New developer diary at Bethesda

I hate to point out the obvious to the admins...

but I swear that RedEks has got to be a subtle troll with the intent of instigating the hard-liners.
He's not breaking any rules, he can have whatever opinion he want and he's not being inflammatory enough to provoke mud, let alone any hardliners.

Backseat moderating is against the rules, though :P

Not trying to start the cannon talk all over again but:
AKs 47s were made in 1947 (Duh!), before the 50s... Even if REAL WORLD WEAPONS DON'T FIT, it is better than the DEagle. After all, the install screen of FO1 has the Male VD with a Uzi-like weapon and the Female VD with a AK like weapon... ?
Also, robots aren't such bad enemies; but the history behind them is HORRRRIIIIIIBLEEEEEE!!!! With good history background robots could be a good enemy, don't they?
I looked again at those concepts and they look awesome on their own :) . Too bad that Bethesda decided to waste such talent on raping Fallout instead of starting their own post-apo series :( .
Hey, Brother None...

If I like Fallout 3, even with all the flaws it has....please, don't kill me, ok? That post you made in the first page scared me to death...It felt that the "hope" I had in Fallout 3 melted away and you would cut my hands off if I try to grab it... :(

But, was cool to read it. :D
samgamgi said:
Hey, Brother None...

If I like Fallout 3, even with all the flaws it has....please, don't kill me, ok? That post you made in the first page scared me to death...It felt that the "hope" I had in Fallout 3 melted away and you would cut my hands off if I try to grab it... :(

But, was cool to read it. :D

Alright people, lets form a line and take either a pitchfork or a torch from the piles and pass it on until all of you have one of either items.
If any of you have one of both or two of the same, give one to someone who doesn't have one.
samgamgi said:
If I like Fallout 3, even with all the flaws it has....please, don't kill me, ok?

Man, you can like whatever you want.

If there's one attitude I never got, it's being upset when other people like things you don't. Sure, I can call this or that film or game overrated, but if people enjoyed it, why should that be any of my business?
xdarkyrex said:
I hate to point out the obvious to the admins...

but I swear that RedEks has got to be a subtle troll with the intent of instigating the hard-liners.
Hey, Tactics was a pretty solid game, as far as the gameplay was concerned. To me, anyone who really enjoyed the combat in Fallout 1&2 should have enjoyed Tactics.
Forhekset said:
Hey, Tactics was a pretty solid game, as far as the gameplay was concerned. To me, anyone who really enjoyed the combat in Fallout 1&2 should have enjoyed Tactics.
Yeah, sure, because a single-player combat non-centered turn based RPG is the same as a party based combat centered turn based RPG :? They are two different games, even combat wise...
Morbus said:
Forhekset said:
Hey, Tactics was a pretty solid game, as far as the gameplay was concerned. To me, anyone who really enjoyed the combat in Fallout 1&2 should have enjoyed Tactics.
Yeah, sure, because a single-player combat non-centered turn based RPG is the same as a party based combat centered turn based RPG :? They are two different games, even combat wise...
If you say so. I'm a huge fan of Fallout's combat system, and I found Tactics pretty damn enjoyable. Note that I said only that Tactics was a solid game gameplay-wise. I think in terms of combat, Tactics is in the same ballpark as Fallout 1&2, obviously. You seem to have misunderstood my post and are under the assumption that I said that the games were "the same". I didn't say that, nor did I imply it.

In other words, if you like the post-apocalyptic setting and you like Fallout's combat system, you'll probably be able to enjoy Tactics. Unless you're one of the childish NMAers who refer to it as "Craptics".

Haven't played a Jagged Alliance game so I can't comment on that series.
Forhekset said:
If you say so. I'm a huge fan of Fallout's combat system, and I found Tactics pretty damn enjoyable. Note that I said only that Tactics was a solid game gameplay-wise. I think in terms of combat, Tactics is in the same ballpark as Fallout 1&2, obviously. You seem to have misunderstood my post and are under the assumption that I said that the games were "the same". I didn't say that, nor did I imply it.

In other words, if you like the post-apocalyptic setting and you like Fallout's combat system, you'll probably be able to enjoy Tactics. Unless you're one of the childish NMAers who refer to it as "Craptics".

Haven't played a Jagged Alliance game so I can't comment on that series.
Referring to it as Craptics or Tictacs is childish, yes, but so is referring to Oblivion as Oblivious, or to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel as Fallout: Pile of Shit. It doesn't really matter, though. I like Tactics, I had a lot of fun with it, it doesn't change anything.

What I gathered from what you said is that you were implying that both combat systems were alike. I disagree (I did so with my sarcams) because Fallout is on character only and Tactics is party based. Some people don't like party based games, others don't like single character turn based systems. I personally love single character turn based combat, and am fan of real time strategy and turn based party strategy alike, but those are different types of combat. That was kind of my point...
Forhekset said:
In other words, if you like the post-apocalyptic setting and you like Fallout's combat system, you'll probably be able to enjoy Tactics.


I guess many of use enjoyed it. But not many of us love it.

What, are you going to call people stupid because their tastes don't agree with yours? :|