:

Obviously, this is just the cover art, not my actual copy. But you get the point.
I think that one is on my bookmarks to also buy ;)

In all honesty my next goal is getting the non-English versions.

Currently I have Russian and German only.
Brother None said:
I know, I know. Fallout 3 CE. I bought it second-hand, if it helps.
Looks like the German CE, no less. Man, I hate these ugly huge rating labels.
alec said:
There's more of them out there. Check this old thread of mine.
Oh wow... damn there's so many reprintings of the fallout-trilogy-pack. It's kind of getting ridiculous :crazy:

.Pixote. said:
aarrrhhh some of those covers really suck. :roll:
Shhhh don't say that, you'll hurt the covers' feelings!

Dammit, now they're crying. Look what you've done you big jerk.


Brother None and Lexx, did you get those copies of Fallout 1 from the USA or a different country? I remember buying Fallout back when it was new and I don't recall ever seeing that version of the box, nor any version with the red lettering.
SealyStar, is that the trilogy box Wal-Mart carried?

I used to see old copies on the shelves all the time but they started disappearing about five years ago.
youcancallmesir said:
SealyStar, is that the trilogy box Wal-Mart carried?

I used to see old copies on the shelves all the time but they started disappearing about five years ago.

I got it at Target, actually, just last year. But given the stores' similarity, it's not out of the question that Wal-Mart had it too. As for the disappearing, I can't seem to find it at Target either, so... probably.