It Wandered In From the Wastes

Josan12 said:I assigned the sniper animations to the following weapons:
Hunting rifle (all types), sniper rifle and FNFAL (all types).
Heh, I hoped that would work for all the guns since I'm a big fan of this animation of yours and can't wait to see it in Fallout2, so I thought like you know, that animation would simply replace the hip shot animation.
I was just thinking about how useless the hip shot animation would be now, but I just came up with an idea, that maybe this hip shot animation could be assigned to characters with Fastshot trait, and the animation you created could be the animation used by regular shooters. In my opinion it wouldn't be a bad solution. What do you think Josan?
And one more thing I wanted to mention while talking to such great, hm, animator like you. It is about the H&K G11 and G11E rifles. When I played Fallout2 about a year ago I had this One Hander trait, hoping that the best weapon for me would be the G11E gun since it has the SMG animation. It came out however that it is treated like a rifle (which it is in fact) instead of a SMG. But nither the animation of SMG nor the rifle animation fit to it due to the unique looks and characteristics of this weapon. I know that creating different animation for just 2 guns is a bit too much to ask, but I guess I can't help feeling that something's wrong with this. Probably because it's my favorite gun :]
So I'm just asking if it wouldn't be too much a problem to fix something like this.