New Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer

radnan said:
and also i dont like the fonts used in the comercials .. the ones i could recognize like Futura i am sure are periodically correct but the compositions are a bit poor and uncharacteristic for a time when slides with typography were extremely well done. The Bubble and nuka cola beeing among the weakest

I think the typefaces chosen are appropriate for the time, but they're used in a boring way. You're right about the forms being poor and uncharacteristic, there's no jazz or fun involved.

In the 1950's, a large amount of advertising was hand lettering (hand made, not a font), usually mimicking a specific typeface. Hence why there was a lot of 'frisky' and unique type with personality back then.

In today's world, we take advantage of a lot of vector work with the computer age. Such as graphic designers are more relaxed now a days and don't want to go out and hand letter stuff but rather use existing type to produce work faster and easier. It's not a bad thing, but to not include that in a representation of the 1950's? It's pretty irresponsible.

All in all, the teaser isn’t shabby. I agree with a lot of small points made here. It's obviously taken from the intro of Fallout 1, and far less crafty in doing so. The FO1 intro had back story and symbolism. I like the sky, feels good for the setting. Shouldn’t the skeleton be all hunched over and decrepit rather than it just sitting there all rigid? I wish they reinvented the Nuka cola logo, rather than simply parodying Coca-Cola. However, we all have to remember that this is JUST a TEASER, not a trailer or an intro.
Like always, the untalented imitators aped something from a superior product without understanding how it worked.
I think it was nice and cool to get a little "nod" to the previous games. To something per said earlier (I think it was you). In the old shot the sound from the tv stopped and it held a lot of symbolic meaning to it (depending on how you look at it of course). Like the last "living" trace of human kind disappearing. It should have stopped here too in my humble opinion. Nothing big though.

As stated before, the engine needs more shadows! If realism is what they want (which I think they have stated a few times) shadows is what they should bring in next. Things just look a bit out of place as of now. Could be a good game anyway though, couldn't it? :wink:

Overall, pretty cool. If anyone else than beth had done the trailer I would have been amazed. This should say something about their way of things. I somehow demand more from them. Still eagerly waiting.
well, all i can say is that the overall world feel is pretty nice (visually for what you can see in the trailer that is!). but indeed the TV makes no sense. yet, that doesn't bother me much, as it didn't in FO1 either.

what bothers me most is the crisp image of the TV. if you'll remember FO's intro, it was garbled just a bit to feel nice & real. Beth's TV however is sloppy & too crisp CGI, while they attempt to garble it with some effects, it still simply looks too 'clean' as a picture. it's too bad really, because if it had been done correctly, it wouldve been quite nice. the "We have what you need!" part is far too slick to feel right to me.

and as was to be expected of Beth, they went overboard on the lighting effects on the TV set. while totally forgetting decent shadows (though that doesn't bother me that much).

i think it's odd the camera moves so quickly and has so little theatrical value. a slower moving camera with a more sweeping motion might've been more cliché, but it would also have been far nicer.

and the music is kinda iffy, but acceptable still.

also: no trigger discipline. ;) haha


as for a logical explanation to the FO1 intro TV...

i kinda see it like the Syndicate Wars intro did it, but they did it more visually. the police man changes to 'future' gear, before the environment does. FO1's intro does it in reverse, the environment has already changed, while the TV is still a remnant of the past, before transitioning over itself.
I agree Mon, when you say that you demand more from them.
At this time, we are aware that they are not collaborating with the monstrous, writhing mass that consists of us fans of FO. No offense should be taken, simply fitting a stereotype :).

what I'm saying is that, I have not noticed or found any sensible proof that leads me to believe the developers at work on this project are any more interested in the needs of us, long-time-waiting fans, and more importantly the distinctive aspects that made Fallout 1&2 I would say, evolutionary in the RPG genre.

If they admit that they should not disappoint the fans whom have waited so long for another episode to an amazing title, which i believe they have said is one of their main motives behind their production values.
-Common sense would tell me 'holy shit, these people saw something in this game that kept them playing it for this long, maybe we should see what they have to say about what made it that way, and integrate that'

Perhaps they truly do feel that they can pull it off. this reminds me of Clayton bigsby(dave chappelle) for some reason..??

maybe somebody has some information I can use, Are any of the individuals who worked on the interplay titles involved in this whatsoever?

Very early on, it was required of those of us in public schools to do as much research as we could in the goals of writing a report, essay, speech, etc. To gain as much information about said topic as possible and create a logical reasonable end result.

That being said, did it occur to them that they should employ Chris avellone or at least have some interaction with him?
do they have people looking through forums and absorbing what people have to say about what has been shown to us? We (not myself, until recently, I couldn't witness a rape and do nothing about it, albeit a moot effort in this case) have made strong suggestions since word was out that this would be underway.

basically this is TLTR but I needed to say my piece and would like to hear any response that may form. I do not believe that the beth team,self proclaimed fans that they are, really got a grasp on the ideals, style and basis of what fallout is about, and is simply integrating enough of it's roots to retain the name 'Fallout'

I'v read the fallout bible and I declare blasphemy, people. or shenanigans, whichever fits better.

If you have read what I have to say, I thank you, and look forward to your thoughts.

P.S. Hey, Ive been obsessed with fallout since their release but am just now joining the community i have been following for years, perhaps that is where the fanaticism originates, things enjoyed at an earlier part in life seem to hold, and make an impact on a person later on...

smoke and sleep, Peace
I've been expecting some gameplay, not just a "proof of life."

Then again, this strict "no-ingame-footage" policy bethesda have been following reminded me of how Free Radical (or their publisher, since I'm inclined to believe that the publisher decides what to show off and when to do it prior to the game release) literally ruined the hype that was conjured around Haze. It was simply disappointing. I also recall some developers at Bethesda saying how they watch the fate of other games and take notes, so they won't make the same mistakes again. This makes me think Bethsoft knows exactly what kind of crap they've been brewing up and don't want to ruin the hype around their game by putting some disappointing piece of footage on show, that exposes the weaknesses of the game (which was the case with Haze).

Still, I am trying to be optimistic (even if an old acquaintance of mine tried very hard to explain to me why the graves are filled with optimists) and want to believe (in a U.F.O. geek kind of way) that the game will be entertaining enough for me to play it through. That is, if I manage to subdue the thought that it calls itself "Fallout".
BunkerBud said:
Very early on, it was required of those of us in public schools to do as much research as we could in the goals of writing a report, essay, speech, etc. To gain as much information about said topic as possible and create a logical reasonable end result.

Seems that Bethesda didn't do so well in school.

Imagine going back to your senior year in high school and telling your English teacher, "I'm writing the paper the way I want to, the way that I do it best." and turn in something like this and say, "My research was outdated, I wanted to make it more immersive." Make up your own story and turn it in.

Fortunately for Bethesda, instead of getting an F, they get a fat paycheck and good sales.
reasonably, that could only mean that there are no more than 2 possibilities for what is going to result in their attempt.
Either they are holding back goodness? so that they can say 'look we did it all by ourselves' eeezy ups style, or it is going to turn out the way we all fear it will, judging from what has been put on display for us and passed on through reviews. guess they wasted all their shaders on the pipboy eh?? containing small amounts of original FO idea packaged in a can of bloom brand squirt cheese. and then we wait for 1.5 and FOnline to release.. nevertheless, i am sure that there will be enough things that are different and advanced compared to oblivion, they will do this I am sure. Come on, nobody can be so dense that they don't even realize it? withholding any substance could only really mean 'once the games opened no refund'
i don't know..

when is e3 you guys? and is it available to stream/dl?

4:16 mmmm
Ranne said:
With absolutely no intention of picking up a fight, when was the last time you played a major PC/Xbox 360/PS3 game? I mean, I saw much better looking titles out there back in early 2007.

Well, I know this post wasn't directed to me but I'm going to take the liberty and answer myself. I own a xbox 360 mainly because my PC is outdated and I don't plan on changing it until this october. I have Gears of War, Bioshock, GTA IV and Burnout Paradise on it ( and some other games but they are not really relevant to this conversation because they are not really impressive graphics-wise ) and I've had the opportunity to play Crysis at a friend's on a high-end computer. I thought it was rather impressive despite some textures which could have been better but overall it looked pretty good ( even though the game itself was uninteresting ). I still liked the graphics displayed by this trailer. Sure it wasn't Gears of War but it didn't look bad at all. In fact, it reminded me of a better looking version of certain passages of Half Life 2 episode 1 ( probably because of the predominant colors ) but with an enormous sight range. Episode 1 is indeed not what I would call impressive graphics-wise but certainly not "mediocre" either. I just think you all just expected Bethesda to break new grounds in terms of graphics just as they did with Morrowind back in 2002 but it was madeclear that it wasn't going to happen back when we saw the first trailer. It still looks far from "mediocre" in my opinion. It will probably pale in comparison with Clear Sky which has lots of impressive filters ( let alone Gears of War 2 ) but for an open-world game I still think it looks really good ( looks better than Oblivion, The Witcher, Gothic 4, GTA IV in my opinion ).

Well that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.
MrBumble said:
Well, I know this post wasn't directed to me but I'm going to take the liberty and answer myself. I own a xbox 360 mainly because my PC is outdated and I don't plan on changing it until this october. I have Gears of War, Bioshock, GTA IV and Burnout Paradise on it ( and some other games but they are not really relevant to this conversation because they are not really impressive graphics-wise ) and I've had the opportunity to play Crysis at a friend's on a high-end computer. I thought it was rather impressive despite some textures which could have been better but overall it looked pretty good ( even though the game itself was uninteresting ). I still liked the graphics displayed by this trailer. Sure it wasn't Gears of War but it didn't look bad at all. In fact, it reminded me of a better looking version of certain passages of Half Life 2 episode 1 ( probably because of the predominant colors ) but with an enormous sight range. Episode 1 is indeed not what I would call impressive graphics-wise but certainly not "mediocre" either. I just think you all just expected Bethesda to break new grounds in terms of graphics just as they did with Morrowind back in 2002 but it was madeclear that it wasn't going to happen back when we saw the first trailer. It still looks far from "mediocre" in my opinion. It will probably pale in comparison with Clear Sky which has lots of impressive filters ( let alone Gears of War 2 ) but for an open-world game I still think it looks really good ( looks better than Oblivion, The Witcher, Gothic 4, GTA IV in my opinion ).

Well that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

They don't need to break new grounds graphically, but they need to optimize the fuck out of that piece of shit engine.

Take a look at what Capcom did with the horrendously terrible performing console based Unreal 3 engine. They totally revamped it for their game, and now it performs flawlessly and looks better than ever.

Play through Mass Effect and be wowed by the insanely high-poly characters and self shadowing... then play through DMC4 and chortle at how not only does everything look better... but it runs at 5x the framerate with 5x the enemies on-screen at once. Oh, and instant loading screens as opposed to that ridiculous console-based way of streaming in geometry/textures? Yes please.

tl;dr - Gamebryo is inefficient, ugly, and needs to be scrapped or redone.
The overiding lasting impression: "Holy shit, is that entirely in-engine? Better than I thought!"

OH MY GAWD! Is that really in-engine? Never have human eyes happened upon such piece of awesomeness.

Are you fucking blind? Too much bloom affects the vision and the brain , you know?
Even friggin' Half-Life 2 looked better than this piece of shit, and please tell me when was it released?
Bethesda keeps dragging on the same old and clearly dated engine and it still takes them YEARS to release a game and that with outsourcing and everything. And their games are barely, BARELY more complex than your average shooter.

It's really amazing to me how there are people who can't see how pathetic Bethesda is.
I do not write code, nor do I have much experience in programming in anything other than pascal, and cad. This is my take on this.

I don't see how, if they have their engine that is capable of doing what they want with it, could they not look at possibly adding a control/camera mechanic to zoom out to such a point to make it look aesthetically like FO.

A 2d isometric perspective probably does not mesh with modern graphics engines, but I'm sure it is possible for them to control the view point at which you play the game.?

does that make sense...I am trying to think of a game that utilizes something similar, even a chase cam like assassin's creed?

the guidelines are already in place for the turn based combat used in FO, Why not add an option at the start of the game? you kids wanna play shoot em up, or do you want to try and strategize what you do? quests are going to be a different story, I am understanding that there are many MUST do aspects.

It just seems too simple to not have something like a camera toggle to go to overhead view.

Now, wouldn't that be really innovative? take something old, and combine with new technology.

apologies if I am going over something that has been said, I was not aware. still awake tho :crazy:
this trailer is graphically impressive. with bethesdas approach to release a more action-oriented game than the original fallouts, i guess the speed of zooming out is 'normal'. i loved the fallout 1 trailer, there doesnt happen much for the eye, but you search the field of view and try to find things... but there are none. and that is just the point. very elegant solution.

so i am not going to join the rant-bus here. it is the trailer i would expect for this game. a bit overwhelming for old farts whose attention span is not limited by the '30-second-rule' of advertisements, but thats just me, i can cope with that :crazy:

there is nothing wrong with using an 'old' engine. the oblivion engine is able to generate enough eye-candy, i think. still, i dont care much for eye-candy (remember when we used to tone down textures in games like quake 3 just to give you an edge over your online combatants?). i have played both farcry and crysis, and if there were not the improvements with your suit in crysis, i wouldve liked farcry more. it will be interesting to see how this improved oblivion engine runs on 'normal' rigs. i always admired the creators of the source-engine for that - you can play hl2 on nearly every machine, and play it in good quality (in my case, with an onboard-graphics card). i still would LOVE to see a game which excels on both fields, that being story/gameplaywise AND delivering eye candy. giev system shock 3!

Per said:
rcorporon said:
Calling FO3 garbage now is like saying you don't like the food at a restaurant that isn't even built yet. How can you know?

Or it's as if you like Bob's Pizza and Bob dies of a heart attack from eating too much bad pizza and Ben takes over and promises you'll get pizza just the same as before and then demolishes the place and puts up a Tex-Mex restaurant and you hate Tex-Mex because your uncle and great-grandfather were killed by border vigilantes but all Ben is saying with big Tex-Mex construction machines in the background is not to worry about your pizza cravings. JUST SAYING

exactly what i was thinking!

here, take this, it is dangerous to go alone:

Bodybag said:
The overiding lasting impression: "Holy shit, is that entirely in-engine? Better than I thought!" (PS: it has a "PC game" look about it o_O)

I'm going to have to go "beware" at this point.

Bethesda has done a really bad job optimising the Gamebryo engine. This was already noticeable in Oblivion which - for comparison's sake - won't run on a computer that can handle BioShock fairly well, even though BioShock is newer and graphically more impressive.

That said, Bethesda also has to put this politely...a tendency to edit their pre-release footage a bit, so that it looks better than the game does. That's why the emphasis on this trailer and the last should be on "in-engine" as opposed to "in-game". There's really no guarantee that the game'll look like that. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee it won't.

It's just the way it is. I think their games are still fairly pretty, but just as they never come through on all their promises regarding gameplay, they also fail to deliver what they show graphically.
That's true. I remember when they started posting a small video per day, every day during the last week before Oblivion's release and there was this amazing video of a sort of travelling shot from the hills of Cyrodil down to the imperial city? It looked really beautiful. When I first got out of the sewers for the first time I just thought "Wait a minute...Are they 4 rl ?! What the fuck is that ?!" It didn't look at all like in the previous video despite me running Oblivion with full details...There was this gigantic, low resolution texture in front of me across the lake... :? Then I also discovered the horrible clipping. Gave me enough time to cancel my pre-order for a collector's edition which was supposedly shipping 24 hours later.
From the bottom of my heart; what a totally worthless teaser.

At this point in time I would expect more information from a teaser/trailer/movie.

It was like looking at a boring screenshot - I am very disappointed.

Hope it gets better next time we get some info ...
Having no environmental shadows, the engine looks quite outdated and unimpressive. Strange for a game that targets "graphics whores" as part of its intended audience. But since I don't belong to that audience, I think the graphics are fine :)
- No shadows
- Too cluttered
- Too fast-paced
- Too unimaginative
- Too badly drawn
- Too half-assed

The skeleton looks scorched, but sits on a brand new couch. The cards look dull and boring compared to other '50s art (e.g. in Fallout).

It's okay for a fan project, but it's too damn unprofessional and unrefined for a triple-A title from a major publisher. Especially compared with the three-pixel-chairs-era Fallout 1 intro.

Using the in-game engine is no excuse. Using the in-game engine for a clip like that isn't a good idea to start with -- it's just being lazy and wanting to be a real film-maker (games are not movies, retards!).
Somebody allready mentioned this but if that tv is reference to f1, its symbolic and i dont mind it beeing so clean and working. I do think that the couch looks too clean though. Surroundings look good and i like color palette, i was afraid of everlasting green smoke after those first screenshots.
But overall that teaser doesnt give anything new because Im more intrigued in how everything looks in motion(mainly movement oc npcs and critters in general), some voice acting, how the music fits with the game, and combat... i hope those will be covered in that upcoming trailer.