New Fallout 3 Screenshots

Mord_Sith said:
As for being a sheep (sorry theSHEEP)

But I AM offended... that you spelled my nick wrong!


There are different ways of complaining here... the reasonable:
"This game totally misses the 'spirit' of Fallout. Therefore, I don't like it."
And the not-so-reasonable: "This game has nothing to do with Fallout. Therefore, it is utter shit. I don't like it."

The only real difference is that the 1st one doesn't say that Fallout 3 is going to be utter shit. And that is my opinion, too.
Fallout 3 will not be a true sequel to 1 and 2... but it MAY (and it really only is a "may") be a good game anyway, with its biggest fault being that it claims to be a true sequel (by a wrong naming decision).
Xenophile said:
I don't honestly expect any rational discussion on this and I understand the irony that I am complaining about complaining. But I hope at least some of you think about it. Later...

If I didnt knew you from the Bethsoft-forums, i knew by know you're used to post there...
Hell "Complaining about complaining" seems like an invention of Bethsoft to me. Its like "You may complain/argue about everything you like but not about something that may be seen as argument/complain".
Its a killer argument like answering a "what do you prefer"-Question with Yes/No.
Its this simple and dumb way of rhetoric that Beth uses for its propaganda.
All those phrases like
"Dont get me wrong, i love [whatever i just called the dumbest fuck ever seen]..."
"I loved [whatever i just called unbearable] when it came out.."
And soon...
its like... do you know the Wookie-Defense from Southpark?
"Wookies dont live on Endor, therefore my client must be innocent!"

Its really funny how blind people are... they see "Argument1, therefore Argument2" and most of them never investigate if these arguments even concern each other in ANY way.
And thats the real reason why people buy shit, vote for bush or feel offended if someone considers himself above-average intelligent.
Most mental functions, methods, heuristics or other ways and means of processing information are greedy procedures. Fastest solution first. It needs additional thinking to check if this solution is right or even adequate!
I study computer science and psychology, that doesnt make me failproof on this topic, but atleast i know what i'm taling about.
TheSHEEEP said:
Mord_Sith said:
As for being a sheep (sorry theSHEEP)

But I AM offended... that you spelled my nick wrong!


There are different ways of complaining here... the reasonable:
"This game totally misses the 'spirit' of Fallout. Therefore, I don't like it."
And the not-so-reasonable: "This game has nothing to do with Fallout. Therefore, it is utter shit. I don't like it."

The only real difference is that the 1st one doesn't say that Fallout 3 is going to be utter shit. And that is my opinion, too.
Fallout 3 will not be a true sequel to 1 and 2... but it MAY (and it really only is a "may") be a good game anyway, with its biggest fault being that it claims to be a true sequel (by a wrong naming decision).


Yes I see the difference between exploding cars and plasma rifles now, thanks for clearing that up.

I think there is a lot of left over hate from when people found out F3 wouldnt be a 'true' fallout sequel. People are angry, possibly feeling betrayed - yes I did too. But then I let go of my anger. Being angry and hateful and troll like (NOT that that is all thats happening here) is pointless.

No, Fallout 3 will not be turn based and iscometric and a true sequel but its too late now. Its here, its nearly done, there is no way any development team could instagate massive changes like that on a mainstream game so far allong in production without gutting it first and adding many years to development.

I think a lot of people are really angry at Beth for, as some of you say, 'destroying Fallout'. Well, I dont think they have destroyed it. True they havnt made a game all that similar to the original but surley the original creators destroyed it when they didnt make a third themselves? Beth have taken somthing on and tried to make something of it the best way they know how.

Yes, I am angry too that it isnt turn based and iscometric and for a long time I refused to even look at the games name because of this but then I realised it does no good. If you let your anger get the better of you then it starts to make you bitter.

Everyone (including me) has to swallow F3 for what it is, or not at all. Complaining at this point will make no difference and flaming, trolling and alike is just irrisponceable. I mean there was death threats earlier?! Yes that doesnt mean everyone here is in the same boat but lets try and keep it friendly guys?

Its not Beths fault the original company went under. They are just carrying the torch allong to the next stop - and no its not the same and no it never will be. Some people are going to have to let it go or go out there and make it themselves.
Oh, I've already let go a long time ago when I found out that they're re-inventing Fallout in Oblivious' image.

I also let go when I found out that they're gearing the game to be mainstream, nothing wrong with making money, however gearing for mainstream generally means gutting it of anything that could be remotely offensive and make it playable by the family dog successfully.

And finally I let go of ever considering that pile of rubbish to be Fallout through their terrible mis-management of the information they purchased in order to make their own game.

Van Buren was almost done, it would have taken about a year or two to put the lid on it completely (counting code decryption etc.), they already had a tech demo for crying out loud, why couldn't Beth have released that first, why did they have to bastardize the hope that was put into Fallout 3.

Even if they released their bastard version of Fallout after that, we'd at least have VB to play and enjoy, and hell they could have tested to see if maybe that type of game was still viable as a big seller rather than just out and out say it's old so we're not gonna do it!

I don't swallow crap however, hence I will not swallow Foblivion 3, it may not make a difference, however that doesn't mean I should accept this bastardization of my hope.
Tycell said:
I think a lot of people are really angry at Beth for, as some of you say, 'destroying Fallout'. Well, I dont think they have destroyed it. True they havnt made a game all that similar to the original but surley the original creators destroyed it when they didnt make a third themselves? Beth have taken somthing on and tried to make something of it the best way they know how.

you crack me up little buddy.

iscometric ; irrisponceable; allong

still cracking me up.
Tycell said:
I think there is a lot of left over hate from when people found out F3 wouldnt be a 'true' fallout sequel. People are angry, possibly feeling betrayed - yes I did too. But then I let go of my anger. Being angry and hateful and troll like (NOT that that is all thats happening here) is pointless.
I never felt betrayed for I have known that Bethesda is alien entity that represents the alien interests, not those of players similar to me.

Tycell said:
No, Fallout 3 will not be turn based and iscometric and a true sequel but its too late now. Its here, its nearly done, there is no way any development team could instagate massive changes like that on a mainstream game so far allong in production without gutting it first and adding many years to development.
What it has to do with us? Do you seriously think that anyone here thinks that Bethesda will make Fallout 3 more true to original design?

Tycell said:
Yes, I am angry too that it isnt turn based and iscometric and for a long time I refused to even look at the games name because of this but then I realised it does no good. If you let your anger get the better of you then it starts to make you bitter.
I'm sorry, but criticizing video games is one of my favourite forms of entertainment, just a bit below modding them. Do you suggest that I should stop entertaining myself just because you felt angry about Fallout 3?

Tycell said:
Everyone (including me) has to swallow F3 for what it is, or not at all. Complaining at this point will make no difference and flaming, trolling and alike is just irrisponceable. I mean there was death threats earlier?! Yes that doesnt mean everyone here is in the same boat but lets try and keep it friendly guys?
Of course it will make a difference. It makes a difference all the time. The very fact that Bethsoft had to use their propaganda machine to fight against us was our great success. You have no idea what its like to be a creator and having your work criticized, by a group of people that have better knowledge of the topic you are working on than you.

Yay, my 2000th post :dance: !
Sorrow said:
You have no idea what its like to be a creator and having your work criticized, by a group of people that have better knowledge of the topic you are working on than you.

Incorrect, I know exactly what that's like -but thats irrelovant.

Games are made for fun. If F3 is fun to play, its succeeded as a game. Perhaps it wont succeed as a true sequel but its a sequel none the less. I'm happy its being made even though I am dissapointed its not keeping true to what made Fallout in the first place.

Fallout is evolving, had no one stopped to consider that maybe it's evolving in a good way? I'm not saying it is, but its somthing to consider.

I had great optimism when I first laid eyes on Fallout Tactics, and while it was dissapointing because it was a real time strategy and not an RPG F3 looks to me to be shaping up as a decent RPG, maybe even a really good one.

We have seen so little of what the final product will be, I dont know why so many are so eager to call Fallout 3 a bad game. What if its excellent and we all enjoy playing it immensly? Optimism guys.
Mord_Sith said:
Except you had no bloody choice when it counted, the emperor for example, if you knew where the assailant was coming from, you couldn't do anything about it.

In Fallout you could, you could bypass the entire game grab the water chip from the Necropolis and be back in time for next week's brunch.

That's the basic jist of it, however in Oblivious, you're forced to be the emperor's stooge while in Fallout, you could do whatever you bloody well wanted, including sell out the vault to the master!

Okay .. wait a minute ...

In Oblivious ... I mean Oblivion you didn't have to do the main quest either. Hell, I get out of prison, drop off the amulet (because I hate inventory items I can't use for anything) and then I'm off doing whatever I feel like. I never even go to Kvatch... in fact, not going prevents the Oblivion gates from opening at all.

If anything, Oblivion lacks a strong evil storyline. They have only one faction for the evilly enclined and even that line was ... eh.

And if you're looking for a Fallout corollory (sp) to not being able to save the emperor, look no further then your aforementioned water chip quest. You can't NOT do it ... you never get to wander the wastes freely with that ticking clock always in the background. Isn't that being forced to "help" the vault, just like Oblivions main quest forces you to help the emperor?
Ok.. Fallout 3 is not an evolution of the series and I'll tell you why.

I'm tired. I'm tired of every game that has come out recently that has been based on a PnP series has been utter fucking shit.

I don't know if people know (probably do) but bethesda actually has a TRACK RECORD of fucking up games based on PnP series.

They fucked up the H.P. Lovecraft game that was based on call of Cthulhu a year or two ago. They took the PnP mechanics...and made it real time and first person.

A Shadowrun game out recently. I LOVE the Shadowrun PnP game. It sold horribly. Why? They tried to make it into a fucking FPS.

Here comes Fallout 3, and they dare to tack that 3 on and call it a sequel to games that actually decently emulated a PnP experience... And they try to make it a fucking first person, realtime FPS with no meaningful PnP mechanics.

An "Evolution" would be something like JA2 -> jagged alliance 3.
They're taking that series into 3D, while STILL remaining true to the core gameplay of the series. I know! It's batshit insane!
We all know turnbased doesn't sell.
An evolution would follow the core gameplay mechanics of the previous games.

What they're trying to sell me is the same repackaged formulaic massmarket shit that everyone else sticks into a game box trying to bilk me out of my money.

People are right, it might be a good IMMERSIVE HYBRID ACTION RPG bastardization thing, but it won't be anything I'll be playing.
Just wondering, would it be better if some other company (except for Troika I guess) was developing it?
Just wondering, do people who are here on this board for more than 1 week (Hey, Neamos, you're already almost three years in) actually read any of the topics or just decide to post whatever comes to their mind and seems cool and original?

I could be wrong, but I think there were over a dozen discussion on whether or not some other company would do a better job. :roll:
This is just my opinion, but honestly, I would have liked for some independent lower budget house to work on it who wouldn't try to add bloom and full voice acting and PR and marketing , buying reviews and all this other waste of money bullshit. Someone who would just concentrate on making a good game that's true to fallout.
All it takes is a group of people with an honest passion for what fallout means and the resources to do it.
People who have played fallout and know what the skill hotkeys are.
People who would know and respect the lore.
People who would welcome the input of past fallout creators up to the point of including them in the team.
But yeah.
"No one is ever going to buy these "CD" things ... I like my cassettes ... no one is ever going to change my mind on that. Cassettes are far superior because I can listen to a song on the radio and then hit record and I have the song too! You can't do that with "CD"s ... sure the sound might sound a bit better and you can go to any song you want without fast forwarding ... but it won't last... cassettes are where it's at ......."

Remind you of anthing?
Neamos said:
Just wondering, would it be better if some other company (except for Troika I guess) was developing it?

If you mean the behaviour of this (and the Codex etc.) community by "it", then the answer will be:


But only in the beginning. At beginning there was a lot of crying and whining about how Beth would totally screw it up, etc. You know the story.
This wouldn't have been the case if some other developer would have made it (depending on the developer).

But now, as it is already clear that Bethsoft is not able to grasp what Fallout is about (or they don't WANT to.. who cares), it doesn't matter that they are Beth. Even if they were Obsidian and obviously screwing up like that, the whining and (justified) complaining we face NOW would be the same.
TheSHEEEP said:
Neamos said:
Just wondering, would it be better
if some other company (except for Troika I guess) was developing it?

If you mean the behaviour of this (and the Codex etc.) community by "it", then the answer will be:


But only in the beginning. At beginning there was a lot of crying and whining about how Beth would totally screw it up, etc. You know the story.
This wouldn't have been the case if some other developer would have made it (depending on the developer).
I think that it would depend on what they would say and what they would show.

TheSHEEEP said:
But now, as it is already clear that Bethsoft is not able to grasp what Fallout is about (or they don't WANT to.. who cares), it doesn't matter that they are Beth.
It was clear from the beginning. They said that they won't make it true to the original design in 2004.
ust wondering, do people who are here on this board for more than 1 week (Hey, Neamos, you're already almost three years in) actually read any of the topics or just decide to post whatever comes to their mind and seems cool and original?

I could be wrong, but I think there were over a dozen discussion on whether or not some other company would do a better job.

Oh, my. You sure seem bitter.

First of(f), there's a news post every other day about f3, and it usually is 2-3 pages about how horrible bethesda's previous games are and how bad f3 is going to be. Are you annoyed by that?
Secondly, I was inspired by simoen's
bethesda actually has a TRACK RECORD of fucking up
And last but not least, if it was discussed so much, what's the problem of telling me the conclusion everyone came to? It would be easier than just gluing opinions from "a dozen of threads". This thread's getting stale anyway.

Edit: Huh, I actually posted in one of those threads. Now I just feel silly! Point No.1 remains, though.