New Fallout 3 screenshot and Todd Howard speaks

I actually sorta think that mutant in the foreground is pretty cool looking. I mean, yeah, sure, not the best (by a long shot), but I think he's better looking than the others I've seen... including that god-awful Behemoth POS.

The one the background, though.... heh, someone already mentioned he looks like shredder, and I actually thought the same thing :P

You know, at first the whole BOS being knights of the wasteland didn't really bother me. In fact, quite the opposite, I thought it was a pretty neat idea. But now I'm really regretting it. I want my old BOS back!

Is it REALLY that hard to model them after the original BOS?

And I'm a bit disappointed by the power armor.
maximaz said:
2) Why does it all look so crappy? Oblivion looked better than that.

Still a LONG way till release. I'm sure It'll improve...

xdarkyrex said:
looks nothing at all like fallout.

that aside, looks fun, i will probably enjoy this as long as i remember that it ISNT fallout Smile
its not too hard to get past a name.

Totally agree with this one.
I really think its time to talk less about how much it doesn't look like Fallout (which by now is so obvious) and start to address it more as another post-apocalyptic game. Which in my opinion looks rather good (as a PA game, not Fallout sequel)...
Genre Blenders GREAT !

Gah .. well why not make the BOS ride around motor cycles they call their mighty steeds and carry a guitar which can be played guitar hero style as you race other BOS soldiers ...

And dont forget to add combo key presses for unarmed combat, and a soil erosion sim
I hope those AK-47 like machineguns in everybody hands are here only because they didn’t have enought time to create miniguns and other heavyguns for tthe press demo.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
If you're basing your theory that all super mutants in FO3 are hostile and kill on sight monsters based on pictures showing combat and a heavily staged presentation where they attacked on sight, then couldn't you just as easily say that all super mutants in FO1 are hostile because if you encountered random patrols of them in the wasteland they would attack you on sight?
Actually, I'm basing it on mr. Todd "when it comes to super mutants, obviously dialogue isn't an option" Howard... or something like that.

Btw is it just me or is that SM on the left wearing some kind of silly helmet?
like gorden ramsey once said "Fuck me...thats horrible!"

I will like to agree with him on this one

One question

Did brotherhood of steel recruit Tin Man from Wizard of Oz as their armour designer>?

I can really see now, now i know from a FPS looks like
ill be honest, it doesnt look that bad. i'll have to play the game before i can judge it for myself.
It is strange but I would have to say that I like the mutant more now since I can't make out the lord of the rings features in the face anymore. The head shape looks better. Still a bit strange to see them like this though. And first person? That's just a kick in the groin... Still remains to be seen if it's a critical hit.

I still have hopes for the moment when I meet the first "friendly" mutant in the game that you're able to have a decent conversation with. All this "mutants are bruts" talk is probably just to get us in that mood so that we get a "wow" effect when the time comes.
i dont like the background, its too grey, i want see some wasteland, some colours, some sun...
Reading the comments on the pics makes me laff...

lol. These guys don't know jack about fallout.

Also, it's very good, in my eyes, that the sequel for the game that was meant to bring the genre to its roots is now a genre blender. Imma play sims 2.
It's too bad, really. I think if Bethesda had made it mandatory to actually play the real games, check out the various forum, hell, even engage those who have a truly deep undestanding of the FO1/2, they could have truly made a good sequel, even if it had to be an FPS.

Alas, it's not to be. The new "fans" of Fallout will no doubt cream their jeans and make it sucessful, while those who've carried the torch for 10 years will be left out in the cold, wondering what happened, and why karma is so cruel.

stunning similarity, click for comparison
repbomb said:

stunning similarity, click for comparison

Fallout 3 is Duke Nukem Forever :P ?
The mutant getting the laser beam looks actually like he's wearing the remains of a power armour ... also i too miss an accent of colour here and there ... not much .. just something for contrast ... right now its quake 1
For once I thought I was looking at a cheap-ass made First-person shooter by some John Carmack wannabe.

Then I realize it's Fallout 3 :shock:

Wow this sucks.