New developer diary at Bethesda

Mord_Sith said:
Wow, and I thought I was bad for skipping words while typing...
Well sorry but english is not my native language

One, Yes way they would be the same, they share the same original manufacturers, do you THINK that they're making laser rifles in Fallout? No they're finding them in military institutions and whatnot, they don't have the ability to make much more than a finely crafted .223 special even after 50 years of re-learning!
Yes and no, energy and heavy weapons maybe, however modifications and maintenance would certainly make them different.
Two, the 7 year old girl bit if I am not mistaken is that how would a 7 year old survive the trek, surrounded by xenophobic men in power armor, how would she survive the radiation, the diseases, the lack of food and water, not to mention the regular raider attacks, as BoS stick out like a sore thumb in the desert, hello chrome on sand!
Well being a tough bunch i think, depending on equipment BoS could escort 1 girl across the USA, but yeah - it looks implausible
Yes USA has changed it's structure (I'm assuming that's what you mean) several times now, however this is a technophile religion we're talking about, not an institute of public governance (and the occasional scandal), how often have you seen the Roman Catholic Church change it's initiation or methods before the turn of the century?
Not only structure, but standings and politics, and behaviour ('50 - '60 - '70)
In 25 years with the death of elders and younger forces assuming their positions it is very possible that BoS started shifting. - BTW RC Church changed more in last 25 years than ever before, and BoS although based on discipline never had such strong dogmatic as RC Church (which also did not have apocalypse in its history).

It's not undecided, they got two options, to foot it or to Brahmn and cart it, however both options it is probably only a 5% success rate of reaching there, and probably under 1% of the entire group making it there in one piece. Vertibirds are out because of their massive fuel consumption (do you realize how much gas it takes to keep a normal helicopter in the sky, let alone something like a Vertibird?)
What about nucular Vertibird 11!!!!One :D

The Chinese (perhaps...) Super Mutants, how the hell would they cross the ocean, last I checked the Chinese were not in the process of invading America before the bombs fell, instead they were covertly creating their own muties after stealing the tech from the American Scientists(I am not 100% on this one mind you, I think I read it in one of Beth's excuses for the Washington Muties, but I am likely mistaken).
This I don't know and was speculation on my part. However on HOW this is how - NUCLEAR WINTER. The Bering Strait used to freeze during winter before, so anyone can cross from Asia to Canada. (I'm not saying they did it, but just how they could do it). So with nuclear winter..... just use your imagination.
Of course Beth could have some even lamer plot hole to explain DC muties.

How did those pesky muties cross the ocean, in all likelihood they'd be too busy rampaging throughout China rather than hunkering down in Washington, perhaps a small contingent like chinatown in San Fran could have landed, but there's no way an entire army would have breached shore WHILE the bombs were dropping...
Maybe they landed in Canada as an invasion force, before the bombs. - Again not the fact but just to show you that it could have normal plausible explanation.
However I'm sure Beth will not make a plausible story that can fit or add to the canon. They will just make some sh.t up that looks like it can hold water.
GandalfRed said:
Yes and no, energy and heavy weapons maybe, however modifications and maintenance would certainly make them different.
Note how almost all Fallout energy weapons and heavy weapons except for Turbo Plasma rifle are standardised and not changed.
The weapons and armour are different from original Fallout weapons not because of maintence or modifications, or different region but because they were all "reinvented" by Bethesda.
Everything is wrong, Paladin Lyons is in fact, King Arthur in disguise, he was still looking for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. And now he found it! In the Pentagon's Basement!! :P

Personally, I don't care much if they deviate from the canon. And besides, right now it doesn't make any sense discussing how much they drifted away, because they drifted a lot and they're not going to change it. Right now the only thing that we can talk about its the qualitty of the stuff they write... and this simple suck. The things they wrote in here are nonsense.
I really hope that the writing gets better. Please, make it better, don't want to follow the canon? Don't do it, but at least make something interesting!!
And here I thought you were a normal, internet English typer, as I said I thought I was bad for missing words, it's not due to a lack of grasp on the language, rather I am thinking too fast for my hands to keep up and I skip a beat or two...

Anyhee, different models, perhaps, but making a laser rifle out of some old plumbing and wires, I don't think that that deal was made from some manufacturer, even the cheapest stuff today still avoids having bare electronics.

As far as Canada is concerned, they would have to still land there, amid an annexing force, as most of the US military is stationed there to keep their hold of Canada I don't think the Chinese would risk their troops by attacking where the American armed forces are strongest.

As far as them not being religious, just look at the cherubs on the map of the BoS base in FO 1 for a good example.
I do not contradict, I just say as Templars did, one can turn away from only faith to faith+something else with thinning of original founders and upcoming young ones. Not to say it should be canon, but just debating how it could happen.
For the guns the Beth designs are bad, but that it is not possible to create different/new/scavenged weapons in what like 80 years, come on - how much of the WW1 weapons are available today?
For the typing, ok, sorry if you feel I called u out. Me I have FOCUS 2001 click keyboard, so i manage to miss some letters here and there.
Laser, mini gun, and plasma are a bit high tec for some bloke to make in their garage, the first chain gun was not man portable and required a giant winch to turn the barrels, as far as lasers, you'd need one hell of a good garage setup to try and make the focus crystals for that bit, and plasma, you'd likely burn yourself before successfully making that rifle work properly using a muffler, a pipe, and an elastic band.

The world is not filled with McGyvers, there are some that have that kind of talent, but you need some serious industry to start producing high tech guns like the aforementioned again.
Lets not forget the super computers that can augment the human genome. Perhaps they can be of assistance in the creation/modification/upgrading of weapons and vehicles....

I have to wonder how hard some of you are trying to not let the human race evolve even when give the opportunity.

You got a world of super computers, powered armor, laser weapons, plasma weapons, pulse and plasma grenades, micro fusion cells, and TIME and you tell me they can't come up with anything new? The basis for the technology is already there, it just has to be understood to make it better. No one needs to start from scratch.

Seems to me that some of you all are being closed minded for the sake of being closed minded.

Had FO3 taken place 2 years later then I could see some validity in your arguments, but seriously look at we have done with weapons in the last few decades.
ArmorB said:
but seriously look at we have done with weapons in the last few decades.
With the full might of an industrial society behind them, weapons have come on leaps and bounds in the last few decades. But in a world destroyed to hell and back, which was running low on resources before the war, are you really going to see the same rate of progress?
I'd rather not, it's quite depressing after all, considering what other purposes that technology and research money could have gone towards rather than new ways to kill each other...

Anyhow, your theories are based on a civilization with a full industry functioning behind it, Fallout however the industry has been bombed to oblivion, however as I said before, standard firearms can be re-manufactured but high tech gear is likely to pose some serious problems, hell most mil-spec stuff would cause issues for any do it yourselfer in the gunsmith industry of Fallout.

When you're trying to survive tell me what's easier, trying to fabricate a shell, or trying to find a shell in a military facility, until the land no longer has enough detritus from the past civilization for the new one to feed off of, the new civilization will remain scavengers of that tech as it is far easier than trying to manufacture it.

It's not about the computers, as you probably also know, power for such devices is not likely to be kicking around in large quantities and without power, a super computer's nothing more than a damn big paperweight.

Time spent re-learning agriculture, time spent learning how to survive in a completely new and hostile world, Time spent staying alive, and not many people are technically apt, do YOU know how your TV works, I doubt it, you just know how to operate it, you couldn't fabricate the same TV from scratch even if it took your whole life, why? Because the industry required to create the proper circuit boards to control your TV is far too complex and small for the human hand to actually do manually, hence why we use robots to do stuff like that now.

And that's just the TV, an invention that's been around since the 40's in force.

Closed minded, yeah, alright, I prefer jaded but I guess closed minded works too.
But we're not talking about creating things from the aether. These things are working and in the hands of those who cherish technology and would be more apt to utilize these things. You act like the BoS are a bunch of farm hicks who would be apt to blow their own heads off just looking at a gun.

But I'm sure they simply said, "We must be at the apex of technology and there is no point in trying to build anything better...."

EDIT: As well you seem to assume that all of the tech we have found in the FO1&2 worlds is the top of the line stuff as well. In game thare were a number of opportunities to upgrade stuff past the 'standard' level. Our character and other NPCs were able to fix various levels of existing and/or old tech.

As well using the logic that just because it wasn't seen in FO1&2 then it can't possibly exist is just plain silly.
I agree that it's silly, but at the same time it shouldn't look like a do it yourselfer's attempt at making a laser gun.

I was talking about the people in general, rather than just focusing on the BoS, yes the BoS have an idea how the technology works, but do you see any kind of manufacturing facility therein?

How about raw materials to make this stuff, it doesn't just 'pop out of the aether' as you put it.

As for the BoS themselves, only the Scribes know how the technology works, they're the brains, the Pallys are the Brawn, so a contingent of Pallys running out into the wastes, they know how to use and maintain their equipment just like you with your TV, they don't know how to replicate the technology 100%, even the scribes got about an 80% working knowledge of the hardware.

They send the pallys to secure the equipment, but they would only know how to operate it, not how to replicate it.
I'm all for new weapons, certainly that's one of the things FOT needed rather than all the WW2 relics and real world items. But the emphasis should be on new, how many types of laser rifles, plasma pistols and mini guns does the series need?

One thing that would attract me to playing a fp fallout spinoff would be to see my favorite weapons up close and personal. Not some unrecognizable pale copies.
Here is an honest question (as in I don't know the answer): When did the tech outside of the vault get developed? Was it before the great war or in the time after? Because if it was after, what keeps people from continuing with that development?
ArmorB said:
Seems to me that some of you all are being closed minded for the sake of being closed minded.
To me it seems that Bethesda is close minded for the sake of being close minded. Their close mindedness is shown by their total refusal to allow any original weapon or armour into game.
We've seen new weapons. OK. New weapons are nice, but we aren't talking about adding new weapons and armour here, we are talking about removing original weapons and armour, original Pipboy and original vault suit and "reinventing" them.
Is Bethesda to close minded to accept design of other artists?
To accept that someone has created something before them?
Okay no one is arguing about what potentially 'bad' things Beth has done, or at least not me. I'm only pointing out the fact that these things are potentially feasable.

As well has there been any indication that the 'old standards' of FO1&2 have been left out? It's my impression that many sequels will use much of the original base and just add to it. If Beth has 100% dumped all of the old weps and what not, then I would see this as a mistake as well. But I'm assuming these new weps are simply additional ones. Because who needs to see concept drawings on weps that are already part of the FO cannon?

EDIT: just because you didn't see factories and what not in FO1&2 doesn't mean it's improbable they are still around. In FO1&2 you see a fairly small portion of the world. Just think of the building potential in Detroit alone. there are plenty of places across the US that could be havens for contuinued technological development.
And were high on target list for nuclear attacks...

ArmorB said:
As well has there been any indication that the 'old standards' of FO1&2 have been left out? It's my impression that many sequels will use much of the original base and just add to it. If Beth has 100% dumped all of the old weps and what not, then I would see this as a mistake as well. But I'm assuming these new weps are simply additional ones.
There are no F3 screens showing any Fallout weapons or armour.
Don't you think that if they had original Fallout items, they would show some them just to show off how their game stays true to Fallout canon?
Sorrow said:
There are no F3 screens showing any Fallout weapons or armour.
Don't you think that if they had original Fallout items, they would show some them just to show off how their game stays true to Fallout canon?

I think it's already been fairly well proven that Beth peoples aren't that bright...As well how many new users would be impressed by a ....pistol...or a rifle....woooo aaahhh....the target audience of that sort of display is pretty small. Yes it would be pretty important to see that stuff to the die hards of the game but they are pretty rare now a days. And the true target audience would look at those displays as WTF? A new 'leet' game that uses pistols and rifles? Considering that much of their target audience for FO3 could barely even read when FO1 or 2 came out...

So many nukes so little time...I am simply saying that it would be pretty easy to have the opportunity for some industrial areas that could support research and development of new tech to have survived. Most every game has some element of very possible however unlikely stuff that happens.

Playing a game that gives you information about a specific few houndred square miles doesn't eliminate the possibility of other stuff happening in other places of the nation. that limited information is what leave stories the opportunity to grow insterad of getting stuck with no chances for anything new or different.
Everything is wrong, Paladin Lyons is in fact, King Arthur in disguise, he was still looking for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. d now he found it! In the Pentagon's Basement!!

You might be too right... replace Holy Hand Grenade with Nukular Catapult... or perhaps the upgrade the dread Hydrogen Bomb Trebuchet!?

...As well how many new users would be impressed by a ....pistol...or a rifle....woooo aaahhh....the target audience of that sort of display is pretty small.

Perhaps... but no matter how I slice it I'd have much rather seen the weapons faithful to the originals, rather than the.... chairs.

At any rate if Beth had pulled say... This Laser Rifle

There would be more rejoicing and less rolling of eyes and cringing had that excellent art above come from Beth, which leads me to my hypothesis:

<blockquote>The more reinterpretation is exercised the fewer people will feel the 'Fallout' in FINO:3, since, logically each reinvention will lose more Fallout fans then a faithful adoption of the source IP. </blockquote>

The good news here? If you felt the essence of Fallout was in the Vault Chair Design, you're set! :falloutonline:

EDit: Wrong brackets on a tag