Ok, the new animations are finished.
1) WAKIZASHI (animation code Q): In the name of equal opportunities, female characters can now wield the new Wakizashi animations. So this means the Wakizashi has animations for all armours (except the jumpsuit (JMPS) which keeps the default knife (D) animations) for both male and female.
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2) SNIPER (animation code P): Unfortunately, i'm still discriminating against females with the sniper animations. I may get around to doing the female animations at some point. Also, there are no JMPS, ROBE and NPWR animations for the sniper. In these cases the default Rifle (J) animations are used instead. The sniper animations also now have burst (K) animations for the FN FAL.
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There are also a few new SFX:
a) the new sniper idle animation (a)
b) Wakizashi Draw (c) and holster (d)
But there's a load of other stuff you need to do to make SFX work so if you don't know how to do it just PM me or read the guides:
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With a little luck, they'll appear in Killap's RP 1.3 and the next version of the Megamod. Many thanks to Killap, Timeslip, Cubik and MIB88 for their technical help. As usual, anyone is welcome to use these animations but please give credit to me and BIS (as i'm editing someone elses work!
