radnan said:and also i dont like the fonts used in the comercials .. the ones i could recognize like Futura i am sure are periodically correct but the compositions are a bit poor and uncharacteristic for a time when slides with typography were extremely well done. The Bubble and nuka cola beeing among the weakest
I think the typefaces chosen are appropriate for the time, but they're used in a boring way. You're right about the forms being poor and uncharacteristic, there's no jazz or fun involved.
In the 1950's, a large amount of advertising was hand lettering (hand made, not a font), usually mimicking a specific typeface. Hence why there was a lot of 'frisky' and unique type with personality back then.
In today's world, we take advantage of a lot of vector work with the computer age. Such as graphic designers are more relaxed now a days and don't want to go out and hand letter stuff but rather use existing type to produce work faster and easier. It's not a bad thing, but to not include that in a representation of the 1950's? It's pretty irresponsible.
All in all, the teaser isn’t shabby. I agree with a lot of small points made here. It's obviously taken from the intro of Fallout 1, and far less crafty in doing so. The FO1 intro had back story and symbolism. I like the sky, feels good for the setting. Shouldn’t the skeleton be all hunched over and decrepit rather than it just sitting there all rigid? I wish they reinvented the Nuka cola logo, rather than simply parodying Coca-Cola. However, we all have to remember that this is JUST a TEASER, not a trailer or an intro.