Serbaside said:
It is only 2,675 miles from LA to Washington DC.
Put in historical perspective:
During the gold rush pioneers traveled (wagon) the Oregon Trail (2000 miles) in six months. It runs from Missouri to Oregon.
In another case the Mormons took 23 years to go from Illinois to Utah, 70,000 walked the whole way.
Lewis and Clark covered 8000 miles in 28 months.
Eh, a few problems here.
Number one, the brotherhood simply did not have the manpower to send a contingent of men out into the unknown (forget whether the reason was good or not).
Two, the BOS apparently thought the glow wasn't worth going to so why the hell would they go to DC?
Three, Louis and Clark and the settlers didn't have to travel through RADIATION.
Four, they had a map and a guide.
Five, how many settlers were killed on the trek westward by hostiles, weather, FOOD and WATER scarcity, etc, ect? Well, I guess if its bethesda they might as well have given the BOS fremen stillsuits.
Six, a few indians here and there and the occasional bear don't compare to Deathclaws, remnants of the masters army, maurading raiders armed with post industrial revolution weapons and armor.
And as mentioned before, did they have vehicles? Someone mentioned Beth already considered Tactics non-canon and I personally thought the working car idea was a joke in F2.