Nalano said:
I'm not saying the NCR are the good guys and Caesar's Legion are the bad guys. When you speak with him, Caesar is right in that the most effective form of government is that of an enlightened dictatorship. The biggest problem with that is
1) Finding an enlightened dictator.
2) Realizing he's not going to live forever.
Well there are a few problems with that.
Let's speak a second about Frederick II of Prussia or as we call them here in my City ("Unser alter Firtz" - our old Fritz), judging by wikipedia he is counted as an 'enligtend absolutist', and he made Prussia really great. Problem is, he also nearly destroyed Prussia because it was a great amount of luck that Prussia didn't get crushed between Austria, France, Russia, Saxony and Sweden.
Real big luck, because if i'm not wrong one shoot at him was stopped by his snuffbox (don't know if that translation is right, so i mean a box for holding smokeless tobaco).
Nalano said:
(Oh yeah, and as for why melee tactics work well against a modern army: We're talking a post-apocalyptic modern army. Machine guns are fantastic until they run out of bullets, and who's to say how many bullets there are?)
Well it's in a post-apocalyptic world where there are also grenades and 'Claymore'-mines and such. And the NCR hold both, MG's and grenades...
So you need quite a lot of cannon fodder to get to the NCR soldiers, at least on such a battlefield like the dam. Or when using real roman tactics of closed packed heavy infantry (or in the case of the technology and the weapon level the Legion posses in NV, would be more 'close packed very light infantry/skirmishers').
But then again, the engine simple isn't really able to give a good picture of how many soldiers the legion got and how many the NCR got and so on. So i would judge by what the game tells us and that is that the legion know how to fight and their tactic might actually work out if you don't follow the NCR in a trap.
To the whole 'House = humanitarian' thing, that came up now.
So how exactly is someone who's killing people without money who want to enter the strip and don't even try to rebuilt water supply or other things for them count as really good?
House unifited the 'families' and didn't drive them out because he needed human labour force. Not because he loved any of them or thinks they deserve any good.
All House wants is to realize his strange ideas - and they are strange if you take a look at the strip. Instead of rebuilding some 'Tool making' facilities and the family buisness which might do real good and give Vegas some real industry, which is needed for proper rebuilding, he rebuilts the casinos.
The NCR in contrast rebuilts industry or at least supply lines. Who's running the real energy plants in NV? The NCR. Who's supplying Vegas with water and food? Well not alone, but also the NCR.
I mean a certain brahmin-baron comes from where? NCR-territory.
So let's recount the options there seem to be for the people of NV:
a) surrendering to the Legion and hoping you will get a real Legionaire and not just some slave or crucified body.
b) following house, who as some people in the game put it, made it all worse by throwing a lot of people out of the strip and seem only care about some megalomanic idea.
c) accepting the NCR who does at least what it can to protect you and tries to supply the population with all that's necessary. At the moment they don't manage to do all well, but they try.
The NCR clearly is not an utopia (That we only found at Black Mountain *snickers*.), but it's the single beste option you could choose out of the availabe options.
Sure if you a member of the Khans or you're a member of one of the families, than you might take another option. But as a normal guy of New Vegas there's not another real good choice, at least not at the moment.
But everyones free for his own opinion