New animations 2

Here is a little thing I worked on for a while its not finished yet no frms... but quite a lot of rendered frames for a future replacement of Lenny so he will look more ghoulish.
This video demonstrates the animations he can have.

This little gif shows how he should look.


And last here is a download link in case someone wants to assamble him...

Some frms are done I went with the following naming
Trouser only ghoul NAGUL2
Ghoul with labcoat NAGLAB
And ghoul with jacket NAGLTH
I also updated the source zip file.
You can download the finished frms from here:

Here are some examples:

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Sduibek said:
@Jotisz That's really cool, Sduibek likes :smile:


.Pixote. said:
Mutants Rising needs a Ghoul in a lab coat...:wink:

I'm still putting together the trouser ghoul but if the lab coat one is needed I shell make him the next one.
(for now neither one has death animations I'm trying to make it as gory as the originals though I can easily add a non violent death animation for the char so it can be ready to use)

I have updated the zip files in the previous post for two reason I have made an error with west and east side I have corrected it. The source file now has the folders named right west is west, east is east now.

I made progress with the finished frms here is the list of ready to use animations:
Well? Hello? Cassidy's SMG set and Offset fix for Lieutenant are gone. Should the Cassidy SMG set be merged into a mod where the old man uses the player-style frames (green pants, maybe MK2 leather armor to distinguish from Tycho)? I also have to ask if the Lieutenant's frames can be decompiled and re-positioned in an application manually, so he doesn't have to get that from FrameAnimator.
@Fox Wernicke

Check out my signature for Fallout Database. You would need to look in Fallout Modding Tools/Screens and Art/Animations if you're looking for critter animations
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Thanks Drobovik, it's good somebody's keeping the downloads here safe. What I was also wonderin' about if the Lieutenants's sprites could be decompiled and then re-offset together in something like Photoshop, that way there would be (almost) no problems with his positioning going crazy if he uses a gun other than minigun types... It's mostly related to Marcus with Lou's appearance while wearing mutant armor.
Thanks Drobovik, it's good somebody's keeping the downloads here safe. What I was also wonderin' about if the Lieutenants's sprites could be decompiled and then re-offset together in something like Photoshop, that way there would be (almost) no problems with his positioning going crazy if he uses a gun other than minigun types... It's mostly related to Marcus with Lou's appearance while wearing mutant armor.

Lieutenant fixed offsets already exists, does it not work properly for you?
Thanks Drobovik, it's good somebody's keeping the downloads here safe. What I was also wonderin' about if the Lieutenants's sprites could be decompiled and then re-offset together in something like Photoshop, that way there would be (almost) no problems with his positioning going crazy if he uses a gun other than minigun types... It's mostly related to Marcus with Lou's appearance while wearing mutant armor.

Lieutenant fixed offsets already exists, does it not work properly for you?
I'm talking about that "direct NPC control" mod which Timeslip added to Sfall. If Marcus is controlled with mutant armor on him and faced northwest, the "spotlight" showing where he is behind walls and scenery doesn't match up. He first appears to be somewhere else unless I make him face another direction. I encountered that when I played the Restoration Project which includes an armor mod imported from the Vault 14 mod.
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Good thing the Animations folder is included in the Fallout Database on MediaFire, but I wish people didn't have to sign in on the site.
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Yes, dog is from Olympus project. I mentioned it in my post in Talking heads thread. Sorry I didn't post it here as well. Hope you guys don't mind that I use the frms? I'm working on this mod.

Are you the one who made the dog's animations, Ursa? Should I mention you as the author?

Added a note to the post above.
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I believe I know why individual sprites were created for each critter spriteset: to avoid using weaponry they're not supposed to, like the Helmet mod for Restoration Project that does crazy stuff if another critter is temporarily "dude_obj", which can result in them using the Hero Androgynous sprites for power armor.… In fact, I happen to have experienced Sulik getting a HMMAXX appearance with direct companion control when he wears armor. It's nice to see him try a cattle prod for a while, but even cooler with more riflemen!