I made the dark robe (the hubologist one) manually some long times ago, about at the same time i made the CA, the old link is dead but it is somewhere on my disk, I will try to find it again.
Most of it seemed to have been experimentations and 'playing around' but there is some finished stuff like
Ha ha, good old times.

In another pack I also made a orange one a white one, a light blue one, a snow CA ( with a white shadow) etc,etc,...
But all of these models don't really look good enough to me any more, with the exception of the green robe, one set of brown CA and the colored Power Armor, and the colored vaultsuits, the ian green/brown pants
Really? Where are all these critters being stored now? (Blast, where is that custom critter repository when you need it? Irked )
They are stored in a disk, the disk is in an old broken computer, the computer is in a box, the box is under my bed, so don't worry, they are safe!

There were too much for me to upload at the repository, and links have this tendancy to die after some times, threads go on etc,etc...
If you wanna see how a good red robe should look like (in my opinion), you should look at the work of these two french modders Aguirre and Terbitator. But this model is off limits for now.