New animations 2

x'il said:
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What do you guys think? would you have a use for it? make or not make?

Makeitmakeitmakeit!!! :P

Definitely, yes, she's just the type of girl I'd need in my mod :)
i am confused a little but guys, please for a better view do not forget to uplaod always on critter re*** do not know how to write this but i think you know waht i am mean. :P
^^ hehe...

Mr.Wolna said:
i am confused a little but guys, please for a better view do not forget to uplaod always on critter re*** do not know how to write this but i think you know waht i am mean. :P

nope... what?? :confused:
Mr. Wolna is talking about Custom Art Repository thingy, I think.

Dude101 said:
I have 3 pixels I would like to insert into her.
It's highly useful, as basically any well-made animation work. Sirren's gradual disappeaerance made your ass really high-priced.

Also, it's so epic to see Contie alive.

Also also, the critter looks like Kurt fucking Cobain. :ok:
Man, it's the first time since my registration in early 2005 that I got quoted so often in a row.

Miracles... or just tits.

Anyway, that female critter looks nice. X'il, are you planning to do just a few animations or all that are needed for the hero?
Lexx said:
Miracles... or just tits.
Miracles don't exist, so it's about tits, especially Kurt C. (aka Kurtka) tits.

And yeah, moar female critters is a nice idea... male critters are boring little a bit... no tits...
Lexx said:
Anyway, that female critter looks nice. X'il, are you planning to do just a few animations or all that are needed for the hero?

:rofl: :rofl: ... maybe if i got help from two or three more people but that's, you know, yea, ok.

No, it'll be just an NPC.
be patient i work on some nice scripts, i use couple of then yet. and i must say i work double so fast as earlier. ;)
you miss understnad me, i know that you do not mean me. I just said that i am working on some nice tools to make us critter modders the life easeir thats all. ;)
Speaking of girls in leather, that reminded me of a project I saw long time ago in the I went to check on it, and it seems that it is still alive and kicking!


Yep, it's the two sleeves leather jacket, (or is it the combat leather one?) from PowerMagic.
It seems there is only 4,5 set to do until full heroin completion, PowerMagic said he would do the Dude too, but he that he would need some help...

Well, i just thought i spread the word, before X'il or Josan or someone else begin a similar project.

If you wana help, or just see more gif, there is a list of completed animation here :
Grayswandir said:
(...) PowerMagic said he would do the Dude too, but he that he would need some help...

:o very nice! i'd certainly like to join in and help, unfortunately, i can't right now...

I had also started making a 2 sleeves LJ dude some time ago but quickly abandoned it, but i still have the two animations i made for it (AA and AB), if PowerMagic wants those i'd upload them here or send them to you. :wink: