New Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer

rcorporon said:
If this was the actual intro to the game itself, then you'd have something to bitch about.


Though we can fully bitch about how stupid a teaser for a trailer is, especially when it doesn't show anything.
My two most notable problems with the trailer are the lack of shadows and the childish SuperDuperMart commercial I found extremely unappealing and lowbrow.
Wow, that sucked. Though I really liked the first teaser, they're stretching this "borrowing" from Fallout's intro VERY thin by now. Plus, Super Duper Market? Is that a nod to FO2's Super Duper Mutants?

Way to take the wrong cue there, Beth.
Check out some of GameTrailers' user reactions. Very eye-opening.
never played the series ... is this action or rpg and whats that game about besides the obvious nuclear tragedy ...
a skeleton watching TV... I love this game
The previous fallout games had that retro-like quality too.
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait i loved oblivion and bioshock so i should love this

i think i need to change my underwear after that trailer
Seems to capture the atmosphere and immersion that was evident in BioShock's Rapture. If the gameplay holds up, could be a GOTY contender.
I just shit my pants...its just like the bioshock trailers with the old it! Its like stalker on a global scale
it will be epic
awesome graphics
gonna be the post apocalyptic oblivion
My bed is awesome!
Oh, wait, the last one is from IGN's interview with Todd Howard. Well, never mind that one. :roll:

Makenshi said:
You Tube links, please?
Just use the direct download link
Well I personally don't think it was absolutely terrible. Had somewhat of a vibe to it.

Like most of you. It's the little details that bothered me.

Why is there a a fully burned alive skeleton on the couch yet the couch seems unscathed? Fine American aspetos couch linen?
It's true that this was simply an uninspired rip-off of their own previous teaser which was simply an uninspired rip-off of the Fallout 1 intro and that it's gettin really annoying by now but I don't understand what sucks so bad about the graphics ( beside the fact that there are no projected shadows which is indeed bad ). Does it really look THAT bad to you ? It looks a hundred times better than the recent screenshots ! Once again, it doesn't say anything about the game itself but besides a few retarded details and the fact that this teaser was really uninteresting, I wouldn't qualify the graphics of "average at best" or of "terrible"...

And stuff like

Oh and the parts of the house that are still standing just don't make sense... Theres unburnt wooden parts of the structure standing no sign of any kitchen appliaces and somehow the pipes that should be coming out of the bath tub are absent.

Seriously, I dare you not to make the same kind of criticism as regards Fallout 1's landscape, especially places like Necropolis or The Hub...

Also, not trying to say that you are wrong but, here's Hiroshima after the Bomb :


Would you really find this kind of "levelled" landscape interesting in Fallout 3 ?
oh well, dont know about this trailer

the area seem extreamly dull - give more colors and less bloom damn it

also, ermm isnt it X years after the war ? wouldnt such areas be repopulated or completely eroded by now ?

also, where are all the people ? this area seem to be very interesting for everybody (for some reason) so population density should be pretty high ;)
Well, that's also true. You would expect a rather repopulated landscape two hundred years after the war but, well, that would suck as a vision of the apocalypse...

Also a bit confused on the whole Sugar Bombs thing.

Are they going for the whole retro cereals advertising they're full of sugar thing or a Calvin and Hobbes reference?
200 years after the bombings? That's one durable couch/TV/skeleton/telephone/teddy bear, to say the least. :clap:
The electrical source was also wrong in the Fallout 1 intro...wasn't it ;) ? Also, if you go by that logic then you might also ask why tv channels ( bombed 200 years ago ) keep broadcasting the same commercials over and over again...

I don't expect Bethesda to be dumb enough to have working televisions randomly placed in the wastes, it was probably just for this sucky teaser.
rcorporon said:
Do you know what a "teaser" trailer is supposed to be?

It's not the intro to the game. It's purpose isn't to explain story elements, develop character, explore alternate histories, or any of the other things you complained about.

It's purpose is to generate hype before E3. They want to show people something new, and give them something to look forward to leading into an event.

If this was the actual intro to the game itself, then you'd have something to bitch about.

I anticipated your objection and already responded to it in my original message with a paragraph and short statement, neither fundamentally different from the comment that Brother None replied to your message with. Why you neglected those lines in my initial post, I cannot know, but because you chose to express your disagreement with me in the terms of a pompous, disdainful, condescending lecture, instead of being a decent person and making decent conversation, I'm going to go ahead and say that it was because you're kind of dumb and you're the sort that's very eager to apologize and rationalize for Bethesda's sake.

I'm sure it "teases" Bethesda's intended demographic; I'm sure that they are fondling their Xbox controllers vigorously in frenzied anticipation. But that doesn't justify a trailer that's devoid of anything truly interesting from the standpoint of visual art or the art of story-telling. Much, much more could've been accomplished, while still functioning as a "teaser trailer" instead of a full-blown intro.

But, I said as much before, and you didn't pay any attention then, so I guess it's pointless to repeat it; you just can't grasp the point I'm making.
I liked it a lot, nice homage, some fun ideas.

Of course this means squat, the important stuff is going to be shown starting Monday. Then we'll see.
MrBumble said:
The electrical source was also wrong in the Fallout 1 intro...wasn't it ;) ? Also, if you go by that logic then you might also ask why tv channels ( bombed 200 years ago ) keep broadcasting the same commercials over and over again...
aahhh, so now its clear how the Enclave gathered their founds to further their world domination plans ... by brodcasting ads throguh bloom powerd tv sets!!! they are evil indeed
I saw a couple of posts on the Codex trying to rationalize how the TV could have been powered in the Fo1 intro. Personally I never looked at it like a scene that was really happening, but just something symbolic. When the TV goes dead, it's just a ghostly representation or a symbolic overlay fading away, not a literal powering down. The same effect could have been created here by having the skeleton fade away and the couch deteriorate to match the surroundings as we pull out. If however this is a real location you can come across (and not as a bizarre art installation by a demented raider wanting to make a social statement), then it is a bit of silliness.
Fallout 1 intro

I fail to see a 200-year-old TV there. It looks like it's been a couple of weeks, perhaps even days, after the bombings. I also noticed the original intro doesn't include any wooden housing developments, windmills, pig ranchos, or any other agricultural elements reminiscent of rural areas of the Southwestern U.S.
LOL! Did you guys see that Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe trailer? Now that is a game I want to play.
astupidretard said:
I anticipated your objection and already responded to it in my original message with a paragraph and short statement, neither fundamentally different from the comment that Brother None replied to your message with. Why you neglected those lines in my initial post, I cannot know, but because you chose to express your disagreement with me in the terms of a pompous, disdainful, condescending lecture, instead of being a decent person and making decent conversation, I'm going to go ahead and say that it was because you're kind of dumb and you're the sort that's very eager to apologize and rationalize for Bethesda's sake.

I snipped where I did for no reason in particular.

It just seems that you're expecting way too much out of a simple teaser trailer.

I'm sure it "teases" Bethesda's intended demographic; I'm sure that they are fondling their Xbox controllers vigorously in frenzied anticipation. But that doesn't justify a trailer that's devoid of anything truly interesting from the standpoint of visual art or the art of story-telling. Much, much more could've been accomplished, while still functioning as a "teaser trailer" instead of a full-blown intro.

Who's being pompous and condescending now? I've been a gamer for a long time (about 23 years) and have been an avid Fallout fan since FO2. I've also been a Beth fan for quite some time (since Daggerfall). I didn't care for Oblivion very much, and think that Morrowind is their crowning achievement. I'm not "fondling my Xbox controller." Hell, I don't even have an Xbox. I think that I am falling into Beth's target demographic (RPG fans between 18 - 30 who have played / enjoyed the Fallout games of the past). I also don't think that this is a bad thing.

But, I said as much before, and you didn't pay any attention then, so I guess it's pointless to repeat it; you just can't grasp the point I'm making.

And, it would appear, that in your mind, Fallout 1 & 2 have become impossibly perfect, and no matter what ANY company did with FO3, it would be atrocious.