New Fallout 3 screenshot and Todd Howard speaks

I agree with you guys on the mutants, but that laser gun looks cool.

I mean I haven't seen anything like this before: no water-drop-like structure, just some big clunky pieces put together like a former Eastern European vacuum cleaner!, with some cooling pipes. Uber-cool.
(Though it probably wouldn't fit in a 'Flash Gordon'-esque retro-future.)
xdarkyrex said:
looks nothing at all like fallout.

that aside, looks fun, i will probably enjoy this as long as i remember that it ISNT fallout :)
its not too hard to get past a name.

Someone will need to make a mod that changes all logo graphics inside the game from "Fallout 3" to "Atomic Deathland", and we're all set !
This is blasphemy! This is madness! I am still wondering what the hell happened to the original laser rifle, which indeed looked like a rifle and shot cool retrofuturistic "laser blasts" instead of beams.
is it just me or does that guy in the powerarmor look like a stormtrooper from star wars.
shihonage said:
xdarkyrex said:
looks nothing at all like fallout.

that aside, looks fun, i will probably enjoy this as long as i remember that it ISNT fallout :)
its not too hard to get past a name.

Someone will need to make a mod that changes all logo graphics inside the game from "Fallout 3" to "Atomic Deathland", and we're all set !

just ignore the name.
the game looks like itll be terribly fun, like i said (random badass fallout-based non-canonical fps)
im even okay with its stance as a spin off, just gotta ignore that "3"
Way to take the quote out of context. Here's what comes next:

he Master was certain it was related to radiation damage: humans who hadn't been exposed to too much radiation yielded smarter mutants (see his personal diary for his thoughts on this). His Lieutenant, however, had a different theory. When the bombs hit the research facility and turned it into the Glow, they cracked open a few tanks filled with FEV. The bombs' radiation then mutated this FEV into an airborne strain. But this new airborne FEV didn't have any real mutagenic effects on people. All it did was inoculate human subjects against the real FEV, acting as a sort of vaccine. The ideal dipping subject was someone who hadn't been exposed to the airborne FEV. Both of these conditions--no radiation exposure and no mutant FEV inoculation--were present in one population: Vault dwellers.
But super mutants ARE big and dumb. What exactly makes them the enemy is unknown, but I feel that the plot will bear a LOT of similarities to the plot in Fallout 1, considering they're taking a lot from that game. If all super mutants are dumb, however, then we have a problem.
I think when talking about big, dumb SM we can take on the picture.
But what's this? Yes, Harry is dumb. But he isn't mindless. He's capable of talking and even being deceived. That means his intelligence is pretty low but he IS intelligent.
And what does it have to do with FO3 SM?
Well, obviously when you're talking about FO3-ish SM then dialogue is not an option.

That's like, you know, a whole new level of 'dumb'
So again we have the shining knights of the Wastelands from the once complex and twisted xenophobic technologists that were the BoS. Yeah... Power armor, meh, I don't like those pauldrons looks rather medieval but the rest of the set I'll give a pass.

Super Mutant:
Wow. That is a "typical big dumb brute". Or almost exactly but not quite as unlike FO Super Mutants as I could imagine. Congrats to the idiot* that created these. Anyways stunningly bad.

No Noes Nuklear Kars!
Man, this reminds me of Might and Magic 6. When the designers said to themselves "If it's cool to kill a Dragon it'll be like, 100 times as cool to kill 100 dragons?!" No. It's not. In fact it utterly ruins the impact of the event by reducing it to fucking common-place. It even can become annoying.

I do like the laser rifle.

* I expect this term can be applied in the clinical sense.
a supermutant that is standing closer looks better I should say. but still what's with his hands and head? these do not look like they should.
and one more thing: since when is this small assault rifle a heavy weapon?
and the mutant that is standing in the distance... no comments.
I get the wrong feeling from the environment too. I don't know what it is exactly, but I don't like it.

*switches off to continue playing The Witcher*
If you're basing your theory that all super mutants in FO3 are hostile and kill on sight monsters based on pictures showing combat and a heavily staged presentation where they attacked on sight, then couldn't you just as easily say that all super mutants in FO1 are hostile because if you encountered random patrols of them in the wasteland they would attack you on sight?

Actually, don't worry about it. Anything I say isn't going to change your opinion, and most likely anything you say isn't going to change mine. Just leaves me feeling all agitated. :(

Quick edit:
13pm said:
*switches off to continue playing The Witcher*
Now there's something I think we can all agree on as awesome.
super mutants are a fixture of the Fallout Series . mutated buy ....expect to meet lots of them in Fallout 3
so super mutants in Fallout 3 are the same as Zombies in Resident Evil huh ?!
If that ain't worth calling a True Fallout sequel ... *sigh*
The feeling I get from the second screenshot is more of a Doom 3 meets postnuclear, then a fallout game.
This is not a good thing. :|

As others have said before me, I like the laser gun. Unfortunately, thats about all I like...
Coupled with a hangover - these screenshots make for the worst morning in quite some time :) other than that its just another shit brick in the wall of bull ..

as for the graphics .. i still think theyre rather bland and dont give you the WOW effect the first Oblivion screenshots did .... mainly because all we see is uninspired rubble instead of some "emotional" ruins
1) Why is the mutant wearing pirate boots?

2) Why does it all look so crappy? Oblivion looked better than that.

3) Why ?