Sebastian of the Wastes said:
"No one is ever going to buy these "CD" things ... I like my cassettes ... no one is ever going to change my mind on that. Cassettes are far superior because I can listen to a song on the radio and then hit record and I have the song too! You can't do that with "CD"s ... sure the sound might sound a bit better and you can go to any song you want without fast forwarding ... but it won't last... cassettes are where it's at ......."
Remind you of anthing?
Not really. You're comparing apples and pears.
Cassettes to CDs was a change of the medium that carried the music, not the music itself. I can buy the same music on CD as I could buy on cassette. It's just the carrier is different.
If you want to draw a musical analogy, your whinge-binge mocking would be better put at "why would any one buy jazz music anymore? It's old!" Yes, it is, but people still listen to it, because they still consider it superior to pop. And jazz compositions are still being made, the North Sea Jazz Festival is a widely visited event. Guess those people are just fools, don't realise times have changed, and that you must submit to tyranny of what is popular now.
Tycell said:
In 10 years time, which games will be played more?
Fallout 1 & 2 or Fallout 3? ( Fallout 4? Wink )
Is that a joke? Fallout 1 and 2 have a longevity that is pretty much unmatched. "Major hits" don't see much playing time unless there's no "upgraded" version to replace them. Aside from Blizzard, no one produces games that get replayed like the Fallouts.
And how is that the point, anyway?
Tycell said:
Perhaps you missed the idea of an evolution? A game doesnt have to have the exact same mechanics and core gameplay to be 'the next step'.
I think you missed the idea of evolution. Evolution is a movement in series by anything to slowly evolve from one stage to the next. It's not making a completely different type of game and then slapping the Fallout 3 tag on it. This isn't evolution, it's revolution. And indeed, a game does not have to have the same mechanics, but it does have to have the same core gameplay, because that's what constitutes a franchise.
And yes, there are game series this has worked for, but generally these game series work in spin-offs and constant change (FF) or retain the core "idea" in the sequels even when the mechanics are wildly different (Grand Theft Auto, Metroid). But Bethesda is dropping the core "idea" of the Fallout series, that means its incomparable to those successful jumps around.
ivpiter said:
So... CVG wasn't supposed to use these.... yet had them... very very odd.
Of course they had them, they're printed in PSW magazine. CVG just thought the exclusive right to use it in the magazine extended to using it online, which is a bit silly but an honest mistake.