New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

First pic ships with Fallout as a loading screen:

This pic is from the images here at NMA:

Any complaints with adding the second one as a loading screen?
Just having some fun here,

using a very old GURPS Fallout logo screen and an obvious throwback to the By Gamers For Gamers logo on the original Interplay Fallout site:


By the way, does someone know the autor? Would be fancy to get the mountain walls as 3d models with textures and such, so it might be possible to make new scenery out of it. :>
This may be even better (for loading screens). I would, however, ask the author for permission before touching anything. That's your guy as well, Lexx.

Someone posted on forum this almost forgotten poster for fallout, it could be quite good loading screen after some inpainting, don't you think?
It's in the spoilter tag because it's too big.
Agreed, although I don't have the skills necessary to paint out text like that...
Bah ! I'm on a bus going home for the holidays and just a few hours ago I was holding my Wacom tablet in my hands and decided that I'm not taking it with me :x
Sduibek said:
Looks like these are all for Fallout 3/NV, but they are very nice so i'm putting them here :mrgreen:

These 5 are all great. They would make nice loading screens.
Sduibek said:
Looks like these are all for Fallout 3/NV
I'm familair with three of them. They only slapped logo over there (rip with small amount of flip).

Richwizard said:
They would make nice loading screens.

1) generic post-apoc image you can google,

2) generic post-apoc image you can google(?),

3) Ghoul is copy&pasta'ed. I've got more stuff from original author of it. All are set in Russia and they're STALKER influenced,

4) Sexy babe with modern bike. Very Fallout-y indeed,

5) Big tits from one game (I forgot the name). Very Fallout-y too.


I only like this one so far. But again, original image is at 533x400 (+ it's a JPEG and that means even worse quality), and scaling it to 640x480 will end with some blurry shit. Personally I see no reason for adding new loading screens, existing ones are doing their job well.
First one looks like from Hellgate: London.

I don't think any of them is very Fallouty looking or impressive in whatever kind of way. Especially, because they clash hard with the existing loading screens.
A lot of very nice graphics here. But many of them don't fit the Fallout 1/2 feel (being too modern, having too good image quality etc.).

I'll comment a very small selection:

Sduibek said:
Some nice pictures were posted here. But most of them look too real and photo quality is too fresh :) Making them look more like CGI or like a old photo would help.

Sduibek said:
Great! But the Jet one doesn't make sense as a poster in the game. Sure it can be explained one way or another, but it would still bother players. Changing it to the After Burner Gum would solve the problem. Plus some burn marks or other damage to make them look older :)

Mushroom-clouds - good idea. Quite a lot of nice images on the net like this or this. but what you really need is some shots from the iconic nuclear testing videos:

And an image of a oldschool A-Bomb:

Some other pictures from nuclear tests:
Bableves said:
A gift for the fellow Fallout enthousiasts :)

Awesome, thanks!! Very nice.

Continuum said:
(rip with small amount of flip).
Oh hey wait, is that what those terms are for?
I'd always wonderered what "Ripper and Flipper" meant in Pixote's sig...
Yes, pixote is a ripper and flipper too. But in almost all cases, he can hide it very well. :>
What do you think about my (not blurry) 640x480 version?


- logo is ripped (and flipped) from GOG wallpaper (a post nuclear roleplaying game is gone),
- comic front page is ripped (and flipped) from 1600x1200 wallpaper,
- background is ripped from SPLASH1.RIX,
- "worn" like surface is done too (some automation and hand paints).

Of coz, I need to clean-up logo (where both heads are). Also, what should be written there? Original stuff, or LOADING!!!? Where I can get this kind of font?

Perhaps I should delete that Interplay logo :twisted:

And how about comic No.3 looking like this?


That Fallout logo in bottom corner will be gone.