Say, has anyone ever made a full set of animations for tribals? I've dug up and sorted through most of what's in core and the RP in terms of animations graphics, and am playing around with them, and I've noticed that there are proper bald-head dude and long hiar dude "tribal" graphics in game but I can't seem to find their files.
I'm trying to pick a long term "do a bit here and there" animation to put togather to patch up something I would love to, and I'm trying to decide between splicing the naked cassidy gun and rifle animations onto tribals (gun for sulik, yay), finding a way to finaly put togather some club animations for sulik (so he can use the cattle prod), or try to contribute somehow to Endocore's Miria if but with a few animations.
So... has anyone ever done any of the missing tribals / sulik animations? Even just male ones? So Sulik can prod cattle barechested?
Also, it might actually be possible to do crude but decent club animations for male tribals, I've tried and done quite nicely with a metal armor guy (no sleeves), but his arms are much darker than the tribals back so it's pretty visible. Also, I'm not very good at it, but who cares, it's fun XD Anyone know of a better model?

Why noone giff cattle prod to tribals for 15 years, asked sulik and jiggled his badly cut out gun with blue pixels leaking in a few frames... And the guy who made him couldn't even loop him, even though it's gif XD (Srr about that guys, my first time ever giff).